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Reserve FA's US E/W & UA

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Toothy Grin

Mar 31, 2008
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I'm shooting from the hip here...do not shoot the messenger! 😀

Since seniority is EVERYTHING this is perhaps a time to develop a seniority system within the reserve world. For example, presently, if you are the most senior reserve in US you basically get nothing except for "i'm just one away from holding a line" titleage, neat.

Is there a way to give the top 2% a schedule that is still reserve, but allows for greater flexibility within the reserve system? Hmmm. Actually, I think the bottom 1-2% s/b straight reserve under a hugely improved reserve section with even greater flexibility provided to those with higher seniority.

For example, perhaps, the most senior reserves could be allowed schedules that allow them to fly 120hrs per month or as little as 40, with the most junior guarantee being 75.

Perhaps something with a group of reserves who only fill in for international trips or domestic, as bid per month. The thing to remember is the working environment will be hugely different than it is now, so the greater amount of forethought put into the present contract, the better.

I'd also recommend putting in a no "outsourcing" provision, but allow for the reverse should it become necessary - smart pilots would put this in their contract as well, and not at the same pay!

I don't know UA's contract at all, but wanted any of their fa's to read along just in case this merger idea does go thru. Even if it doesn't I still think it might spur some other creative ideas. Since the contract negotiations are proceeding at a snails pace let's use this time to our advantage. I do believe the current negotion style is thinking "inside the box" and are largely negotiating for immediate gratification type of contractual fixes - irrelevant in the days ahead.

What are some of your thoughts?
I'm shooting from the hip here...do not shoot the messenger! 😀

Since seniority is EVERYTHING this is perhaps a time to develop a seniority system within the reserve world. For example, presently, if you are the most senior reserve in US you basically get nothing except for "i'm just one away from holding a line" titleage, neat.

Is there a way to give the top 2% a schedule that is still reserve, but allows for greater flexibility within the reserve system? Hmmm. Actually, I think the bottom 1-2% s/b straight reserve under a hugely improved reserve section with even greater flexibility provided to those with higher seniority.

For example, perhaps, the most senior reserves could be allowed schedules that allow them to fly 120hrs per month or as little as 40, with the most junior guarantee being 75.

Perhaps something with a group of reserves who only fill in for international trips or domestic, as bid per month. The thing to remember is the working environment will be hugely different than it is now, so the greater amount of forethought put into the present contract, the better.

I'd also recommend putting in a no "outsourcing" provision, but allow for the reverse should it become necessary - smart pilots would put this in their contract as well, and not at the same pay!

I don't know UA's contract at all, but wanted any of their fa's to read along just in case this merger idea does go thru. Even if it doesn't I still think it might spur some other creative ideas. Since the contract negotiations are proceeding at a snails pace let's use this time to our advantage. I do believe the current negotion style is thinking "inside the box" and are largely negotiating for immediate gratification type of contractual fixes - irrelevant in the days ahead.

What are some of your thoughts?

UA does a rotating reserve after 5 years based on percentage of reserves available I think.
I'm shooting from the hip here...do not shoot the messenger! 😀

Since seniority is EVERYTHING this is perhaps a time to develop a seniority system within the reserve world. For example, presently, if you are the most senior reserve in US you basically get nothing except for "i'm just one away from holding a line" titleage, neat.

Is there a way to give the top 2% a schedule that is still reserve, but allows for greater flexibility within the reserve system? Hmmm. Actually, I think the bottom 1-2% s/b straight reserve under a hugely improved reserve section with even greater flexibility provided to those with higher seniority.

For example, perhaps, the most senior reserves could be allowed schedules that allow them to fly 120hrs per month or as little as 40, with the most junior guarantee being 75.

Perhaps something with a group of reserves who only fill in for international trips or domestic, as bid per month. The thing to remember is the working environment will be hugely different than it is now, so the greater amount of forethought put into the present contract, the better.

I'd also recommend putting in a no "outsourcing" provision, but allow for the reverse should it become necessary - smart pilots would put this in their contract as well, and not at the same pay!

