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Planning on a new TA ? (fleet )

What we need is a whole new negoiating committee , all of the present ones should be thrown out , starting with Canale. A good start for the new committee would be Rick Russo from CLT and Mickey Hughes from PIT. These guys have a set and won't play the role of a yes man for the committee. By the way who ever let that pig Mendenhall from LAS on the committee , when he was in PIT he was a dues objector !
Question? When the arbitratior hears the case he has x amount of time to rule. What would stop the company and the IAM from comming forth with another T/A with the stipilation that if it is voted Yes the arbitration case would be droped. Tim any insite into this senerio would be helpfull.
Thats what the just tried to do.It would have been droped if voted yes on the t/a. :down: I dont think they can get another t/a done and voted on in time for arbitration,besides the membership would laugh.
Allstrike.... What I was trying to ask is this.....When the arbitrator heres the case he has some time to think about it before he makes his ruling. In the mean time could the union come forth with another proposal while he is mulling the case over?
If anyone want’s to get really complex in their planning here are some websites for those of us who don’t have windows office .

Visual information can be useful to get ideas across , please see example one A.

Web cites for flow charts can be found on this page , there are links to the different cites here .


Below is a link for graphs , its semi easy to use .


I do NOT vouch for the integrity of any of these websites or links .

Also , to embed your pictures with your message or on your myspace page you’ll need to use http://imageshack.us/

Anyways I hope this of help to anyone who wants to get a complex idea across

Furthermore , If you do decide to use graphs to transmit your thoughts I would suggest linking the graph to us aviation via a web link .In plain English that means do not do as I’ve just done and put the graph in with the message , I’m under the impression that it uses up WAY to much bandwidth for us aviation.com . Let us try to be good guests . Might I suggest creating a fake myspace profile ?

In closing remember to open up a FAKE email account if your going to sign up for any of this , example , go to hotmail.com and create an email called usairwaystreatsmebad@hotmail.com or something like that

When they ask you for your user information such as your name and address remember to keep it fake

Name :bob last name?: booby

Address?: 233 nowhere

City: broken dreams

And my personal favorite , when they ask you for what year you were born :1969

For an ignorant outsider--what about the integration/new software is going to trigger a grievance about CLP?
The "new" system will have CLP doing West work. In the West contract each team lead (in some stations) does their own weight and balance. With FOS/DECS CLP will do it all. Basically that has employees not covered under the West agreement performing work covered by the West agreement.

Ric Russo on the NC :lol: He was all over the station (CLT) panhandling for YES votes. I witness it first hand. Get REAL brother!!! I would much rather have someone with just half a brain (which for some reason the IAM has failed to produce) then with a set of Brass ones. Ideally why not both. As far as a new TA. Well since you asked. Why not take the best of both contacts with substantial raise's for both east and west and throw out the rest. I know, sounds simple. But I believe achievable.


"If you do decide to use graphs to transmit your thoughts" I have found "words" to be sufficient for that purpose. Brother you don't have to smoke the whole thing at once. You can leave the roach in the ashtray 🙄

Just to amend my previous statement concerning our TA. Whatever the IAM and USAirways come up with, in order for me to vote yes for it there had better not be any Conssesions in it what so ever. You Copy that IAM???
Tim needs a copy of the profit sharing grievance filed in CLT, he believes it has only been heard at step II. Any CLT agents on the board that can forward him a copy?

Smell United in the air in the east. Won't be too much longer.
Tim needs a copy of the profit sharing grievance filed in CLT, he believes it has only been heard at step II. Any CLT agents on the board that can forward him a copy?
Smell United in the air in the east. Won't be too much longer.

I may be able to get my hands on a copy. Your right about United, any thing would be better than the Sand Castle. :down:

CARGO :no cargo operations will be outsourced anywhere , unless the union agrees to it .

This is a slippery slope, as the union has agreed to it in at least 3 T/A's in a row (UA, US, NW). Better clean up that language to eliminate your last sentence....

OUTSOURCING OF FIELD STATIONS: The clauses in the first contract are kept regarding 14 mainline flights a week , with the addition of a clause that states that 3 mesa flights a day will count as one mainline flight (we do mesa ground work at our field stations ).

Again, far and away too much ambiguous language. Without scope, nothing else matters. Make this section rock solid-with no IAM loophole language, such as "can" "may" or "shall."

Any paragraph with threshold numbers (so many flights per week to stay staffed) should be a non-starter.

Your 3 to 1 YV proposal is nice in theory, except the company will just replace all M/L flights with RJ's just long enough to get under the mark, and then outsource the place.
Roach ? pish , were not even allowed to hot box here in arizona :angry: , nah i'm more of a doug parker man myself , with daily helpings of jack , crown royale and patron !!! :lol:

Oh one other thing i'd like to see in any new contract is , a payscale where if it's your 3rd year , your making third year pay on your first day of your third year .
I have no reliable sources, but I ran into a displaced class II brother that's in CLT. He was told that there is a ready made new T/A that will come out after 9/5 when the results are official. Again just a rumor, but if true I hope it includes those sacrificed in 05.