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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees


Pleases go to your room before the neighbors call the cops !!!
Good luck on a picket.
I can tell you from exerience that the people will be pissed off at being inconvenienced by walking through you picket line.
Specially over crap like this.

B) xUT
So many of you are simply so complacent ...

Who the f**k are you to call people out?

Your new-found love for direct action is nice, but you're a bit late to the party. Where was your call to rally when your coworkers were being shoved out the door?

Future jobs are at risk .. it could be YOUR job , it could be MY job ... we should put aside our differences and unite against a common threat ...

See above

yeah if things continue on like they have the last few years everything will be fine ...............

but things cannot continue on like they have the last few years , our nations "economic recovery" is nothing more than a mirage brought on by Quantive Easing programs one , two and now three ...

we need to look at the profits our company is making and the business that we're doing against the backdrop of US economic health ...

The US isn't recovered we remain in a low growth environment despite pouring in 85 Billion dollars a month for months up months on end .... At some point reality will forcibly take hold of this nations economy and CRUSH it .... look no further than the forces that are being unleashed on this country as the government tries to squeeze one end of the balloon only to see it expand elsewhere ...

One of our nations largest cities has fallen , municipal bond holders , the most holy of the holies are about to take huge haircuts which will have a ripple effect across the entire muni market ... Then we have cities like Richmond that are resorting to eminent domain to keep from having their tax base implode ..

If we turn our attention away from our own nation for a moment and look out across the world , we can even see that Japan a first world nation is due to go Bankrupt because it is now impossible for them to repay their national debt .... even if our own country were not in dire straights , the implosion of a first world country like japan will have ripple effects across the entire global economy ..(I won't even mention the EU and their mess )

my point is that our future is Guaranteed to become more difficult from unrest in the middle east to economies propped up solely by Central bank actions , we NEED to prepare ourselves for hard times ahead and we can't do that by sticking our heads in the sand and saying that our company has been making some great profits these last few years and therefore we have no need to worry about our future.

You led the sheep to the slaughter, and in your delusional world you want the sheep to save your worthless @$$?
No , now I'm trying to lead the sheep AWAY from the slaughter ...sadly the sheep are too short sighted to see more than a year down the road ....
No , now I'm trying to lead the sheep AWAY from the slaughter ...sadly the sheep are too short sighted to see more than a year down the road ....
In order to lead you must first have the respect of those you intend to lead. You must be in touch with the consensus of how the group you intend to lead feel. Until then you are but a sail with no wind. Those who believe it's a good idea at this time to rally behind the company's best interests and picket the DOJ do not have the support of the represented employees at US or AA for that matter. Let the company execs and the shareholders picket and fight. They are the ones who are certain to benefit from a merger. It is still very unclear how the frontline employees will fare with this merger. You, Tim, myself and all US Fleet Service members included.
WE are shareholders ,our jobs could be at stake long term if things don't turn our right ,we shouldn't simply shrug our shoulders and leave our fate up to someone else entirely ...

I shouldn't have to remind all of you that our company has some of the best leadership in the industry and if that talent feels that we need to make this happen then we NEED to make this happen ...I know many of you live in an alternative reality where your respective work groups are cut off somehow from the rest of the corporation magically,but that is not the case ...

We are a team and in order to succeed we must from time to time put our differences aside and fight for our common good ....

We all want better contracts but those contracts will do us no good if the economy turns and we find our airline vulnerable.
WE are shareholders ,our jobs could be at stake long term if things don't turn our right ,we shouldn't simply shrug our shoulders and leave our fate up to someone else entirely ...

In this case I'm perfectly content to do just that. Unlike you, I've come to terms with the fact that there are many things in life I can't control, among them the weather, DOJ filings, judgments in Federal court, and the actions of airline executives. You will call that complacency, I call it being mature enough not to chase every windmill with the childish insistence that if I cross my fingers and wish wish wish hard enough fate will give me exactly what I want and deliver me from all my existential fears.

I shouldn't have to remind all of you that our company has some of the best leadership in the industry and if that talent feels that we need to make this happen then we NEED to make this happen ...I know many of you live in an alternative reality where your respective work groups are cut off somehow from the rest of the corporation magically,but that is not the case ...

We do indeed have very shrewd and talented executives, but I would not call them leaders. They're good with money; making it, saving it, finding it, moving it around, withholding it from others, but their abilities in those arenas have consistently come at the cost of alienating their employees and a good number of customers as well. Leaders? No. Only a fool would follow someone who shows open contempt and complete disregard for them. You might change your opinion of the greatness of these men if the DOJ successfully proves its case in court thanks to Parker and Pals shooting themselves in the feet.

We are a team and in order to succeed we must from time to time put our differences aside and fight for our common good ....

