TAESL closing January 31

Not all of Tulsa voted against you Bob, but enough did and I am quite sure that even some of the TWU Loyalist that live in the high cost areas that voted to cut their own throats were counted among those in Tulsa that had the freedom to ride on the lower economy. What happen to your COLA based drive when you had ( or have ) some control over the TWU? I would have voted with you on that kind of contract with Tulsa being the Zero Index marker. It would be nice to know the the Line remembered that not all of Tulsa had TWU 514's and the International's back.
The IGM, of  TUL are going to feel the pain of the contracts they voted in and voted down.
good luck commuting 
I have no pity after listening to, "If you don't like it move to Tulsa"
I find the current situation ironic. When GP was president of Local 567 wasn't he working with the company to find ways to keep AFW open?
I posted this on the other thread and got zero response I think it's pretty close to reality but let's see. Oh by the way Bob you are always spot on with your take on things thanks for coming back.

Boy all of you are truly oblivious to the fact that the playbook is evolving. Just think about it the company has now laid off just prior to negotiations thus gaining some yes voters by promising to save their jobs maybe even promising keep them closer to home. So how does this play out you ask well they continue this play with TUL PHX CLT you pick then this is where the TWU trains the IAM how to save dues payers (jobs) and give up money and benefits. And we get screwed as always. I really feel sorry for the new guys and those of you that thought we were going to not be screwed by the TWU again but I would love for them to prove me wrong.
Steve Goeyvaerts
A/C Maintenance SFO
MetalMover said:
UNDESIRABLE? So, unless you're in TEXAS, everywhere else is UNDESIRABLE?
Where does it say that? It says the jobs available will most likely be in undesireable locations. Key word "available". It doesnt say every other city is undesireable. Slow down when you read.
Those "openings" at DWH did not exist a week ago. They are temporary at best. Heck, I don't think we even have that many extra parking spaces. Good luck to all my taesl friends. Just a heads up, there will only be 20-25 dayshift sat/ sun slots available.
Bob had it completely right, Chicago is a nice place as well as NY SFO LA MIA, if you make a good amount of money. When the AFW And the Tulsa guys are in those city's you'll see how nice they are. Tulsa isn't a major tourist destination for a reason. That's why Tulsa isn't a hub city. We sacrificed too much to protect weekends with holidays off, not to mention an out dated business model. Sorry but facts suck.

The TWU shouldn't be blamed for the layoff, unions can't control that kind of major business decision no matter how much they give up in contract language. This is a the reason I believe you don't trade jobs for pay.
Goey said:
I posted this on the other thread and got zero response I think it's pretty close to reality but let's see. Oh by the way Bob you are always spot on with your take on things thanks for coming back.

Boy all of you are truly oblivious to the fact that the playbook is evolving. Just think about it the company has now laid off just prior to negotiations thus gaining some yes voters by promising to save their jobs maybe even promising keep them closer to home. So how does this play out you ask well they continue this play with TUL PHX CLT you pick then this is where the TWU trains the IAM how to save dues payers (jobs) and give up money and benefits. And we get screwed as always. I really feel sorry for the new guys and those of you that thought we were going to not be screwed by the TWU again but I would love for them to prove me wrong.
Steve Goeyvaerts
A/C Maintenance SFO
its an old play boom that works all the time.
TopCat870 said:
Im hearing approx 120 openings at dwh and none at dfw. Nobody should hit the street, but the jobs available will be in undesireable locations most likely.
TopCat870 said:
Where does it say that? It says the jobs available will most likely be in undesireable locations. Key word "available". It doesnt say every other city is undesireable. Slow down when you read.
So what does UNDESIRABLE LOCATIONS mean to you?
The AFW and TAESL closure has been a want of AA since the 2003 concessions talk. TAESL was on life support from RR and they decided to exit the deal. You're right it that the TWU didn't close it but the jobs should be protected. I am not sure if the TWU discussed with the company options to mitigate the layoffs because it seems the TWU and the company aren't talking about anything. Work is being taken out of DFW not put in so protetcing the AFW people to DFW as well doesn't seem like its on the table. Maybe GP can extend the olive branch to Wroble and help the guys out to keep them in DFW. I hear the baby 'bus is going to phase C checks in the line. Maybe GP could propose doing those in DFW with the TAESL guys.
AA closed AFW and TAESL not to mention MCI DTW MSP CLE etc etc.......
Because they decided to. AA does what's necessary for AA, the CEO is in charge not GP.
It's a surprise to me that AA didn't just close tul or spin off OH during BK, but then again that was a different company then what we work for now. The new executive team wants out of MRO now we are moving more into that direction along with similar mechanic staffing levels as other airlines.

