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Once again, let me reiterate, the former IT dept. failed so now the company is forming its own internal IT dept. operating under the name Usairways. Guess the last IT dept. hired was ready to expose it wasn't their fault it was our companies! What better way to hide future IT problems.

Any old IT reps for Usairways care to tell all of us their experiences? We have every right to know because it affects our livelihoods!

Bring it on, we are all ears!

Let me clear up something....East US had EDS, an outsourced company, run their IT dept. They only had about 15 or so people that actually worked for US in IT. They were really basically ripping US Airways off.
They had a budget of over 180 million dollars. That was support for those crappy old pc's the East was running before. Some things were ridiculous! For example $20 a month maintainence on the trimline phones at each podium. You know those throw away phones you can buy for $10 a piece to replace if they went bad...
There were many more things like this that they were doing to gouge US Airways as much as they could.
So to replace them is a good thing. Now what they replaced them with....
West had a budget of approx 20 million a year. With that we have upgraded a large number of pc and equipment (not all) and was able to at least respond within a few days if equipment needed replacement.
Now we have to support 3-4 times the network. Have they given us the personel to do this? What was covered by 6-8 people, and we were stretched thin then, they expect to now be covered by 10-14 people.
The industry standard is for every 200-250 pc's there should be 1 tech. Here it is about every 600-700 pc's, sometimes as much as 800-900. This is crazy. A person can't do it. Then they act like something is wrong with you! Even if the budget for the two systems combined was cut in half 100 million would be good, but that won't happen. They want to make the techs cover as much as possible. They don't care that we are home only 2-6 days a month!
Even areas that they are home everyday, they still don't get the support they need. Even corporate headquarters. Even there it is about 1 tech for every 300-350 pc's. But if certain people need anything they are told to drop everything and help them first....no matter what, so they don't see the issue!
They just see the money saved.
As mentioned earlier in this thread and elsewhere, the QIK update page in DRS has not been updated since June 8th; there is now a new update, at last.

"We, the QIK team, have not been involved in QIK fixes for the past few months but we are getting back involved".

"Here are some answers to recent comments/QIK fixes:

Give US the same version of -SHARES- that CO has.
CO - SHARES- is basically the same as the -SHARES- that you are using.

umm, I suppose that is "basically" true if you ignore that
- CO SHARES gives users the choice of using native or their "gooey" overlay.
- CO SHARES can generate a bag tag with more than three flights.
- CO SHARES shows many flights and city pairs that US SHARES does not.
Yeh but Doug said he would fix it. You believe doug don't you?

No I don't believe Us Airways at all. But I unlike others don't put all the blame on one person. This pile was created by multiple people. All thinking alike. When you go to senior management to complain about lower managment, they tell you to lump it. Quit or go back to work. I left that sesspool for a company that actually has a clue!
Enough people to do the job and respect for coworkers! It is an amazing breath of fresh air!
US Airways’ Reservation Migration Complete
US Airways is pleased to announce that early this morning, the Reservation migration was completed and thus far, by those who have been involved in several other airline migrations, is a resounding success. Drum roll please: The new US SHARES is now up and running!
Read more in the March 4 USNews Now