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More Lies from MidAtlantic F/A Law Suit Committee

If there is anyway for you to contact even some of the participants, and maybe they can contact others, you maybe able to stop this extortionism.

Why didn't DCAflyer pour water on this thing when her/his lawyer advised her/him not to sign the retainer agreement? Why don't I see any evidence(posts) at the time the retainer fee letter was assessed by an his/her outside counsel letting the flight attendants know that particuliar "fact"?

Seems to me she/he spends an substantial amount of time pouring gasoline on issues, especially on this one.

Perhaps the flight attendants who may be in a binding contract at this time need to spend some time putting together every bit of documentation that they have from every member of the committee and seek some outside counsel as well. Since there is no direct reports or accounting from the Attorney Haber...whose "legal advice" were they taking? Who collected their money and where is it?

Pitbull is right, unfortunately they may need to talk to more lawyers to sort this out and not take any direction from zealots.

If the true assessment of the situation is folks are droping out, with the prospects that more may drop out if the actual number of participants are much lower than reported...you can bet every cent you have that neither the attorney or those committee members will fess up.

The attorney has a racket going on that I am sure he doesn't want to extinquish, and as for the Committee, they want to ensure that folks keep making their payments because either they beleive in the "cause", and/or trust the attorney.

Then again, can you trust the Committee folks that are appointed by the attorney? Seems like they are the "yes" kinda people and can be easily lead by the mafia-like boss a.k.a,, Haber.

From my view, this attorney took full advantage of an issue the f/as believed they had and saw a way to extort some money for long periods of time. I don't believe you will get what you are hoping for, and I don't believe it is in the interest of the attorney to drop the case until he squeezes and spends every cent out of this deal he can. It appears that the committee is on his band wagon and won't answer the questions (which are thorough and poignant) that you pose.

Your expectation may be too high for the caliber of people you are dealing with. If you suspect that they won't answer your questions trust your instincts and your own attorney advice...bail out.
Doubtflier & Pitbull,

I woke up one morning as an "assumed plaintiff". I made one donation to the fund, back at the end of August of last year. (back then, we were all told the case would be filed before Sept. 14, 2005 and that $100 was all you were required to pay the attorney. That was the hook, "Where else can you get an attorney for $100?" the payment plan retainer came out three months later, along with the collection agency style phone calls) I never made another payment, refused to sign the retainer, did not want to be included in what the case turned in to. Now I am a plaintiff in federal litigation. How did that happen? How does someone assume legal representation and start billing you?
The attorney has no legal right as you only made a donation. As long as you didn't sign a contract...you are not obligated. Its just harrassment and you can notify the Law Board that you are being harrassed by the attorney.

If its the Committee that is harrassing you, then they are being prompted by the attorney who knows he has no claim from these f/as.
Mrs. D,

It's not my obligation to report on discussions I have with my legal counsel or advice that I paid for. At that time, however, anyone who said anything negative about the committee or about the process was subject to personal verbal and written attacks and accused of being a "malcontent" or trying to sabotoge an otherwise perfect lawsuit. Such attacks came from the attorney, from the pilot heading the ancillary lawsuit (you know, the one who keeps saying this is the flight attendants' lawsuit, yet sticks his nose in whenever and where ever he can!) and from the committee members themselves. The flight attendants are all adults and free to make their own assessments and investigations as to whether or not they wish to sign a legally-binding contract and subject themselves to years of financial obligation with no guaranty of a return on their "investment". Be that as it may, it was explained to me that anyone can fire their attorney at any time for any reason. If I were subject to the retainer agreement and decided I want out, I certainly would contact the attorney as soon as possible, in writing, by certified mail. Knowing the track record of this committee chair, I don't think I would trust that my withdrawal would make it to the hands of the attorney.

I don't see how I have poured gasoline on this issue. I have simply reported my views, my experience and the experience of people I know. And I have been completely truthful!

Pitbull said: If the true assessment of the situation is folks are droping out, with the prospects that more may drop out if the actual number of participants are much lower than reported...you can bet every cent you have that neither the attorney or those committee members will fess up.

DCAflyer replies: The chair of this committee has yet to take responsibility for any of her miscalculations. Previous committee members tried and tried and tried again to address these issues even before the complaint was filed... issues of the number of signed retainer agreements, issues of funding, and issues of truthful and accurate communications to the members. She didn't want to hear it! She didn't want to deal with it! She believed that the filing of the complaint was the litigation equivalent of entering the magical land of Oz, that 300 or more Embraer flight attendants would be eating caviar and drinking champagne while floating on a cloud, that true bliss will have been realized, and that everyone would have her to thank for it. However, the complaint has been filed and now things seem to be a bigger mess than ever. It is noteworthy that none of the original people who started this effort last summer are even involved. I don't blame most committee members, but I wish they'd wake up and realize that they've been lied to. She has created a wall between the committee and the attorney.
This is all so sad.

