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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

You guys who have been here for thirty years don't seem to care about the future of this company and that's fine I can understand that your going to retire soon and want as much as you can get out of the next contract as possible ,the rest of us who have to keep working want to make sure our company doesn't end up weak and sick .
Not about years of service at all freedom. It's about principal. It's about being treated with respect. It's about the company recognizing past sacrifice with respectable contracts going forward. It is in fact about our collective futue as labor represented Fleet Service Agents. Labor peace can only be accomplished through joint respect from and for both parties. Until now; this has been noticeablly lacking from the company. Those who live by the sword tend to perish by the sword. Go tell AH and his superiors they need to change their ways. When I see evidence of a reversal of their current posture I would be more inclined to support their agenda and attend a rally. Until then... let me think about it... No Thanks! Until then I NEED A CONTRACT Freedom!
You guys who have been here for thirty years don't seem to care about the future of this company and that's fine I can understand that your going to retire soon and want as much as you can get out of the next contract as possible ,the rest of us who have to keep working want to make sure our company doesn't end up weak and sick .

And thats why you will always turn the other cheek when you get slapped by them Again and Again......Id rather strike when the time is right before i help their arrogance !............
That's why I suggested that we have multiple rallies and pickets across the country ,we would get more and better press coverage that way ...

As for whatever you think of our management it pales in comparision for our need to ensure that this company is strong ......

No one knows what the future of this weak sick nation holds but we need to be prepared for a less bountiful future .

Coordinate that. Lets see you take action!
dP and freedom can show up. Nothing until they stop raping us. Stuck on 2002 wages and he could give a rats ass. Right back at ya
Are you guys serious , the American economy is hanging on by a thread a THREAD .... You do all realise that once the federal reserve eases off on the taper its likely that asset prices will collapse and the wealth effect that many of our flying customers feel will vanish .
Are you guys serious , the American economy is hanging on by a thread a THREAD .... You do all realise that once the federal reserve eases off on the taper its likely that asset prices will collapse and the wealth effect that many of our flying customers feel will vanish .
you understand that your prediction record on economic issues is well...let's be nice and say somewhat lacking
I'm only wrong because the government spends 85 Billion dollars a month on QE ,how long do you think we can keep that up , forever ?

Hard times are coming that's why so many companies hold cash .
I think this is a fantastic idea ... It's up to US to fight for our future job security , no one else will ...

Maybe we can do a rally on the west coast as well ...we could have rallies in each of the hub cities , we would be sure to at least get local press coverage .

Maybe we can have a show in your daddy's barn?

Who can bring a tamborine? I'll bring bongos.
I'm only wrong because the government spends 85 Billion dollars a month on QE ,how long do you think we can keep that up , forever ?

Hard times are coming that's why so many companies hold cash .

If rallying and picketing will give you some sense of self-empowerment against the chronic economic anxieties that dominate your worldview then you should by all means go for it; but practically speaking it will do virtually nothing to change the minds of the DOJ + 7 (including AZ!) or the decision of the federal judge that will be hearing the case solely on the merits of the facts and the law, regardless of protest or public opinion.

Your time would be better spent picking up extra shifts if your financial position is what most concerns you.
Hey the sqeeky wheel gets the grease ... Sometimes you have to shout in order to be heard ...just look at those south African miners who were killed one year ago because their protests got too hot ...

In a nation where people are for the most part quite like sheep, it can be usefull to demonstrate that you are not like the rest .

If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .
To management:
Dont be arrogant or dickish.
Get with each union and coordinate a mass protest at the DOJ building in dca.
Each union should also spend whatever resources are needed to get as many members, not necessarily only airline industry members, to attend the rally picket.

Management should allow its resources also to be used to sponsor this event. That necessarily means allowing any employee ps travel to attend.

Gotta be "all in" to get past this gauntlet and im not convinced of leaving the future of jobs in the hands of a attorney who claims he will win this is court.
Oh and one last thing, stop being a D in negotiations. Negotiate fairly and loosen up on the greed.


I would have to see what the next negotiations session looked like before I would ever consider this. If history is an indicator of the future, then I see me not being excited to do anything.

P. Rez
Hey the sqeeky wheel gets the grease ... Sometimes you have to shout in order to be heard ...just look at those south African miners who were killed one year ago because their protests got too hot ...

In a nation where people are for the most part quite like sheep, it can be usefull to demonstrate that you are not like the rest .

If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .


If they show me at the table like they did with AMR I'm game, but I'm hesitant through this Companies lack of commitment to its own employees. I would feel like a B***H if I did something to help and ended up getting slapped at the negotiating table with the type of stuff they are offering now. I don't want to line upper management's pockets with cash, I want scope and benefits for all of us first.

P. Rez
Hey the sqeeky wheel gets the grease ... Sometimes you have to shout in order to be heard ...just look at those south African miners who were killed one year ago because their protests got too hot ...

Squeaky wheels aren't heard in federal court. Just facts and the law. You mean those South African miners who were murdered and no one's yet been arrested for and whose working conditions haven't changed since? I sure hope you're not willing to die for an airline merger bro.

In a nation where people are for the most part quite like sheep, it can be usefull to demonstrate that you are not like the rest .

Sure, if you're protesting legislation or executive action. Trials are a whole other matter, and are fundamentally and legally insulated from public opinion and protest pressure.

If protesting doesn't do anything than why do we as union memebers bother to do it ? It Does provide results and protesting CAN change things IE the cvil rights protests of the 60s or anti war protests .

I'm not saying protesting isn't effective, I'm saying in this specific case it would be a waste of time. I think when the government is indiscriminately dropping napalm on foreign countries or systematically oppressing entire races of people it has a legal mandate to protect it should be protested, I just don't think an anti-trust filing by the DOJ is on quite the same scale of injustice.
Please note chock that the.mere fact we have heard of the south African miners is impressive ,and no I'm not saying we need to die for a merger , but we should always be prepared to be loud and boasterious union members ....

I don't think it hurts anything to TRY ,but I suppose it IS simpler to do nothing and just sit at home and watch TV .
robbedagain said: freedom youre a joke.. you vote for a crappy contract that in the end with your vote sent thousands of your coworkers down the river without the life jackets and then you want to this same filthy rotten mgmt to help us go to dca and picket the doj...

Freedumb said: ,and no I'm not saying we need to die for a merger , but we should always be prepared to be loud and boasterious union members ....

So you sell your union members out, then want them to come to the aid of the company who makes your brown nose shine?

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