If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .
ChockJockey has provided very articulate and eloquent responses to your nonsense, but I couldn't let this ignorant statement go by without comment.
You do realize that what you're asking your co-workers to do is march and protest in hopes of convincing the federal government to turn a blind eye to a merger of two huge corporations. A merger that the government has already shown is likely to harm hundreds of millions of consumers. You want the merger to go forward, harm to the consumers be damned, becuase stopping it would disrupt your way of life.
And then, in a show of ignorance that dwarfs the typical ignorant rantings found on this website, you invoke the civil rights movement and try to draw parallels to protesting this merger. Didn't you learn anything in school? Did you even go to school?
If there's any similarity between your "let's go have a march on the Department of Justice" and the civil rights movement, it's this:
Imagine a group of white, southern racists led by Gov Wallace, Robert Byrd and all their white southern Klan friends saying "let's go to Washington and march on the DoJ to stop that damned government from enforcing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, because those federal laws are interferring with our way of life."
It's bad enough that you're a union member thinking that this merger is good for your economic security and willing to spend your own time and money; to claim that what you're doing is anything like the civil rights struggle of the 1950s and 1960s is pathetic and embarrassing.
Consider this: The A-holes at the TWU are encouraging everyone to sign petitions to try to convince the White House to call off the dogs at the DOJ so this merger can proceed. If the TWU leadership is so stupid as to think that will make a difference, that alone should tell you that it's a complete waste of time.
I'm very glad we live in a country where we can petition the government for a redress of grievances and where we can assemble peacefully. But as
ChockJockey said, it's one thing to attempt to influence legislation or regulatory action, but it's quite another to picket the judicial branch, either courts or the lawyers who argue there. As others have said - your actions will not influence the outcome. Might as well go outside and howl at the moon.