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Meeting held Monday morning:
300-400 RIFd by years end into beginning of 2014 and more each additional year for six years.
BigMac said:
Competing airlines (SWA) and the Dallas newspaper seem to be more informed than us AA employed. :/
And, this surprises you because...???  AA management are all in training to be mushroom farmers.  You know the old joke...keep 'em (us and the mushrooms) in the dark and feed 'em sh*t.   :lol:
jimntx said:
And, this surprises you because...???  AA management are all in training to be mushroom farmers.  You know the old joke...keep 'em (us and the mushrooms) in the dark and feed 'em sh*t.   :lol:
No surprise here..just the facts
And yes, I concur on being fed sh!t by Mgnt & the TWU.
BigMac said:
Meeting held Monday morning:
300-400 RIFd by years end into beginning of 2014 and more each additional year for six years.
When AA does the RIF, do the SRP's get laidoff first and do they go to a line stations as a line mech?
Some of us have been told before the end of this year (2013) they will start, and continue into Jan of 2014 with a total of 3-400 being layed-off. All rumors until announced by company and union together.


Some of us have been told before the end of this year (2013) they will start, and continue into Jan of 2014 with a total of 3-400 being layed-off. All rumors until announced by company and union together.[/quot

Don't you work at SWA?

Meeting held Monday morning:
300-400 RIFd by years end into beginning of 2014 and more each additional year for six years.
And there you have it. Like I said all rumors until announced. Now it's been announced. What is really sad is some of you heard it first from an employee of another airline first. So now it's larger than the original 400 we were told, for the next 6 years, wow... Sorry to hear that Tulsa.
Duke787 said:
When AA does the RIF, do the SRP's get laidoff first and do they go to a line stations as a line mech?
No. Cleaners then OSMs. As far as going to the line ..since it doesn't take a license to work on an aircraft (just an A&P to sign the logbook) who knows about the line. I seriously doubt it. If RIFd all one has to do is receive their free continued education by attending a junior college for 18 months to get their "golden ticket". The membership meeting was Monday morning October 28th. The exact wording was 'a surplus of employees for the next six years". Call or visit Danker.
700UW said:
Your A&P is your license.
the question was will SRPs go to the line. Some OSMs are A&Ps..some are unlicensed. A license is not required to work on an aircraft (line or OH). One is required to sign the logbook.
You do need an lic to work line Maintenence at AA until the TWU changes it for the good of the Co. Lol. And I was at the noon meeting and that is a true statement President danker said he was at a man power meeting and was shown that there will be a surplus of 300 to 400 starting in Dec and continuing every year for the next 6 years. Anyone that doesn't believe that feel free to call or email Dale Danker and TWU local 514
iluvaa, thank you. That's what I was getting at. Typing on this phone since the website has been updated is a pain in the a$$.

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