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American Sniper

Ms Tree said:
What exactly did he say that was disrespectful to Kyle?
Do you have Bears on ignore, or just don't read?....

NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Chris Kyle ....My ASSS !
ONLY a MORON like YOU would.....'SWALLOW' .......the BULL SHITT about the Great Chris Kyle.

( GULP / SLURP )  !!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
" Dissin' a American hero who saved hundreds of lives "  ????????????????
W H A T.......D O N T..........Y O U.........UNDERSTAND........( YOU NINCOMPOOP ) about the whole  F'n    IRAQ thing  ???????????????
Saddam Hussain aside,.........WE INVADED A COUNTRY THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911.
So SUPERMAN Kyle killed a shiit load of guys who were fighting against an INVADER !
I guess you must have missed my class about the two most dangerous types of an AMERICAN.
2.    ............." A ......B L I N D.....PATRIOT "  !!
" SD - F - S - H "
The  ' SD '.. stands for   SOUTHERN  DUMB
and the  ' H '  stands for HEAD  !!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Your bad asss talk DOESN'T change the fact that KYLE was a 'cowboy' in a country he had NO BUSINESS in.
Clearly all respectful. Not.
It's OK . Even though Tree will say he doesn't agree with everything Barry-O says, he'll only call out others for dissin' a vet.

BTW.....when's the movie coming out starring Barry-O, peeling potatoes in the mess,on a ship thousands of miles away from "NAM"! Sure it will be an Oscar contender!

And, to quote many of yours " Anointed One", "Let me be perfectly clear", though there is no love lost between myself and the BIGOT, I would have never questioned the Bigot's service or brought it up, until I saw that he had the audacity to question a true Hero's duty, who volunteered to put his life on the line, without fear of being drafted, unlike the Bigot,simply because he didn't believe we belonged in Iraq. Last I heard, you went where they sent you!
southwind said:
It's OK . Even though Tree will say he doesn't agree with everything Barry-O says, he'll only call out others for dissin' a vet.

BTW.....when's the movie coming out starring Barry-O, peeling potatoes in the mess,on a ship thousands of miles away from "NAM"! Sure it will be an Oscar contender!

And, to quote many of yours " Anointed One", "Let me be perfectly clear", though there is no love lost between myself and the BIGOT, I would have never questioned the Bigot's service or brought it up, until I saw that he had the audacity to question a true Hero's duty, who volunteered to put his life on the line, without fear of being drafted, unlike the Bigot,simply because he didn't believe we belonged in Iraq. Last I heard, you went where they sent you!
How about watermelons?
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American Sniper.
GREAT Film success !
Nominated for  " 6 " Academy Awards, and  hauled in   " 1 "  statue for.................." Best SOUND EDITING "   !!
Hollywood LOVES Clint Eastwood,.........but they can recognize a  ' STINKEROOO ' a mile away  !
Yep, I'm sure a bunch of self-congratulatory awards from Hollywood elites is entirely representative of American values, Bears...

Just for the categories Sniper was in:

Best picture: something that nobody had ever seen except at a few indy theaters
Best actor: something about a famous Atheist who was a scientific genius
Best screenplay: something about a closeted/persecuted homosexual with Aspergers who was a mathematical genius
Film editing & sound mixing: does anyone really care about these categories anymore than they do about sound editing?...

After watching the awards given out over the past decade, you're a shoe-in for nomination if you have anything about someone in a protected class, and even better if you can mix them up (e.g. Dallas Buyers Club or Imitation Game).

If you want to look at an indication, look at the box office gross.


Notice which picture is at the top, and how far down you have to go to find a winner?

What I find interesting that three of the top 11 were all directed by Clint.
eolesen said:
Do you have Bears on ignore, or just don't read?....

Clearly all respectful. Not.

I thought we were talking about something that Obama said. If we are talking about Bear, I don't have him on ignore but I barely read anything he posts. Not worth my time.
Ms Tree said:

I thought we were talking about something that Obama said. If we are talking about Bear, I don't have him on ignore but I barely read anything he posts. Not worth my time.
We're talking about both. 1st, the Bigot dissin' Chris Kyle, simply because he didn't agree with the Iraq war, then you calling us out for dissin the Bigot, because of that and the fact the only reason he volunteered was so he could peel potatoes, on a ship thousands of miles away from the action.
And 2nd, if you read the very first post.
"To this day, no one in the White House has ever acknowledged Chris Kyle. However, the President can call some sport person and congratulate him on announcing to the world that he is gay??? What the hell is happening to our society, our honor and our pride??"
Like I said, I usually do not waste my time reading Bears posts. I find them ignorant and insulting and have said as much on numerous occasions. The only reason I called the two of you out is that while I find Bear distasteful to say the least, he did serve and the two of you did not. To question his service I think is pretty stupid on your part.

As far as Obama is concerned, is he supposed to comment on ever soldier that is killed? There are soldiers committing suicide and getting killed every day here in the US. What puts one soldier above another in your eyes?

Would it have been nice if he made a comment? I guess so. What are all the other familie supposed to think when their kids are not mentioned?

Personally I'd love to have the president say the names of every soldier killed on national TV every night. Might make people realize there is a very high price to for war.
southwind said:
And 2nd, if you read the very first post.
"To this day, no one in the White House has ever acknowledged Chris Kyle. However, the President can call some sport person and congratulate him on announcing to the world that he is gay??? What the hell is happening to our society, our honor and our pride??"
Speaking of sports people how many sports teams were invited to the White House under GWB?  And how many families of those KIA in Iraq were invited there?  
Your argument holds no water.
" To question his service I think is very..... " S T U P I D "....on your part "  !!!
(Tree...post # 98)
The ..SOUTH and STUPID  are very synonymous with each other, and both begin with..." S "  !
Dumb ASSS, ........synonymous means............A word having the same meaning as another word.
(We were taught ...'synonymous'..........." in the 2nd grade ".........up here in the Yankee Schools, while " Y'ALL " were learning...... D O G  and  C A T !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
" To question his service I think is very..... " S T U P I D "....on your part "  !!!
(Tree...post # 98)
The ..SOUTH and STUPID  are very synonymous with each other, and both begin with..." S "  !
Dumb ASSS, ........synonymous means............A word having the same meaning as another word.
(We were taught ...'synonymous'..........." in the 2nd grade ".........up here in the Yankee Schools, while " Y'ALL " were learning...... D O G  and  C A T !
where were you at the day grammar   and sentence structure was taught? Because clearly his is light years ahead of yours.
cltrat said:
where were you at the day grammar   and sentence structure was taught? Because clearly his is light years ahead of yours.
lol.  I know, just a typo but still funny given the context.  Also I think it should he "he" not "his" but that could be debateable.
Bears postings have always lacked style and content. .
Ms Tree said:
lol.  I know, just a typo but still funny given the context.  Also I think it should he "he" not "his" but that could be debateable.
Bears postings have always lacked style and content. .
lol I know right? I can beat up the English language myself but I usually don't murder it ...lol
cltrat said:
lol I know right? I can beat up the English language myself but I usually don't murder it ...lol
When I am on the PC I am pretty good.  If you see lots of errors and weird words odds are it's on my "smart" phone.  
Bear uses a Nuke on the 'American" language.  Quite sad.

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