As far as dfw goes, a station is only as successful as we make it. ORD is no longer the station it once was, and would be surprised if it doesn't shrink even more. DFW isn't getting the work done, if you were a CEO would you give them more work not to get done, Miami is getting all the work and AA seems happy with the results. Take a look at all the wide body's and all the mechanics working inside the hangar when you taxi by the Miami hgr. I get the impression wether it's bad management or unhappy mechs,DFW is not getting it done. but on the flip side, DWH is getting the work and getting it done, I've heard that dwh is taking a lot of work from DFW. Just a rumor I heard a while ago but DFW might be turned into a giant class ii
bigjets said:
AA closed AFW and TAESL not to mention MCI DTW MSP CLE etc etc.......
Because they decided to. AA does what's necessary for AA, the CEO is in charge not GP.
It's a surprise to me that AA didn't just close tul or spin off OH during BK, but then again that was a different company then what we work for now. The new executive team wants out of MRO now we are moving more into that direction along with similar mechanic staffing levels as other airlines.

As far as dfw goes, a station is only as successful as we make it. ORD is no longer the station it once was, and would be surprised if it doesn't shrink even more. DFW isn't getting the work done, if you were a CEO would you give them more work not to get done, Miami is getting all the work and AA seems happy with the results. Take a look at all the wide body's and all the mechanics working inside the hangar when you taxi by the Miami hgr. I get the impression wether it's bad management or unhappy mechs,DFW is not getting it done. but on the flip side, DWH is getting the work and getting it done, I've heard that dwh is taking a lot of work from DFW. Just a rumor I heard a while ago but DFW might be turned into a giant class ii
there is a little more to it. i know its the same old story but dfw is being managed into the dirt  by local management. take the 787 for example our little manager wants to bring it to hgr 2 from hgr 4 unfortunately in hgr 2 we cant get the plane to take "clean" power so we run the apu for days at at time or use kva's. the computer kiosk for maintenance is in hgr 4 unavailable in hgr 2. our illustrious leaders have only ONE 787 tow bar at the hangar maintenance complex. so it is shared between hgr 2 and 4.on top of that we have gotten NO NEW PROMISED EQUIPMENT. facilities and stores have fleets of new trucks we have not gotten any. the place is set up to fail. every meeting we bring this up and all they say is "we want to pay you there's a **** load money on the table" what i would iike to know is where is the table and does that table have chairs so in case any one finds that table they can relax after that long search for the the elusive table.....
oh, the promise of new equipment at dfw........lol!!!! what a joke. they've been telling that lie since 2008, or longer!!!! same old broken down junk vehicles, no new work stands, but i did see some new ladders on the line the other day!!!!!! our computers and tablets????? what a joke...............and last week the geniuses running the place decide we will no longer use oil from 1qt cans! that is ok..........but they didn't get us anything to use to service engine oil?!?!?!?!?!? i don't know who is making the decisions, but i just wish they would try to think, just a little, before they act.
99Roadstar said:
oh, the promise of new equipment at dfw........lol!!!! what a joke. they've been telling that lie since 2008, or longer!!!! same old broken down junk vehicles, no new work stands, but i did see some new ladders on the line the other day!!!!!! our computers and tablets????? what a joke...............and last week the geniuses running the place decide we will no longer use oil from 1qt cans! that is ok..........but they didn't get us anything to use to service engine oil?!?!?!?!?!? i don't know who is making the decisions, but i just wish they would try to think, just a little, before they act.
im just glad dirt dobbler season is over, geez what a relief it was to dodge them critters....