And what makes you so qualified to determine exactly what the common good is and how we should achieve it? I get that you want to be part of a larger airline so that you can ride out any future economic calamities safely in continued decades on the BMU gravy train, and I don't really think you'd care how many people would get furloughed, fired, or relocated as long as that's what you got. But don't talk about the 'common good' when it's pretty clear you're just looking out for number one.

We all want better contracts but those contracts will do us no good if the economy turns and we find our airline vulnerable.

Maybe so, but rallies and pickets before the DOJ (which you can't even be bothered to put together) will have literally no effect on the court's decision, and therefore no effect on the merger, and therefore no effect on the potential vulnerabilities of a standalone US Airways.

I also think if you spent more time chasing tail and less worrying about the things you cannot change you'd be a happier person overall.

But what would I know, I'm just a sheep, right?
Of course I'm looking out for myself ,if our company falls in five years time that would not be good for me ,it also would not be good for you either ...

I've laid out the economic backdrop so I won't rehash that but everything I've said is true and you verify it with mainstream media sites ..

As for unionism why should I lead ? It's already been established that I would not be a credible leader so for me that would be a waste of time ...I am however a great cheerleader and its a well know fact that when its asked of me I show up and give my full support ...

I do what I can in my limited capacity , you see I follow economic matters as closely as our most sports obsessed rampers so I feel it vital to put forth an alternative point of view . I am trying to warn all of you that times could change and when they do you want to be part of a LARGE company because large companies get saved while smaller ones disappear.
Of course I'm looking out for myself ,if our company falls in five years time that would not be good for me ,it also would not be good for you either ...

I've laid out the economic backdrop so I won't rehash that but everything I've said is true and you verify it with mainstream media sites ..

As for unionism why should I lead ? It's already been established that I would not be a credible leader so for me that would be a waste of time ...I am however a great cheerleader and its a well know fact that when its asked of me I show up and give my full support ...

I do what I can in my limited capacity , you see I follow economic matters as closely as our most sports obsessed rampers so I feel it vital to put forth an alternative point of view . I am trying to warn all of you that times could change and when they do you want to be part of a LARGE company because large companies get saved while smaller ones disappear.

Show me your M.O.U. from the company negotiations and i may show you my support................Maybe!
Oh and as for our making waves not having any effect I disagree, the governments actions of late tend to portray them as willing to do what ever is necessary to pacify society and keep order ... The last thing the US government would want is a multistate protest movement of any kind that could draw out societies unaddressed greviences ..
The company executive's motivation is personal greed.

Says the guy who went out on a medical after he lost his union job and is black mailing the union to get paid for the vacation he didn't take.

I could be wrong, you're probable unemployed and living in your Mom's basement.
If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .

ChockJockey has provided very articulate and eloquent responses to your nonsense, but I couldn't let this ignorant statement go by without comment.

You do realize that what you're asking your co-workers to do is march and protest in hopes of convincing the federal government to turn a blind eye to a merger of two huge corporations. A merger that the government has already shown is likely to harm hundreds of millions of consumers. You want the merger to go forward, harm to the consumers be damned, becuase stopping it would disrupt your way of life.

And then, in a show of ignorance that dwarfs the typical ignorant rantings found on this website, you invoke the civil rights movement and try to draw parallels to protesting this merger. Didn't you learn anything in school? Did you even go to school?

If there's any similarity between your "let's go have a march on the Department of Justice" and the civil rights movement, it's this:

Imagine a group of white, southern racists led by Gov Wallace, Robert Byrd and all their white southern Klan friends saying "let's go to Washington and march on the DoJ to stop that damned government from enforcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, because those federal laws are interferring with our way of life."

It's bad enough that you're a union member thinking that this merger is good for your economic security and willing to spend your own time and money; to claim that what you're doing is anything like the civil rights struggle of the 1950s and 1960s is pathetic and embarrassing.

Consider this: The A-holes at the TWU are encouraging everyone to sign petitions to try to convince the White House to call off the dogs at the DOJ so this merger can proceed. If the TWU leadership is so stupid as to think that will make a difference, that alone should tell you that it's a complete waste of time.

I'm very glad we live in a country where we can petition the government for a redress of grievances and where we can assemble peacefully. But as ChockJockey said, it's one thing to attempt to influence legislation or regulatory action, but it's quite another to picket the judicial branch, either courts or the lawyers who argue there. As others have said - your actions will not influence the outcome. Might as well go outside and howl at the moon.
Bla bla bla , rule of law , bla bla bla .....

Please spare me ......

I see your like chock and you think our government plays by some legal rule book that determines its actions ,and your calling ME naive ....( we don't support dictatorships right ? Egypt right ?)

I'm sorry but in the age of government mandated healthcare , a pathway to citizenship for criminals along with debt forgiveness for major banks your point of view falls on deaf ears ....

The only thing that matters is raw political power ,the ability to draw media attention and spin the issue of the day towards which ever political interest is more powerful...

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