Dog Wonder
Did you make up the "Libtard Playbook." Post a copy.southwind said:Libtard Playbook, section 9, page 87, " When totally at a loss, make sh!t up!"
Did you make up the "Libtard Playbook." Post a copy.southwind said:Libtard Playbook, section 9, page 87, " When totally at a loss, make sh!t up!"
southwind said:It's all good. Once a Republican is in the WH, in 2016, were gonna pull another page out of the Libtard playbook and blame everything on BaRack, for the next 8 years.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
REPUBLICAN ? / White House ? / 2016 ?
Y O U..........D O N T.............H A V E.............A...........C A N D I D A T E...........T H A T...........C A N.........W I N.......I N ........16' ! !
Yet he can't find any money to run. Last I checked Obama had not announced plans for a third term. Have you heard otherwise.SparrowHawk said:Rand Paul absolutely CAN kick Hillary's assets all over the place.
Ron Paul in '12 polled very well against Fuhrer Obama in head to head polling. Kid does equally as well.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:American Sniper.
GREAT Film success !
Nominated for " 6 " Academy Awards, and hauled in " 1 " statue for.................." Best SOUND EDITING " !!
Hollywood LOVES Clint Eastwood,.........but they can recognize a ' STINKEROOO ' a mile away !
777 fixer said:
Speaking of sports people how many sports teams were invited to the White House under GWB? And how many families of those KIA in Iraq were invited there?
Your argument holds no water.
Altogether, according to the White House, Bush has met with 1,149 relatives of 336 dead service members. These sessions generate little attention because the White House bars journalists, but some relatives have described them.
Since the White House bars journalists, what would the source be?delldude said:
These sessions generate little attention because the White House bars journalists
Can you say the same for the stooge you elected?
Dog Wonder said:Since the White House bars journalists, what would the source be?
Dog Wonder said:Since the White House bars journalists, what would the source be?
Obama/Hillary = more Bankster funded, crony capitalist abuse of power. Obama, either Bush, Hillary and the rest of the Republican field you have the same bunch of thugs.Ms Tree said:Yet he can't find any money to run. Last I checked Obama had not announced plans for a third term. Have you heard otherwise.