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rally and picket at DOJ with all unions and employees

we have no way of knowing this ... considering that we will be absorbing the AA operations after a merger , I honestly can't see us being cut down horribly ... it can happen I grant you that ... but I don't see it , not with our low taxation state and good weather , not to mention our really well run Airport .

What we do know is that if we DON'T merge with American we will be the smallest of the Major airlines and that will put us in the weakest position should times once again become difficult ...
US Airways already is the smallest legacy carrier and turns a heavy profit. They do this by the doing more with less business model that DP has instituted...pay the employees slightly less, less staffing, have less amenities on flights, nickel and dime for everything. It is a scrappy airline that will always be a thorn in the airline industry even if it doesn't merge. In case you haven't realized it yet the industry is very healthy already with the mergers of DL/NW and CO/UA. Having fewer carriers have allowed them to increase airfares. This was DP's dream from the very start of the AWA/US merger, but now he wants to be the emperor and have the biggest airline. Your right we don't know what would happen to phx, I suspect it would become a focus city like DCA. BUT the one thing I do know is that no merger and PHX is absolutely safe from downsizing...the devil you know, is better than the one you don't.
Maybe we can have a show in your daddy's barn?

Who can bring a tamborine? I'll bring bongos.

Per uppermost management emails: "next thing...industry standard contracts, more leg room...inflight internet...wine" "Doug's" response: Consolidation will take care of most of those "silly things", but notably, not a presumably SERIOUS issue to management like inflight internet. You have it in print folks: "industy standard contracts" = "silly things" to these people.

Bongos and tamborines would be a fine start, but seriously...who's gonna' bring the barrels of booze and countless bongs/hallucinogens/etc it'd take to convince anyone even halfway sane to support such fine "leadership"? 😉
chockjockey you gotta remember freedom has no clue about anything bro.. he supports mgmt by signing a crappy contract that saw thousands of his coworkers tossed overboard without the life jackets... and he supports mgmt in every shape way n form even as they are the first to walk all over him.. as for the picket i would not be able to attend as i would be busy too.
First and foremost, the guvm't doesn't give a rat's arse about, what....40,000 employees of airways. As a voting block, it's a pittance.
So, no influence there.
Second, the AA emps don't want this merger, they feel they'd be better off stand-alone.
So, no influence there.
Third, we have been told the company exists for the benefit of the stockholders, period. Emps are just cost items to be managed.
Let the stockholders picket.
Fourth, we have not seen one dime in this deal. All we have is an IOU - a worthless piece of paper. In fact, some other emp groups don't even have a MOU and no clue about how they'll be affected by the merger. Odds are it'll be a negative experience.
Why hurry your own demise?
And last, if DP fails this time, he has no more purpose at this company. He's the dealmaker, the ideaman, the merger broker. Except he hasn't pulled a rabbit out of his hat since 2005. He's had more dui's than successful mergers. I think he should be holding a sign, don't you?
And last, why would the pilots at this company do anything extra for this management? Do we have better wages since 2005? Working conditions improved lately? How are you making out paying that college tuition or buying a new car? Does the wife have to work and does this keep your kids in a germ-infested day care facility? Have you been forced to move because you can't commute or the company hired you for PHX but assigned you to PHL? How 'bout those vacation days for 2014? How many grievances are outstanding because the company 'doesn't have the time' to deal with them? Will your health care costs increase with the new AA? Is your base on shaky ground - will you have to move....again?
I don't know people, but I'm not feeling very motivated to advocate for this management on any issue.

Perfectly summed up sir.
Per uppermost management emails: "next thing...industry standard contracts, more leg room...inflight internet...wine" "Doug's" response: Consolidation will take care of most of those "silly things", but notably, not a presumably SERIOUS issue to managment like inflight internet. You have it in print folks: "Industy contracts" = "silly things" to these people.

Bongos and tamborines would be a fine start, but seriously...who's gonna' bring the barrels of booze and countless bongs/hallucinogens/etc it'd take to convince anyone even halfway sane to support such fine "leadership"? 😉
Per uppermost management emails: "next thing...industry standard contracts, more leg room...inflight internet...wine" "Doug's" response: Consolidation will take care of most of those "silly things", but notably, not a presumably SERIOUS issue to managment like inflight internet. You have it in print folks: "Industy contracts" = "silly things" to these people.

Bongos and tamborines would be a fine start, but seriously...who's gonna' bring the barrels of booze and countless bongs/hallucinogens/etc it'd take to convince anyone even halfway sane to support such fine "leadership"? 😉
freedom would and does support mgmt there... but as for being halfway sane i dont know how to answer him on that 🙂
yeah if things continue on like they have the last few years everything will be fine ...............

but things cannot continue on like they have the last few years , our nations "economic recovery" is nothing more than a mirage brought on by Quantive Easing programs one , two and now three ...

we need to look at the profits our company is making and the business that we're doing against the backdrop of US economic health ...

The US isn't recovered we remain in a low growth environment despite pouring in 85 Billion dollars a month for months up months on end .... At some point reality will forcibly take hold of this nations economy and CRUSH it .... look no further than the forces that are being unleashed on this country as the government tries to squeeze one end of the balloon only to see it expand elsewhere ...

One of our nations largest cities has fallen , municipal bond holders , the most holy of the holies are about to take huge haircuts which will have a ripple effect across the entire muni market ... Then we have cities like Richmond that are resorting to eminent domain to keep from having their tax base implode ..

