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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

freedum seriously man get some help. you sound like either a typical clueless mgmt of usairways or just some idiot who has no clue either way wake up to reality... no contracts no way am i gonna do anything more than to follow the exact rules thats spelled out in the contracts its been proven repeatedly that these donkeys runnin usairways simply are greedy filthy rotten donkeys who dont care about their own dp himself tries to compare himself to wn herb keller but we have yet to see actual proof of that so far he is batting 000
Your new-found love for direct action is nice, but you're a bit late to the party. Where was your call to rally when your coworkers were being shoved out the door?

The current generation of labor leaders seem uninterested in direct action and would rather protect the union and their cushy positions so they allow the workers (the people the aspire to represent) get the shaft. Many of the old breed of labor leaders seem to have given up too. Eddie "Fitzy" Fitzpatrick President IBEW 2222 was known as one of the most militant union leaders in this area but gave into Verizon and ended the strike w/o an agreement two years ago. It used to be companies either respected and/or feared unions and their willingness to fight but now a days the union leaders are all talk and no action.

The current generation of labor leaders seem uninterested in direct action...

Good thing there's a new generation coming up that disagree with their point of view...

Like I keep saying: Labor leaders can either get on board, or get out of the way. Either way, meaningful change is happening all across the country.
Good thing there's a new generation coming up that disagree with their point of view...

Like I keep saying: Labor leaders can either get on board, or get out of the way. Either way, meaningful change is happening all across the country.

You keep chalking up these new generation of labor leaders what have they done? If they were that brilliant they would have stopped what many consider an assault on organized labor and made ground organizing young folks. Your wish is that people either get on board or get out but the current structure seems to favor the status quo and allow complacent, indifferent leadership to remain in control.

You're making the mistake of assuming that I think it's a fait accompli. It's absolutely a work in progress, and undoing 3+ decades of conditioning isn't gonna happen overnight...

That said, change is already taking place all over, and you don't have to wander far to find it. Start by looking at a much more local level (no pun intended) than you currently are.
exactly ograc when I get a good contract then I will think about protesting for them until then they can kiss my arse

So you are going to wait a long time and maybe end up with nothing. Thats real smart. Oh wait union, no smarts there.
So you are going to wait a long time and maybe end up with nothing. Thats real smart. Oh wait union, no smarts there.
so what exactly is that suppose to mean? are you stupid enough to believe going up there and protesting is going to do anythlng?
I hear the same comments when its time to protest the company ,if only you could hear yourself .
you have no idea what that is freedom... have you started working on your speech as to why all of us should support the merger efforts.... cant wait til you tell us.. but good luck recruiting dont bother me bec i wont be avail to support you or the merger fight etc... contracts first otherwise to hell with them
You're making the mistake of assuming that I think it's a fait accompli. It's absolutely a work in progress, and undoing 3+ decades of conditioning isn't gonna happen overnight...

That said, change is already taking place all over, and you don't have to wander far to find it. Start by looking at a much more local level (no pun intended) than you currently are.

I'm not seeing it. Looking locally I see mostly Honda Accords and Nissan Altimas (made w/ non-union labor) sporting AFSCME, IAFF, etc bumper stickers. At work our building management just got new (contracted) security guards who replaced SEIU represented guards before. I see fewer MBTA workers with the recent agreement from Local 589 there is no longer a mid car operator on Red Line trains and now this:


Perhaps I'm just not looking in the right places.

Not sure if you were referring to freedom but I'm not sure why everyone on this forum is so hung up with her/him. 700 and others keep saying he/she "threw their coworkers under the bus for a few pieces of coin". Seems some here just can't tolerate an alternative point of view.


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