TAESL closing January 31

MetalMover said:
So what does UNDESIRABLE LOCATIONS mean to you?
I take that statement as, any location that has a cost of living, that won't let you continue your current lifestyle.
Slopoke said:
I take that statement as, any location that has a cost of living, that won't let you continue your current lifestyle.
Well then, I would say that living in an UNdesireable part of the country will become a reality for those that despise those types of places. 
bigjets said:
AA closed AFW and TAESL not to mention MCI DTW MSP CLE etc etc.......
Because they decided to. AA does what's necessary for AA, the CEO is in charge not GP.
It's a surprise to me that AA didn't just close tul or spin off OH during BK, but then again that was a different company then what we work for now. The new executive team wants out of MRO now we are moving more into that direction along with similar mechanic staffing levels as other airlines.

As far as dfw goes, a station is only as successful as we make it. ORD is no longer the station it once was, and would be surprised if it doesn't shrink even more. DFW isn't getting the work done, if you were a CEO would you give them more work not to get done, Miami is getting all the work and AA seems happy with the results. Take a look at all the wide body's and all the mechanics working inside the hangar when you taxi by the Miami hgr. I get the impression wether it's bad management or unhappy mechs,DFW is not getting it done. but on the flip side, DWH is getting the work and getting it done, I've heard that dwh is taking a lot of work from DFW. Just a rumor I heard a while ago but DFW might be turned into a giant class ii
Your head is filled with all kinds incorrect thoughts.  DFW does what it gets assigned, ever heard of MAPS?  Not only that, DFW moves more flights out of one terminal then all of ORD combined and there's 3 terminals.  The hangars get done what they can with what they have. Parts al most always somewhere else. Yea, management is jacked up, but the guys do the work and they do it by the book. Taking shortcuts and not following procedures are long gone, the company set it up like this and this is how it is, IAW.  Heavier work gets routed to DWH, so what, there's plenty.  Besides, mgt is gonna do what they do, it doesn't matter what you do, protect the passengers, protect your certification.
Slopoke said:
I take that statement as, any location that has a cost of living, that won't let you continue your current lifestyle.
Could it also mean that undesirable locations could be any location away from the mechanics home city and he has to commute?  I believe I was the first to state the term undesirable location when I posted SWA was hiring in OAK and Baltimore.  My meaning when I posted them as undesirable locations, was that they were more than likely away from someones home town.  But, with that said these two areas are in fact very high cost of living areas as well.  Maybe that it why the postings on southwest.com have been there since 8-25-15. Commuting sucks, and so does the higher cost of living areas, as far as paying the higher cost, because I would take OAK weather any day...
99Roadstar said:
oh, the promise of new equipment at dfw........lol!!!! what a joke. they've been telling that lie since 2008, or longer!!!! same old broken down junk vehicles, no new work stands, but i did see some new ladders on the line the other day!!!!!! our computers and tablets????? what a joke...............and last week the geniuses running the place decide we will no longer use oil from 1qt cans! that is ok..........but they didn't get us anything to use to service engine oil?!?!?!?!?!? i don't know who is making the decisions, but i just wish they would try to think, just a little, before they act.
You cant make this stuff up, its as if they are trying to make the place fail. You have overhaul management trying to run the biggest line station, its a total joke! But not to worry, they always have the AMTs to blame for their crappy performance and poor decisions.
DallasConehead said:
Your head is filled with all kinds incorrect thoughts.  DFW does what it gets assigned, ever heard of MAPS?  Not only that, DFW moves more flights out of one terminal then all of ORD combined and there's 3 terminals.  The hangars get done what they can with what they have. Parts al most always somewhere else. Yea, management is jacked up, but the guys do the work and they do it by the book. Taking shortcuts and not following procedures are long gone, the company set it up like this and this is how it is, IAW.  Heavier work gets routed to DWH, so what, there's plenty.  Besides, mgt is gonna do what they do, it doesn't matter what you do, protect the passengers, protect your certification.

I was never concerned too much with IAW, because I have been working by the book since I've been here. Any time a supv questioned what I'm doing, I talk to him like he's another mechanic and show him my paperwork, the response has always been ok keep me informed of any problems. I would say ok and get back to work. IAW to me, just means I HAVE to put in the reference I used. Not once in my 25 years have I ever been in training where an instructor says, do it anyway you want. In any class or crew meeting the common subject was and is, follow the paperwork.

If I guy all of a sudden can't do anything because of IAW, that tells me he has never done his job correctly in the past.
TopCat870 said:
You cant make this stuff up, its as if they are trying to make the place fail. You have overhaul management trying to run the biggest line station, its a total joke! But not to worry, they always have the AMTs to blame for their crappy performance and poor decisions.

I think it's always easier to say "labor problems" as appose to "I don't have what it takes to manage this station."
Those who wish to pursue an AA management career are cut out of the same bolt of cloth as those who wish to obtain  a union
Do I hear an amen, brother?