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pit base closes

Not to be cynical.

Did anyone expect more out of Parker than a cameo in front of his 'fellow employees'?

In his eyes that is more than enough.

450 people out of work. 500 more forced from their homes.

All because 'the market is not there'.

The market is there for Jet Blue to BOS and JFK. The market is there for Southwest to Florida.

This was a decision made before the facts, and actions (or inactions) made to justify the decision.
We have moving expenses. But the home purchase was given up in one of the restructures.
So is this the big news that was supposed to be announced this month? Kind of a let down...

I was thinking the same thing. With all the talk about a "big announcement" in Oct. it was not only a let down but a downer in general. I too give my condolences to everyone effected by what happened today.
How much does a place to live in DCA. BOS, LGA, or even CLT cost (if you can get there) compared to PIT?

If you are relocated from PIT you have been kicked to the curb.

Maybe Doug will give you a donation from his bonus for telling you to go to Hell.
how does it feel , these same people in pit voted me out of a job 4 yrs ago. they made a deal with the devil.
Really nice of the company to give AFA an hour heads up lead time on a base closure......this management sucks.

Okay. Get real. You make it sound like they put locks on the crew room doors at 10:30. Today was just the announcement. There are several months to get things in order. A new base bid will probably be out shortly so everyone will know what they're doing in 2008.

And the handwriting has been on the wall for over a year for anyone who paid even a modicum of attention. Additionally, look at the history of this place. Every airline that has been taken over in the mergers (except the Shuttle) has had their "Mecca" crew bases closed post merger. The liklihood of PIT closing has been rampant on these boards for the last two weeks.

It's sad that this is happening, but complaining about one hour notice is ludicrous.

I meant no dis-respect to you. Nor do I incinuate that the attitude and seniority that go along with PIT being closed would in any way make your life or those we work with harder. What I was trying to show was the fight song for the Steelers... Simple... PIT fans are some of the best in the country. I just placed the PIT BULLs in to show the other bases you will have a few stilller fans coming your way. I am sorry if you mis-construed my intent.

This closure however makes me very sad. You see... PIT has always been a part of USAirways, USAir, or Allegheny... The core airline of USAirways. All other mergers of this airline have revolved around USAirways. IE: Lake Central, Mohawk, Pennsylvanian, All American, PSA, Piedmont, Empire, and America West... and the core airline Allegheny. Pittsburgh was ALWAYS the key city in its prosperity and now it's... well who knows?...

The management of this company doesn't have a clue what they are going to do when this winter comes and they don't have the PIT base available to keep the east operational because of cities like PHL, LGA, DCA, BOS, and sometimes CLT down due to bad weather. PIT rarely closes... And now sadly... It will close for good. So USstew... I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression...

Just my opinion...
Don't be sorry!!!! I was in the wrong and shouldn't of opened my mouth. I was caught up in some comment that someone else on here made the other day and I shouldn't have linked the two. I'm sorry for going off at the mouth and accusing you of something that was not fact.

You're right on about this management and I hope when they look at themselves in the mirror that they realize WHO they really are.
From what I saw on the Hub-311 active. Truly an end to an era.

Truly, a sad day for the PIT crews.

Glad I left when I did. Never thought the company would actually pull out completely as a crew hub...

The Union leadership needs to approach the company and ask for a severance for these folks who can't move or commute, specifically when the flights have decreased to the point where U is going...the crews won't be able to get out of Pittsburgh to even commute.

Hopefully, most of you are at retirement ages or have other fields you can pursue.
My hat's off to you and all my best to the crews in PIT who have done a tremendous job enduring the most turbulent past 5 years in the airline's history always professional, making the sacrifices requested, commitment and loyalty to the company, fellow employees and it's pax.
The Union leadership needs to approach the company and ask for a severance for these folks who can't move or commute, specifically when the flights have decreased to the point where U is going...the crews won't be able to get out of Pittsburgh to even commute.

Agreed. As I had stated in post #31, why it is prudent to have bumping rights in your CBA. The "ripple affect" may perhaps, be costly enough to the company that, overall, a buy-out or severance in some form would be more cost effective than the "ripple affect" that will be triggered as a result of the PIT base closure.
Truly, a sad day for the PIT crews.

Glad I left when I did. Never thought the company would actually pull out completely as a crew hub...

The Union leadership needs to approach the company and ask for a severance for these folks who can't move or commute, specifically when the flights have decreased to the point where U is going...the crews won't be able to get out of Pittsburgh to even commute.

Hopefully, most of you are at retirement ages or have other fields you can pursue.
My hat's off to you and all my best to the crews in PIT who have done a tremendous job enduring the most turbulent past 5 years in the airline's history always professional, making the sacrifices requested, commitment and loyalty to the company, fellow employees and it's pax.

You're a class act! It's ashame it came to this. Sad day...

You're a class act! It's ashame it came to this. Sad day...

Yes she is and yes it is indeed a real damn shame.

I truly understand the feelings of the poor folks who remain hanging in the balance as I too lived it and it's no fun. Even the local news media and politicians have no use for U or it’s so called leadership. Employees are treated as a nuisance while the executives are rewarded mightily.

Keep swinging and praying for better days.

All the Best
How much does a place to live in DCA. BOS, LGA, or even CLT cost (if you can get there) compared to PIT?

If you are relocated from PIT you have been kicked to the curb.

Maybe Doug will give you a donation from his bonus for telling you to go to Hell.
It's not so bad. All the places that you list have crews living there-no problem.

There are even people who live in California and they seem to get by.
Okay. Get real. You make it sound like they put locks on the crew room doors at 10:30. Today was just the announcement. There are several months to get things in order. A new base bid will probably be out shortly so everyone will know what they're doing in 2008.

And the handwriting has been on the wall for over a year for anyone who paid even a modicum of attention. Additionally, look at the history of this place. Every airline that has been taken over in the mergers (except the Shuttle) has had their "Mecca" crew bases closed post merger. The liklihood of PIT closing has been rampant on these boards for the last two weeks.

It's sad that this is happening, but complaining about one hour notice is ludicrous.
You don't get it dude, out of respect for the union and the F/As that wanted answers, management should have at least given AFA a heads up so they could be prepared. It's somewhat like negotiating in good faith.

Instead, our local was blindsided. Our LECP was doing a crew room sit yesterday am for those who won't make the meeting tomorrow. He's telling F/As that 5 weeks ago verbally and in an e-mail Doug assured him that yes, PIT was being looked at but no decision had been made. You can't tell me that when Doug let the cat out of the bag at the 8/22 CLT meeting that he had no idea. He blatantly stated that yes, PIT might be reduced by March so he knew about it then and HE LIED. When Mark Gentile contacted Doug 5 weeks ago he let him know that an e-line would be going out and the local PIT media had access to his e-line so Doug should choose his words carefully.

Doug chose to lie. Yesterday Doug was in PIT and went NO WHERE NEAR THE MAINLINE CREW ROOM....Sherri Shamblin was down there but not Doug. He avoided it like the coward that he is.

This is just one instance of this management handling things in a way that decreases morale even further. I knew PIT would be downsized again and from where I sit on RSV, I knew I would be gone...no surprise to me.

So, they didn't lock the doors at 10:30 ?? No, they didn't, but once again they screwed up their handling of a delicate situation....but why should I have expected any less ????

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