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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

Please note chock that the.mere fact we have heard of the south African miners is impressive ,and no I'm not saying we need to die for a merger , but we should always be prepared to be loud and boasterious union members ....

I don't think it hurts anything to TRY ,but I suppose it IS simpler to do nothing and just sit at home and watch TV .

you're missing the point ,it's not a question of making an effort.It's doing anything for upper management that would as soon screw us in the backside as look at us.
Didn't you see the email laughing aboutthe ideal of industry standard contract, hell with em
To management:
Dont be arrogant or dickish.
Get with each union and coordinate a mass protest at the DOJ building in dca.
Each union should also spend whatever resources are needed to get as many members, not necessarily only airline industry members, to attend the rally picket.

Management should allow its resources also to be used to sponsor this event. That necessarily means allowing any employee ps travel to attend.

Gotta be "all in" to get past this gauntlet and im not convinced of leaving the future of jobs in the hands of a attorney who claims he will win this is court.
Oh and one last thing, stop being a D in negotiations. Negotiate fairly and loosen up on the greed.
"All In".Really? Since when has US Senior Management and the IAM represented work force been "all in"? Based on past history... I don't see it happening TIm. Maybe when the company starts negotiating in good faith. Until then I don't see it happening!
Guys we are not doing this for managment we are doing this for ourselves we are PART of us airways .
I am glad to see that some of you share my opinion about refusing to join the fight against the DOJ’s lawsuit. Going on a silly rally, like suggested above, would not serve you any purpose. I can see though how AFAUSAirways and AFA66 would love to recruit you for such an event. After all, they made a huge mistake in pushing for this contract, and they know it now (FINALLY). Of course, their leadership is going to play ‘upset’ at the DOJ’s ruling, because everything that they counted on and what they promised you, including this merger and the prospects of new negotiations for a new contract -where you [supposedly would] have a voice, is turning out to be their biggest miscalculation yet. In essence, all of you are now going to be stuck in a “below industry standard” contract. I could be wrong, but, I don’t remember seeing any “what if” clause included in the new FA CBA, obligating management into a time frame to negotiate a new contract, if this deal with AA were to fall through. Therefore, I give AFA, again, a big “FAIL.”

I understand that the US Airways F/A 2013 contract, in and by itself, has nothing to do with American Airlines, but in reality, you guys were literally tricked into signing this contract under pretenses that could not be guaranteed. By agreeing with “America West’s” scumbags/management, and giving way to their dirty tactics, I see the same mistakes made, back when AFA66 negotiated their first abysmal 1999 contract, locking them into 14 years of poverty wages and unacceptable working conditions.

Again, I say, “and this is the type of management that American Airlines employees want to sell themselves to?” I’m baffled. “You truly want to work for America West?” Then go for it, join the AFA US Airways flight attendants in their rallies, so that you can one day reap the benefits of working directly with Doug Parker, Scott Kirby and his team of scumbags. But don’t complain later on, because all the warning signs were there. EVEN THE DOJ STEPPED IN AND SAID “WAIT A MINUTE!!!,” …but you still don’t see the warning signs?”
Regardless, here is a PRO movement article:


Notable in this writing I find " Roger Holmin, president of the US Airways chapter of the Association of Flight Attendants, said it is not the Justice Department’s role to force a company to pay lower wages so that consumers can benefit from cheaper products. "



Negotiations is always based on the health of this industry and profits of a specific airline. What wal marts profit is has nothing to do with this industry.
That said, the economic conditions in the country has been growth and is getting better. The jobless report was the best in 6 years.
Nonetheless, you negotiate against the health of your company, separate from the economy.

As an example, workers at south west finally jimped ahead of United, and led the industry wage rates in 2005. The airline was in the same economy at usair and united but southwest was making money and that dictated sharing those profits in the form of a good contract.
Southwest never led the industry in wages until then.
Now, we need to close the gap with southwest since our carriers in iam141 are incredibly profitable. Imo, primarily we ought to cut and paste the southwest scope clause. Now is the time that we have to capture wotk, and im not talking about "drop dead" dates that protect a station until a certain date.
Most of us are too young too retire but too old to find another job, so drop dead dates offer no solution to anyone unless a person is going to retire in a year or two.
Hey the sqeeky wheel gets the grease ... Sometimes you have to shout in order to be heard ...just look at those south African miners who were killed one year ago because their protests got too hot ...

In a nation where people are for the most part quite like sheep, it can be usefull to demonstrate that you are not like the rest .

If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .

Yeah, you're right.

Look how effective the extremely well-publicized "Occupy Movement" was in changing the political and financial landscape of this country.

