Be Careful What You Wish For.
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- Dec 23, 2006
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Okay, folks. Time for a reality check. I know it's a tough swallow, but I'm going to point out some cold, hard facts about US Airways:
Your airline is an EMBARRASSMENTOkay, that being said... Why the hell are you working for US Airways and still flying them? You US're all being played like a before you bash me and tell me how you're thinking about the company's future by looking on the bright side, etc....remember, you have no future...and mark my words on that. Anyone who stakes their good name on a piss-poor carrier who treats people (customers and employees alike) like this has no regard for their credibility and will have a difficult time getting past this when the carrier finally folds (and it will).
- The CEO openly admits he intends to unload the airline
- US Airways is hanging on solely because of O/D traffic at their hubs...and that is fleeting. Customers are increasingly unwilling to sacrifice their dignity to fly direct.. much to the chagrin of the Tempe folks.
- Customer Service is the poorest I've ever experienced as a customer (Someone please tell me another airline that's worse) and I know plenty of you customers agree with me
- Why not? If I worked for such an awful employer, I'd be pissed off too and I'd treat a customer like a dog as well.
- The airline is shrinking, not growing...replacing mainline with RJ's is called SHRINKAGE.
- Employees are stealing bags and allegedly committing payroll fraud for God's sake.
- CEO has called your PHL hub (the employees) "an embarrassment"
- The service to China...US will be long gone by the time that service will even potentially start
- The hubs in CLT and PHL are irrelevant on a national scale
- The hubs in PHX and LAS will easily be taken over by Southwest
- There is not ONE REASON to fly US Airways over another carrier...even when comparing a US direct flight versus a connection on another carrier
- It's not going to get better.
- Those Airbuses...aren't ever going to be delivered...
- The potential "buyer" will be shutting US down...not keeping the dead dog's about capacity reduction, as Doug Parker has said to you guys NUMEROUS times. One of the few things Doug hasn't lied about...break it up and sell the pieces.
- The Airline constantly tells everyone (employees and customers) that everything above is not true, even though it really is.
It's not about East versus West...US Airways is ONE AIRLINE....formed from two....joined together at the back facing opposite directions desperately trying to tear each other apart. The management are just trying to buy themselves enough time to unload the carrier (and you guys with it) with all of their cheerleading. They have no intention of growing anything. They have no long-term strategy and no intention of making it work.
If you really cared about US Airways, truly cared, you'd not stand for what the management was trying to do to the workplace that you America West and US Airways people worked at for so many years. You'd be doing everything in your power to put a stop to their ridiculous plans to market the carrier for a buyout. You, east and west together, need to demand better: BETTER COMPUTER SYSTEM, BETTER INFLIGHT PRODUCT, BETTER FRONT LINE EMPLOYEES, ETC. Instead, you're rallying behind these clowns who are ultimately going to lead you all to your demise. It's truly sad how you've all been manipulated. There is no plan coming out of the current management team that is going to lead to anything but implosion. If this isn't abundantly clear by now...I don't know what is. You need to take a stand and do it fast.
The synergies between America West and US Airways could be realized and you could be one great carrier if you had competent management who would be willing to fully exploit them and provide a competitive product, not use them as a way of marketing the carrier to potential buyers.
The point of my post is informative...and to say, be ready, folks. Be ready for the end if you do nothing.
As for me...I'm flying US less and less, but I'm still there when I can be. I just can't count on anything anymore. I do like a lot of you guys on the front-line and I enjoy those friendly faces, even though the seats are falling apart, there's no food in first in a party cup, etc. I still remember when things were good and I'm praying for a miracle. You guys are beaten down and don't need to hear this from me to know the airline is a disaster.
Ultimately, you guys, THE EMPLOYEES are going to have to put a stop to this before it brings us all down The airline has made it abundantly clear that they do not care what customers think. Customer relations no longer answers the phone. We just file DOT complaints now. From what I read, they care even less about what you guys think....but you are the guys who put the planes in the air. We're held hostage in many cases by the route structure. The customers are your PAYMASTERS folks...WE pay the bills...NOT Doug Parker. And you need to realize that the product you are providing at your management's dictation is not acceptable.
Please, guys, do something.
DM Preferred Gold
Should this not be best addressed to management. People who work here are trying to do the best they can w/ what they have. To lay managements defecincies? at the feet of the employees and to chastize them for wanting to improve things is misguided. Should we go on strike to register our displeasur as some euro companys do? After two BKs the threat of not being around anymore has lost it's punch. I would if I were a costumer vote with my money. That would be the most sure fire way of getting managements attention. To berate and belittle the people who have suffered the most from this company's past and present mistakes is mean spirited and I say again, misguided.