TAESL closing January 31

Just FYI for you TAESL guys and gals that could possibly get relocated thru any of this. SWA will be hiring Dallas mechanics for next years plans to beef up Line and RON mechanics. We are hearing of at least 15 mechanics and more as the need is required.  I know it's not ideal to start over, but, maybe some would prefer to stay in the Dallas area rather than be forced elsewhere and have the nightmare of commuting and being away from family more just for a regular work schedule.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the opening on Southwest.com/careers...
TAESL work will now be done in Asia and the United Kingdom......sad.
which apparently says that no one is going to take over RR's overhauls for existing engines in the US while new RR engine overhauls will be 750 miles east on I-20.

At this point, the question seems to be if dawg's rumors of additional engine work in TUL comes to fruition and if it involves MRO work or just AA work.
swamt said:
Just FYI for you TAESL guys and gals that could possibly get relocated thru any of this. SWA will be hiring Dallas mechanics for next years plans to beef up Line and RON mechanics. We are hearing of at least 15 mechanics and more as the need is required.  I know it's not ideal to start over, but, maybe some would prefer to stay in the Dallas area rather than be forced elsewhere and have the nightmare of commuting and being away from family more just for a regular work schedule.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the opening on Southwest.com/careers...
Forgot to add;  there are also some talk of adding headcount to some of our shops in Dallas to support the increased workload and aircraft. Maybe 5-15 additional to the numbers listed above.  With that said, we are also hearing that these "shop" positions will not be added until we sign a new contract. Why I a have no clue, but I can only assume the co is trying to hold that to get the mechanics to sign a contract sooner.  If this is the case, then they are sadly mistaken.
Kev, thx and I will try to post any additional slots that get posted.  There are still 2 openings listed for OAK and Baltimore. Been up since 8-25-15. Not sure why so long except of course for the locations, but it is a foot in the door and you can bid to a more desired location once your in.  Here's the listings for the 2 mechanic positions for any one interested, good luck to all:-


Ron Check Mechanic

02-Technical Operations




Ron Check Mechanic

02-Technical Operations


I believe AA has already asked the local TUL government for money for improvements at TULE and I believe an improved engine shop is in that request.
dawg and others said that quite some ago... but it is unlikely they will be able to bring back existing work by the time that test cell is opened.... at best it might be just the Trent 800s. and it also might be that by that point, AA will have started to decide on the disposition of its 777 fleet and it isn't even worth bringing that work back in-house if they could.

If AA had waited to close TAESL until a decision from OK was reached, it might give them leverage if they said they would bring that work back.

There is still no assurance that Parker will bring any engine work into AA esp. since US outsources a high percentage of its own engine work.
Tell us what percentage of engine work is protected in either the TWU/AA or IAM/US CBAs.

The work from TAESL is gone. I didn't say that. a union member did.

It also validates that no other carrier including DL was willing to take on the facility in order to do work that was declining. If DL had its own large engine cell up and running in ATL, they might have thought about it.
AA has to abide by the PMAA TWU CBA, they can farmout 35% of the budget.
US doesnt and hadnt overhauled engines in years, they have power by the hour, US does have an engine shop in CLT that does work in-house, which would be tear down and build up before the core goes to the vendor for overhaul.
It's in the contract that if they shut down taesl they can up the out sourcing percentage equal to what they did there
iluvaa said:
It's in the contract that if they shut down taesl they can up the out sourcing percentage equal to what they did there
It says adjusted accordingly not equal to.
Are former TWU members allowed to work at SWA?
Oh, wait both airlines mechanics are now represented by an Association......
iluvaa said:
do you always have to sounds like a little bi**h
Yes, because... :p
Hackman said:
700DA, don't go off telling other posters how they know nothing about aircraft maintenance, because YOU don't know dick about it either pretender. I'm still waiting for my question to you about the AA 787's, but I know you can't answer it because you don't work at AA or USukAir either.
Return to your IAm handlers at Flacid Harbor and tell them you failed....again.
My Oh My, please don't hide your feelings... LOL
DallasConehead said:
every thread gets hijacked by these guys. and who knows maybe wt is a woman
Hackman said:
He ruins every thread with his IAm "do you know I was in the IAm baby momma I was on the NC" idiocy.
I never saw a "wanna be" like this tool.
No wonder the IAm sucks.
TopCat870 said:
Im hearing approx 120 openings at dwh and none at dfw. Nobody should hit the street, but the jobs available will be in undesireable locations most likely.
Unfortunately the majority of Tulsa and Title II and those who voted YES or didn't vote at all on the line helped make those locations "undesirable" by drawing compensation down so low that the desirable areas of the country became unaffordable on an airline workers wage.  You call them Undesirable because with our severely diminished compensation they are not affordable, the fact is those areas are expensive because more people want to live there. The fact is that what you consider to be desirable are really the undesirable places to live, landlocked Tornado Alley, years ago the Airlines were willing to pay the same wages they paid in the desirable areas to get people to go there. They became the majority and brought our compensation down to a level thats more suitable for a Tulsa or Texas than  NYC or LAX. At one time A&Ps made around what other skilled workers make and more than Cops and Teachers, now we make much much less. 
AFW paid the price, but I suspect Tulsa's time wont be that far behind, difference is IMO it will suffer a thousand cuts until it gets small enough. 
I have to wonder did this closure have just as much to do the inability of the company to get workers in some areas of the country as with the decline in work at AFW ? Lets face it, OH can be done anywhere, does it make sense to use up what low wages and crappy benefits have made a scarce commodity-A&P labor doing OH?  Does it make business sense to be using a scarce commodity doing OH when they cant fill vacancies where they actually generate money? 
200 line station openings, and 150 or so to DWH, there are only 350 mechanics at AFW. So there are jobs for these guys if they want them. Here in NY they have been hiring non-stop, and will likely continue to do so. The thing is, despite the fact that the area around JFK and LGA is the most densely populated area in the country , a population of around 23 million people, none of the new hires are from NY, and more than likely none of them are going to stay either. That means NY will basically be a training facility, the average experience level of the station will plummet over time, it already has, much like PHL with US. In order to fill the vacancies in NY they had to draw from a population of around 300 million people to fill around 100 vacancies between NY-ORD and LAX. Thats excellent news for us, because if you do the math, at that rate, not factoring in variables, they would need a pool of roughly 12 billion to replace all the line mechanics if we were to walk off the job on strike, there are only around 7 billion people in the world. 
So the closing of AFW gives them a 350 A&P mechanic boost, but how long will that last? People are still leaving as fast as they can get people in the door (most of them are coming from AA subsidiary Envoy) and the pool is drying up faster for AA than for carriers that pay better. Tulsa is the next largest reserve of A&P labor still doing OH. I expect that AA will use outsourcing to draw down the work in Tulsa to drive A&Ps out to the line until either they don't have anymore A&Ps in Tulsa or the wage increases to the point that they can attract and retain A&Ps out on the line. In theory that pool could carry them IMO around 3 years at best.
People keep jumping up and down about how the JCBA will create a surplus of mechanics, I don't see it, it didn't happen when DELTA and NWA merged, not when CAL and UAL merged( I know they don't have a JCBA yet) and it didn't happen when SWA merged with Air Tran. IIRC all these mergers resulted in layoffs of workers in other departments but not A&Ps.  
Once again, thanks to Tulsa, most of Title II and those on the line that either Voted YES or didn't vote at all, AA already has the language to outsource work , if they can find a place, anywhere in the world, and layoff mechanics. The fact is that AA is having trouble keeping enough staff on payroll to keep their operations going. OT is rampant on the line. 