I imagine every one of those same TV cameras and reporters' notebooks will cover your protest. And you will get the same results, I imagine.
Guys we are not doing this for managment we are doing this for ourselves we are PART of us airways .
First and foremost, the guvm't doesn't give a rat's arse about, what....40,000 employees of airways. As a voting block, it's a pittance.
So, no influence there.
Second, the AA emps don't want this merger, they feel they'd be better off stand-alone.
So, no influence there.
Third, we have been told the company exists for the benefit of the stockholders, period. Emps are just cost items to be managed.
Let the stockholders picket.
Fourth, we have not seen one dime in this deal. All we have is an IOU - a worthless piece of paper. In fact, some other emp groups don't even have a MOU and no clue about how they'll be affected by the merger. Odds are it'll be a negative experience.
Why hurry your own demise?
And last, if DP fails this time, he has no more purpose at this company. He's the dealmaker, the ideaman, the merger broker. Except he hasn't pulled a rabbit out of his hat since 2005. He's had more dui's than successful mergers. I think he should be holding a sign, don't you?
And last, why would the pilots at this company do anything extra for this management? Do we have better wages since 2005? Working conditions improved lately? How are you making out paying that college tuition or buying a new car? Does the wife have to work and does this keep your kids in a germ-infested day care facility? Have you been forced to move because you can't commute or the company hired you for PHX but assigned you to PHL? How 'bout those vacation days for 2014? How many grievances are outstanding because the company 'doesn't have the time' to deal with them? Will your health care costs increase with the new AA? Is your base on shaky ground - will you have to move....again?
I don't know people, but I'm not feeling very motivated to advocate for this management on any issue.
So many of you are simply so complacent ...Do all of you honestly think that the economic conditions of today will continue on FOREVER ?

At some point the American economy will have to adjust , when that happens there will be less wealth in this country ...

less wealth will mean fewer paying customers , fewer paying customers means less , no , or negative profits for our company and all airlines ...

When the other shoe drops , do we REALLY want to be the smallest airline in the country with the least ability to withstand economic shocks ? it makes FAR more sense to push as hard as we can for this merger in order to safe guard ALL our jobs in the long term .

Convention Airline wisdom says that one of the major carriers has to go away so that the industry can be self sustaining , but that same CONEVENTIAL wisdom is just that ... These are not normal times , during normal economic conditions our government doesn't have to prop up our markets with 85 Billion dollars a month ... (for those of you who can't read between the lines , i'm implying that I think MORE than one major airline may go away in the future )

The US economy is terribly sick and we would be fools to ignore this unpleasant reality ... we should take every possible opportunity to strengthen our job prospects against the unknown ...

if we were in a 2nd or third world country I don't think I would have to argue as hard that we take every measure we can to ensure job security ... far too many of you are simply used to the way it's always been .....
So many of you are simply so complacent ...Do all of you honestly think that the economic conditions of today will continue on FOREVER

Since you're so adamant and motivated why don't you take the initiative and organize the first rally? Perhaps at the AG's office downtown. Make sure to post the details when you've got it all put together. Don't forget to contact the local media beforehand.

Unfortunately I will be too busy that day to attend.
Since you're so adamant and motivated why don't you take the initiative and organize the first rally? Perhaps at the AG's office downtown. Make sure to post the details when you've got it all put together. Don't forget to contact the local media beforehand.

Unfortunately I will be too busy that day to attend.

funny , I hear the exact same apathy and excuses in these comments that I hear from our workforce when it's time to rally or protest AGAINST our company in the name of unionism..
Count me out of any picket for this merger to happen. Odds are high that phx will be downsized heavily if this marriage takes place with many job losses. I guess if your in the top 10% or so seniority wise phx ramp you don't care if that happens..as a combined AA/US after the smoke clears will give some higher wages. BUT you might loose weekends off or have to work pm's, ect. GO DOJ!!!
funny , I hear the exact same apathy and excuses in these comments that I hear from our workforce when it's time to rally or protest AGAINST our company in the name of unionism..

So you won't be putting your money where your mouth is and organizing the type of march/rally/protest you're energetically exhorting us all to join?

So you won't be putting your money where your mouth is and organizing the type of march/rally/protest you're energetically exhorting us all to join?

nope , never organized a picket or rally in my life ... but I DO encourage people to go and I go myself ..

Count me out of any picket for this merger to happen. Odds are high that phx will be downsized heavily if this marriage takes place with many job losses. I guess if your in the top 10% or so seniority wise phx ramp you don't care if that happens..as a combined AA/US after the smoke clears will give some higher wages. BUT you might loose weekends off or have to work pm's, ect. GO DOJ!!!

we have no way of knowing this ... considering that we will be absorbing the AA operations after a merger , I honestly can't see us being cut down horribly ... it can happen I grant you that ... but I don't see it , not with our low taxation state and good weather , not to mention our really well run Airport .

What we do know is that if we DON'T merge with American we will be the smallest of the Major airlines and that will put us in the weakest position should times once again become difficult ...

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