This is what happens when management tries to be shady... look at all of the fallout that will be felt from the MidAtlantic fiasco forever... just read these boards... no more flow through and animosity from the wholly owneds.. great employees gone who may never return or even have the chance to... bad service from outsourced Republic and Mesa... people being ripped off in lawsuits... good employees that will never trust the company again and have become bitter... other airlines fighting tooth and nail to keep the EMBS in thier scope because we allowed it to be lower wage and then contracted out... Was it all worth it?

What was supposed to be a "soft landing" became a crash with several impacts. No one thought it affected them at the time, but look how it is STILL affecting all of us.... and it still will. And the new company has not even mentioned the word "MidAtlantic"... the first flight was so hyped, the news was there interviweing us and doing tours of the plane, it was all over the company news... the last flight just uncerimoniously pulled into PIT and the crew were kicked off immmediatly so the Republic people could take it.

I dont have time to read through all of this. You can point fingers anywhere you want but the fact is that these flight attendants need to be given thier longevity for pay (not seniority which no one has ever asked for)for the time they served as a US Airways flight attendant. Thats simple. If the AFA cared at all they would attempt to grant these flight attendants thier time as part of the merged contract. We're talking about maybe 300 F/As getting at most two years of credit towards thier pay. It doesn't harm anyone... except maybe the pride of some people at the AFA.

And yes, there were TWO furloughs in 2003... one in January and one in May. These were the most senior of the involunaty furloughs and so made up the bulk of the E170 F/As seniority... these were the 1999 and early 2000 hires... disapointing that theres confusion about that.

The lawsuit... that situation is pathetic. I dont really want to even comment on it. But the intention was great at first. It was inspiring that a few hundred flight attendants ALL bonded together and scraped money together from $400 paychecks to at least try and do SOMETHING... people worked together, passing information to the rest of the f/as through the seatback pockets in row 18... F/As who before couldn't even tell you who thier union was patricipated in meeting and websites and educated themselves. An attempt to boot the useless union rep got something like 92% of the flight attendants signatures... it was just amazing to see people working together for a cause. And at the same time we NEVER let it affect our job. I smiled on my last flight like nothing was wrong... I cried in the lavatory but not a single passenger knew that we were being thrown away. The company would have loved for us to act up but we embarrassed them by providing the best product they had. Ive never seen solidaririty like that anywhere and I'm glad I was part of the Embraer F/A group.

Pitbull you always complain about people never voting. I know this has been said on here before but you BETTER BELIEVE that every one of the US Airways flight attendants that flew the E170 will vote on anything that comes up, AND be vocal about it, AND have a better view of the bigger picture. And whether anyone likes it or not, these are the flight attendants who will be with the company longest. We are drawing the line because we've seen what can happen, and we won't let it happen again. And when we are senior (which we will be) we wont let it happen to our juniors either... we've seen what happens when you let the company divide and conquer which is all this was. We were victims of the memberships general apaathy and downright stupidity. Well, this generation is different Pitbull so you should take some comfort in that.

Embraer division, or EMB170/175 Division is what the division was actually called. If you look in the US Airways emergency manual you will see parts that say "exception: Embraer division F/As". On the airplanes, if you peel off the OPERATED BY REPUBLIC AIRLINES sticker, underneath you will find it has the MidAtlantic logo, and below it says.....


I will NEVER regret having gone to MDA, EVER. I am SO proud that I was an MDA flight attendant and part of something really special. And I think most everyone feels the same way... even with all of the craziness I wont ever regret doing it and working with those people. If MDA had been a real airline, it would have been one hell of an airline... I'd like to do my best and make US Airways like a larger MDA division.
For anyone who is on this website and is a plaintiff of the MAA Lawsuit, you are not permitted to give out any information regarding our lawsuit. You are breaking the contract of the retainer you have signed. This is a serious legal matter and you have a contract stating you can't talk about the case in an open forum. If you have questions please address your committee not an open forum. There are reasons why updates haven't been given per the advice of our legal council.
ok well what about the people who dont want to be a part of it but you wont remove thier names? how do they go about getting thier names removed?
For anyone who is on this website and is a plaintiff of the MAA Lawsuit, you are not permitted to give out any information regarding our lawsuit. You are breaking the contract of the retainer you have signed. This is a serious legal matter and you have a contract stating you can't talk about the case in an open forum. If you have questions please address your committee not an open forum. There are reasons why updates haven't been given per the advice of our legal council.
It seems that there are a lot of plaintiffs who did not enter into a contract. Therefore, there is nothing for them to break! People have made great attempts to contact the committee, to no avail. The people that the committee represents have a right to know the status. They have a right to know how many actual, paying plaintiffs there are. They have a right to know the financial condition of this effort. They have a right to know if they are paying for attorney time when he was ordered to appear before a judge to explain why he included people in the lawsuit when they clearly did not want to be, and if they are paying for attorney time for him to amend the lawsuit to remove unintended plaintiffs.
For anyone who is on this website and is a plaintiff of the MAA Lawsuit, you are not permitted to give out any information regarding our lawsuit. You are breaking the contract of the retainer you have signed. This is a serious legal matter and you have a contract stating you can't talk about the case in an open forum. If you have questions please address your committee not an open forum. There are reasons why updates haven't been given per the advice of our legal council.

