Guys we are not doing this for managment we are doing this for ourselves we are PART of us airways .
First and foremost, the guvm't doesn't give a rat's arse about, what....40,000 employees of airways. As a voting block, it's a pittance.
So, no influence there.
Second, the AA emps don't want this merger, they feel they'd be better off stand-alone.
So, no influence there.
Third, we have been told the company exists for the benefit of the stockholders, period. Emps are just cost items to be managed.
Let the stockholders picket.
Fourth, we have not seen one dime in this deal. All we have is an IOU - a worthless piece of paper. In fact, some other emp groups don't even have a MOU and no clue about how they'll be affected by the merger. Odds are it'll be a negative experience.
Why hurry your own demise?
And last, if DP fails this time, he has no more purpose at this company. He's the dealmaker, the ideaman, the merger broker. Except he hasn't pulled a rabbit out of his hat since 2005. He's had more dui's than successful mergers. I think he should be holding a sign, don't you?
And last, why would the pilots at this company do anything extra for this management? Do we have better wages since 2005? Working conditions improved lately? How are you making out paying that college tuition or buying a new car? Does the wife have to work and does this keep your kids in a germ-infested day care facility? Have you been forced to move because you can't commute or the company hired you for PHX but assigned you to PHL? How 'bout those vacation days for 2014? How many grievances are outstanding because the company 'doesn't have the time' to deal with them? Will your health care costs increase with the new AA? Is your base on shaky ground - will you have to move....again?
I don't know people, but I'm not feeling very motivated to advocate for this management on any issue.