I don't know UA's contract at all, but wanted any of their fa's to read along just in case this merger idea does go thru. Even if it doesn't I still think it might spur some other creative ideas. Since the contract negotiations are proceeding at a snails pace let's use this time to our advantage. I do believe the current negotion style is thinking "inside the box" and are largely negotiating for immediate gratification type of contractual fixes - irrelevant in the days ahead.

What are some of your thoughts?

Why don't you check out UA's AFA site and look at their contract. In fact, you might try reading ours.

And better yet, why don't you check out the latest E-Line concerning the negotiations and where we stand?

Since we don't negotiate on this forum...why don't you field your ideas to your JNC??
I like some of your ideas. You really should email the JNC, but if you are a reserve they won't listen to you. Maybe you should say you are a BH. LOL Anyway, this thread will probably be closed soon since we aren't allowed to start "labor" threads. As for the reserve section, it looks like they are only putting band aids on the problems. 2 hour call out (not long enough) seniority-based system until 65 hour LTO, if on a trip or working can't get trip from future - must get trip from daily, 100% dead head pay, instead of choosing position by seniority, you fly the position you are awarded, Preferential bidding for BHs, they will probably put the TA fence back up, etc. Or at least that is what I heard. Mgmt wants to implement tagging. :down: I'm sure we'll be sold down the river as always.
I like some of your ideas. You really should email the JNC, but if you are a reserve they won't listen to you. Maybe you should say you are a BH. LOL Anyway, this thread will probably be closed soon since we aren't allowed to start "labor" threads. As for the reserve section, it looks like they are only putting band aids on the problems. 2 hour call out (not long enough) seniority-based system until 65 hour LTO, if on a trip or working can't get trip from future - must get trip from daily, 100% dead head pay, instead of choosing position by seniority, you fly the position you are awarded, Preferential bidding for BHs, they will probably put the TA fence back up, etc. Or at least that is what I heard. Mgmt wants to implement tagging. :down: I'm sure we'll be sold down the river as always.

I'm pretty sure that if "tagging" ever makes it back east, y'all will find a lot of f/a's that suffer from migraines, or that are just plain fatigued.
Hmmm. Interesting points.

Perhaps I should have titled the thread what does a global air carrier contract look like in the new millenium? The answer to this question really lays with all of us, NOW. Those who fill our shoes will really have to thank us all or stamp their feet at our collective lack of foresight and wisdom to address the issues that are occuring now. We still have not resolved why it is ok to NOT receive pay while the a/c door is open!!

Anyway, all airline employees need to think about this...I've already expressed my thoughts on what is to happen.

I really don't expect the thread to close as it is was not started as a labor thread per se, more as a exploration of possibilities with both ua & us fa's brainstorming. . .this I think is more productive than the endless pages of pilot pissing, is it not? It is no different than the merger fantasies on the merger thread, yet is more concrete than the other nonetheless.

I will in fact bring these to the JNC, however, something must be put together. People are inherently lazy and going to a meeting with an idea is futile. It is better to have the pitch in hand with a plan of execution. Before doing this I'm interested in hearing more ideas.

I started the thread here because this is the place to be...in all a very vocal group, unfocused, but vocal. Hmmm. I think I should say focused on negativity which in itself is not enitrely without function. Please don't confuse this with speaking only in the positive as Doug does in his employee meetings - that result just comes off as unbelievable spin that lacks both sympathy and empathy.

As for being moderated, who knows?? Maybe I too will find myself joining the many men and women in the corn fields these days. Looks like a bumper crop!

P.S. When I leave the cornfield with platinum blond hair and glowing white eyes one of the children of the corn...take me to Iguanas in clearwater for a bucket of shrimp, beer and live music. :up:
Rotating Reserve all the way!! Anyone with under 6 years seniority stays at Reserve status. Otherwise, rotate every other month, the most senior RSV's will hold a secondary, or carry over block line most of the year! :up: That is the way United does it! 😉
Anything other than DOH, or straight line status would cause the availability of future give-back to the company. You never want to put any language within the contract that deters from basic lines of flying. The company/companies could use this difference to their advantange, not ours.

Just my opinion...
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