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Who? Please name names.

The United Food & Commercial Workers Union.

They hired folks to picket those Super Kmarts when they opened.

After a few years they quietly disappeared although the grass never grew back for some reason.

I used to roll down the car window and ask them where their shoes were manufactured.
Ever heard the saying "united we stand, devided we'll fall". I know it will never happen, but if everyone, I mean everyone stand together, I mean everyone, rampers, ticket agents, f/a, pilots, etc. If you all stand together, you can probably get a message out. They can't outsource every single one job. I know its never going to happen. Lack of cojones and unity. Everyone stabbing everyone in the back and upfront. Sad reality.
The United Food & Commercial Workers Union.

They hired folks to picket those Super Kmarts when they opened.

After a few years they quietly disappeared although the grass never grew back for some reason.

I used to roll down the car window and ask them where their shoes were manufactured.

and you know that, how?
The Phoenix media doesn't give a s#!t. If the rally is featured, the story will read something like this:

US Airways mechanics and ramp agents held a rally in front of US Airways Headquarters in Tempe. The list of issues being addressed included working conditions and a lack of a single unified contract.

And now for Ollie Williams and the Blaccuweather Forecast


It's hot.

Thanks, Ollie.
and you know that, how?

I simply asked them where they worked.

Or are you asking about the shoes thing? Nobody manufactures shoes domestically anymore.
Perhaps a 'boutique' manufacturer somewhere but not mass-market products.

I don't think we build televisions anymore either. Used to be a plant in Indiana.

Why do you ask?
this latest ff thing has got to help this cause - - is anyone from other cities doing this , namely CLT?

This recklessness out of tempe is out of control!! Do you think the management wants the airline to go under because it's too much of a headache? they'll get their golden parachutes and we'll all be in the unemployment line.....

why haven't the heads of each union gotten together to fight this worsening disaster of an airline?
I simply asked them where they worked.

Or are you asking about the shoes thing? Nobody manufactures shoes domestically anymore.
Perhaps a 'boutique' manufacturer somewhere but not mass-market products.

I don't think we build televisions anymore either. Used to be a plant in Indiana.

Why do you ask?

Quite a few people carry picket signs as a show of support for the people and the union. I have carried picket signs several times for the writers strike, the bus drivers strike and helped out the local grocery store strikers. My compensation obviously lacked a monetary component but, after talking with the strikers, includes the realization that many times pay scale is inversely proportional to intelligence. I did get a mention by a global newspaper who referred to me as a PHL bus driver. Heh, heh.

As far as outsourcing, I think that "trend" is turning around as manufacturers are realizing that shipping jobs overseas is not as cheap as the Tom Friedmans and Waltons of the world would have you believe. In fact, in many cases, they are understanding that if any savings are captured, it is temporary, at best. Even the least intelligent person is realizing that the higher costs of transportation off-set the rapidly rising, but perceived as, still, low cost foreign labor.

BTW, New Balance and Mason shoes are made in the US and most picture tubes are made in the US. The steel industry has returned to the US. Heck, I know personally of a Mexicana pilot, just upgraded, who makes more than any corresponding US/AWA pilot. The scenery is changing, Americans need to wake up and bring reality to the bargaining table.

Also, you simply asked where someone worked. Is it possible many strikers had jobs elsewhere, during the strike? After all, outside certain "protected" industries, when one goes on strike, (not necessarily legally) one is viewed as having quit.

For a start, read Senator Dorgan's, "Take this job and ship it". He is the one who organizes bus tours for the elderly to cross the northern border to purchase cheap pharmaceuticals.

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