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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

The sound of awesomeness,that's what I hear .

I liked it better when you posted about "vodca" (sic) and "jacking your post count."

Perhaps I'm just not looking in the right places.

Perhaps not.

Seems some here just can't tolerate an alternative point of view.

There is a difference between "having an alternate point of view," and hypocrisy. You already knew that, though...
OK .......

so where are we in terms of a rally or picket ? Where does the company stand on this ?
Usairways begins with you! Set it up! Who cares where the company stands. It's your right as a citizen as long as your facts are correct and you can prove the world is coming to an end
Hey Freedom

While you are at it with the Picketing, dont forget to picket here also. Seems there are more than just the DOJ and the 6 states that have a problem with all this.

" On July 2, 2013, a lawsuit captioned Carolyn Fjord, et al., v. US Airways Group, Inc., et al., No. 13-3041-SBA was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. The complaint names as defendants US Airways Group, Inc. and US Airways, Inc., and alleges that the effect of the Merger may be to substantially lessen competition, or tend to create a monopoly, in the transportation of airline passengers in the United States and certain submarkets and in violation of Section 7 of the Clayton Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 18. The complaint seeks a declaration that the Merger Agreement violates Section 7 of the Clayton Antitrust Act, an injunction against the Merger, or divestiture, an award of fees and costs, including attorney’s fees, and other relief. We believe this lawsuit is without merit and intend to vigorously defend against the allegations. "
http://www.cnbc.com/id/17099330 Sure go picket and besides the obvious explain why this man and his hand picked "innovative mngmnt team" are trustworthy and should run AMERICA'S LARGEST AIRLINE!
so what exactly is that suppose to mean? are you stupid enough to believe going up there and protesting is going to do anythlng?

Simple , all American & USAirways employees should take a day off. See how much the once a year traveler and the DOJ like the economical savings.
Simple , all American & USAirways employees should take a day off. See how much the once a year traveler and the DOJ like the economical savings.
Ahh... the good old "Blue Flu". Effective means to getting a company's attention regarding solidarity of a work group. Not so effective with the DOJ. The only parties adversly affected... the company and the employees. This is a legal matter that must be resolved between the appropriate parties as I see it. The company and the DOJ. IMO...It's not our fight. Although it's true, we as employees have a vested interest in the eventual outcome of this issue, I believe we have no say in the process. Additionally, I believe any action we, as a collective group may take, will have any influence on the DOJ. We are but pawns in the chess game. Save the fight, resolve and solidarity for our NC and contract negotiations. Choose your battles.
I read these post from US employees about supporting the company and petitioning the DOJ. IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE. Many of you think your not going to get laid off? PHX, you've already been told your going to be a focus city. What does that mean? Call LAS and ask them. The company doesn't support the worker's and if they did , we would be under a decent contract. Management in no way is going to let this company go under, So stop the pathetic, I love the company bullcrap and start supporting yourself and your fellow workers. WORK SAFE.
FlyersRights,Workers Rights,and States Rights says PURGE THE MERGE . NO CONTRACTS ! NO MERGE ! SHOW US THE MONEY ! LCC/DP . For those who are going to picket the FEDS/DOJ some sign ideas and GOOD LUCK !
Simple , all American & USAirways employees should take a day off. See how much the once a year traveler and the DOJ like the economical savings.

The once a year traveler does not have political influence anywhere including on their Homeowners' Assoc. board. They do not count to the airline or the DOJ. The DOJ is less than concerned about you and what actions you may take.

And, the public will not remember that you were protesting a DOJ decision. They will remember that "those socialist unions ruined my vacation." When you find yourself in a hole, it's best to stop digging.

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