LOL. Now they're going to sue the flight attendants for talking about it. You have to love the irony. You would think if he has that much energy he would have already sued who he was hired to sue.
For anyone who is on this website and is a plaintiff of the MAA Lawsuit, you are not permitted to give out any information regarding our lawsuit. You are breaking the contract of the retainer you have signed. This is a serious legal matter and you have a contract stating you can't talk about the case in an open forum. If you have questions please address your committee not an open forum. There are reasons why updates haven't been given per the advice of our legal council.

Hmmm, what constitutes a plantiff? Is there a "List"?

Well lookie here...we have a NEWBIE. Someone called in the dog.

Could it be a committee member? Huckle Berry Finn himself..

:lol: :lol:

Time to fess up! You've been had!

One of the problems, as demonstrated in the message exMAfa posted from the committee, is that the committee continues to tell people that things are going well. That seems to be all that the participants are hearing, so those apparent few people who do consistently make the required payments every month continue to do so based on their trust that the committee is telling the truth. However, the term "going well" is subjective. The committee seems to hope that by sending out something, anything, that hard questions won't be asked.

However, as pointed out earlier their seems to be either (a) a huge funding discrepancy; ( b ) a huge discrepancy in the the number of people who intend to be plaintiffs as opposed to the number of people who were named as plaintiffs in the original complaint; or ( c) both. It is disturbing that the committee seems to be sequestered when these issues finally come to light.

Ignoring the issues does not make them go away.

As has been pointed out earlier, if 130 people (there were, IIRC, 133 people listed as plaintiffs on the complaint) are making regular, timely payments, as of June there should be over $50,000 raised so far? The committee just reported that they reached $25,000 which is about half of where funding should be. It was interesting to me that the committee spun the $25,000 milestone as a positive thing. They do not mention to the plaintiffs that the effort is severely underfunded.

Remember those Enron employees? They were told things were going well before the bottom fell out and they continued to invest money without asking questions. They put their trust in people who turned out not to be trustworthy based on their hope that those in control were being truthful!

One of the clear responsibilities of the committee, and the chair of the committee in particular, is to keep the plaintiffs apprised of significant case developments in an unbiased manner. When the attorney was called into court to explain the discrepancy in the number of plaintiffs listed in the lawsuit as compared to the number of signed retainer agreements received, nothing was mentioned -- not even a positive spin! Just that the case is at a standstill.

The begging questions here are:

1. Once and for all, how many signed retainers are in the hands of the committee and/or attorney?

2. If there is a significantly less number of signed retainers than there are originally listed plaintiffs, does the attorney still want to take the case, and if so, will monthly payments be going up and by how much?

3. Where is the funding discrepancy? Are some people simply behind in their payments and, if so, what is being done to get people current? or are people dropping out of the suit?

It seems to me that a small number of plaintiffs are making their payments blindly, with their trust in the committee. The committee, however, is doing a disservice to people by using the "going well" line when that might not true. I hardly think being funded at 50% is a good thing... if the active, paying participants knew this, it might cause some of them to reconsider their involvement! I suspect that is why nothing is said!

The answers you want will never be posted on a public forum. Please contact a committee member. People saying that they can't get ahold of committee members is such a joke :lol:. The committee takes all calls! If you aren't getting though try harder. Email addresses and phone numbers are posted everywhere to get ahold of any of your committee members. Any of your questions can and will be answered.
whowants2know said: People saying that they can't get ahold of committee members is such a joke

DCAflyer replies: So, are you saying that a plaintiff did not post a message on the yahoo board a couple of weeks ago asking for a status update? Or are you saying that a committee member posted a prompt reply to that inquiry? Or are you saying that a committee member gave a prompt, personal response to that plaintiff?

whowants2know said: Email addresses and phone numbers are posted everywhere to get ahold of any of your committee members. Any of your questions can and will be answered.

DCAflyer replies: I guess that is pretty much dependent upon committee members getting accurate and truthful information from the committee chair, now isn't it?
whowants2know said: People saying that they can't get ahold of committee members is such a joke

DCAflyer replies: So, are you saying that a plaintiff did not post a message on the yahoo board a couple of weeks ago asking for a status update? Or are you saying that a committee member posted a prompt reply to that inquiry? Or are you saying that a committee member gave a prompt, personal response to that plaintiff?

whowants2know said: Email addresses and phone numbers are posted everywhere to get ahold of any of your committee members. Any of your questions can and will be answered.

DCAflyer replies: I guess that is pretty much dependent upon committee members getting accurate and truthful information from the committee chair, now isn't it?

No information will be posted on FAEMPOWERED since people are bringing private emails to public forums. Such a shame that a few want to ruin it for the rest of the group. If you want to know what's going on call a committee member! Enough said
No information will be posted on FAEMPOWERED since people are bringing private emails to public forums. Such a shame that a few want to ruin it for the rest of the group. If you want to know what's going on call a committee member! Enough said
I'll take that as an admission that inquiries are going unanswered.

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