If we turn our attention away from our own nation for a moment and look out across the world , we can even see that Japan a first world nation is due to go Bankrupt because it is now impossible for them to repay their national debt .... even if our own country were not in dire straights , the implosion of a first world country like japan will have ripple effects across the entire global economy ..(I won't even mention the EU and their mess )

my point is that our future is Guaranteed to become more difficult from unrest in the middle east to economies propped up solely by Central bank actions , we NEED to prepare ourselves for hard times ahead and we can't do that by sticking our heads in the sand and saying that our company has been making some great profits these last few years and therefore we have no need to worry about our future.
You better get your Prepper kit and bug out then freedom. No sense worrying about your silly little airline when all of your predictions come true...
but things cannot continue on like they have the last few years , our nations "economic recovery" is nothing more than a mirage......saying that our company has been making some great profits these last few years and therefore we have no need to worry about our future.

Golly! Gee! You mean to tell us all that the future's always uncertain? REALLY!? 😉 I'll draw from Robin Williams for a proper response: "Reality!...What a Concept!" 🙂

With such an immense wealth of prescienct ability and acumen...I'd think your time better served picking personal investments that'll enrich you beyond your wildest dreams, based on your predictions,....or perhaps you could at least share with us all the next winning Powerball numbers? Sigh!

So you want to organize an "I Love Doug-for-CEO-of-the-world's-largest-airline!" rally?...Well OK then. Here's some suggested entertainment you may wish to book.

Freedom, I know you love the US leadership very much. If it makes you feel any better go on the employee website on the previous months crew news videos, and yours truly both DP and Kirby state many times that US if perfectly fine/profitable as a standalone carrier.
Freedom, I know you love the US leadership very much. If it makes you feel any better go on the employee website on the previous months crew news videos, and yours truly both DP and Kirby state many times that US if perfectly fine/profitable as a standalone carrier.

When they say that , they are saying it *based on current conditions ......

kind of like how your 401K advisor might say you will have XYZ amount of money when you retire IF growth continues on at 8% .....

What I am suggesting is that all of you think for yourselves for a moment and look at the world around you ... You do all realize that the amazing stock market rally we've had isn't based on economic fundamentals , but because of government easing (now popularly called the taper ) ..

Our customers feel wealthy because a majority of them probably own a house and have stocks ...If economic conditions in this country deteriorate that wealth effect many of them feel will vanish , and soon they will start to ask themselves if they can afford a 500 dollar plane ticket ...

While I cannot predict the future , I think we can make reasoned , well informed deductions ..
You better get your Prepper kit and bug out then freedom. No sense worrying about your silly little airline when all of your predictions come true...

you mean like end of the world doomer kit ? ... no , I don't think the world is going to end , we are not all going to die or have our lives turn into Mad Max ....Economies rise and fall it's nothing to get freaked out about .... Russia , Argentina ,Zimbabwe, Greece ....

So what if the stock market goes to 3,000 ? OH WELL , life goes on right ? and what if housing prices fall by 75 % ? I wouldn't blink an eye ...I don't have a problem with economic reality ...

It's not out of place for me to point out all of the money our government has spent these last few years to prop everything up , it's not out of place for me to use common sense and point at Japan and say "they can't pay their debts" ..

If speaking the truth makes a person crazy , then I am crazy .

If speaking the truth makes a person crazy , then I am crazy .

So THAT'S it, the ones speaking the truth are crazy... Explains why I always scroll through WT's encyclopedia answer to a yes or no question - that no one asked him.
freedom i suppose if the donkeys running this outfit called us airways gave anthr crappy contract similar to ua youd be the first to go up to mgmt and say give me a pen and ill sign on the dotted lines while crossing the Ts wouldnt you without reading it? you sure are a pathetic dude man its soo clear to you that you would do anything and support mgmt all the way.. well a lot of us at US have been thru hell and back a few times or soo and enough is enough its time for better contracts better wages etc etc.. contracts first... then may be support the merger efforts.. till the no way no how screw it all mgmt has yet to compensate us for the damages weve endured. grow the h up freedom and look at reality.... mgmt wants all of the unions to support them in the fight against the doj but as far as im concerned and if i were the iam leadership id tell mgmt to either get us better enhanced contracts now otherwise we the iam wont support your merger efforts... plain and simple... no contracts no support
freedom i suppose if the donkeys running this outfit called us airways gave anthr crappy contract similar to ua youd be the first to go up to mgmt and say give me a pen and ill sign on the dotted lines while crossing the Ts wouldnt you without reading it? you sure are a pathetic dude man its soo clear to you that you would do anything and support mgmt all the way.. well a lot of us at US have been thru hell and back a few times or soo and enough is enough its time for better contracts better wages etc etc.. contracts first... then may be support the merger efforts.. till the no way no how screw it all mgmt has yet to compensate us for the damages weve endured. grow the h up freedom and look at reality.... mgmt wants all of the unions to support them in the fight against the doj but as far as im concerned and if i were the iam leadership id tell mgmt to either get us better enhanced contracts now otherwise we the iam wont support your merger efforts... plain and simple... no contracts no support

Future jobs are at risk .. it could be YOUR job , it could be MY job ... we should put aside our differences and unite against a common threat ...We can settle our union differences as we continue on ... but we should be clear in telling the DOJ that we feel their decision to interfere in our merger which will save jobs at AA and provide those of us here at US airways with job security is the wrong decision ....

The DOJ is like many of you ,acting like everything is normal ... I'm betting that their making their assessments on the merits of this merger based on the myth that the economy is recovering and also due to the fact that the major airlines are profiting ...They are unable to see the imperative need for further consolidation in the face of unknown conditions that may result in massive jobs losses in the future .

I have tried my best to point out to all of you the possible threats to our industry that exist out there , and why I feel it's necessary to become bigger and thus more politically important and more resistant to economic shock ..

The DOJ ...... I'm betting that their making their assessments on the merits of this merger based on the myth that the economy is recovering and also due to the fact that the major airlines are profiting ...

Then you're hopelessly naive.

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