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pit base closes

I'm sure I'll be called a real biotch for saying this but there have been quite a few threads on this board regarding PIT closing over the last few weeks...they can probably be found further down the list here on this board. As I have read through all the nice posts and condolences, I can't tell you how many of the same people who are now saying "Poor PIT, we feel so bad, they are family." were just recently saying close it down, who cares.
Now that it is actually happening, you all feel bad ? My friends over there are reeling. They knew it was coming, but thought it would be next spring. From what I understand, the company didn't even have the decency to let AFA know.
You know who you are, and NOW you feel bad ? Being a hypocrite is so very unattractive.
Very unfortunate, but it may provide the needed catalyst for many disgruntled employees to move on to other more challenging and meaningful careers. The real reason for this move may actually be the first logical step in strengthening the rumored UA acqusition of US East.
I'm sure PIT won't be the last base we see closed or seriously altered before any merger. Especially with this "ONE" base mentality management we have now. If PIT were closed for streamlining this place before a merger don't ya think we'd see more? We have a lot of bases for a company our size. I'm no advocate of turning lives upside down just my feeling that this won't be the end.
I'm sure PIT won't be the last base we see closed or seriously altered before any merger. Especially with this "ONE" base mentality management we have now. If PIT were closed for streamlining this place before a merger don't ya think we'd see more? We have a lot of bases for a company our size. I'm no advocate of turning lives upside down just my feeling that this won't be the end.
What you say sounds pretty logical to me.

Once again people will have to find new places to commute to, if a merger happens.

Do you know what bases UA has on the east coast?
Really nice of the company to give AFA an hour heads up lead time on a base closure......this management sucks.


This morning, at approximately 0900, I was informed by the Company the PIT domicile will be closed.

In a 10 am announcement CEO Doug Parker said, "We've worked very carefully over the past two years to make the right decisions at Pittsburgh for our customers and the airline as a whole, always mindful of the impact those decisions may have on our employees," said Doug Parker, US Airways chairman and CEO. "Unfortunately our ability to operate profitably from Pittsburgh has been sharply eroded over the past few years and the hub lost more than $40 million over the past 12 months alone. We need to acknowledge the economic realities of today and move forward so that our Pittsburgh service provides a positive contribution to our system as a whole. Even after these flight reductions, US Airways will still fly more flights to more cities from Pittsburgh than any other airline."

According to Company officials, the reduction in PIT service mean the economics of maintaining a crew base for both Pilots and Flight Attendants is no longer viable.

Vice President of Inflight, Sherri Shamblin, Managing Director of Inflight, Steve Kingsley joined Mr. Parker in PIT this morning for the announcement. Ms. Shamblin and Mr. Kingsley will remain in PIT for the remainder of the week.

AFA will be meeting with senior Company officials tomorrow to further discuss the closure. The immediate plan is to begin reducing the domicile in January with the closure slated for March.

The Company informed me the bulk of the PIT flying time will be shifted to the DCA and CLT domiciles.

The closure of the PIT domicile is devastating blow to the PIT members. The Company has committed financial resources to the Union for use by our EAP representatives. AFA EAP will be available in PIT to help our members with the fallout surrounding the closure.

There are many questions that will need to be answered as the process unfolds and we will be issuing more information as it becomes available. The MEC will be meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss the ramifications of the domicile closure.

The Company will be personally contacting all affected PIT employees over the next few days and is sending each PIT Flight Attendant an informational packet. Links to that information are above & below.

Mike Flores
MEC President
What you say sounds pretty logical to me.

Once again people will have to find new places to commute to, if a merger happens.

Do you know what bases UA has on the east coast?

United Airlines flight attendant domiciles:

My heart and prayers go out to the fine folks in Pit.

I'm sure Southwest is rubbing thier hands in glee, again........
I am so very sorry for all of you in PIT. Thank you for all of the service you have provided me the times flew through there over the past 18 years. 🙁

BOS, IAD (BWI/DCA Co Terminals), JFK (LGA Co Terminal). I wouldn't place your bets on a merger though...
Thanks for the info.

I definitely am not holding my breath over UA or anyone else merging w/LCC.

I was curious as to where the shift of flying would be if other bases were closed.

Thanks Again

(by the way, love the reasoned, detailed posts)
Another thing to consider....did the company not think about their timing ??? They always make these announcements right before major holiday months...duh !!!

I'm predicting a major sick out for both Thanksgiving and Christmas in PIT ...by those who are planning to quit instead of commute and by those who have just had enough ! I'll probably be covering PIT trips during Nov/Dec.

What possessed Tempe to decide to do this now ? Not to mention all those who need to be trained if they decide to go to PHL which I think that's where the majority will go. They'll need 190 and 330 training as those were never in PIT and that's at least 3 days...that spells disaster for coverage for the next few months which include the two major holidays....

Wonder what they were thinking but have given up trying to figure them out.......
Does anyone else see this recipe for a perfect storm unfolding? I mean right around the holidays! Some things just don't need to happen at this time of year. Well, this is a melt down waiting to happen. Tempe will then look around and wonder what happened.
missthe727: sorry you were thinking the same thing I was. What a joke. It's going to end with a disaster.
So is this the big news that was supposed to be announced this month? Kind of a let down...
I'm confused by your comments. Are you saying that you are going to make the rest of our lives a living hell (well more of a hell then they already are) because you guys are getting the screw job? I honestly and truly feel for EVERYONE in PIT and it is heartbreaking.... I feel for everyone there, however at the same time EVERYONE that was employed here on 9-10-01 (the day before) along with those thousands in PIT that have gone before you has had to endure more heartbreak and loss than we ever could've imagined and for all of the displacements and furloughs and closings I do not think I have ever recalled ANY of those that have had that misfortune come and insinuate (sp) that they were going to make the rest of our lives a living hell and use any type of seniority to do so. You can sure bet when/if you start up with that you're not going to get anything in return but a Cold Shoulder and possibly a middle finger... I have never heard one of those girls (or guys) make one bad or negative comment and let's not forget that alot of them are senior to Jesus as well.


I meant no dis-respect to you. Nor do I incinuate that the attitude and seniority that go along with PIT being closed would in any way make your life or those we work with harder. What I was trying to show was the fight song for the Steelers... Simple... PIT fans are some of the best in the country. I just placed the PIT BULLs in to show the other bases you will have a few stilller fans coming your way. I am sorry if you mis-construed my intent.

This closure however makes me very sad. You see... PIT has always been a part of USAirways, USAir, or Allegheny... The core airline of USAirways. All other mergers of this airline have revolved around USAirways. IE: Lake Central, Mohawk, Pennsylvanian, All American, PSA, Piedmont, Empire, and America West... and the core airline Allegheny. Pittsburgh was ALWAYS the key city in its prosperity and now it's... well who knows?...

The management of this company doesn't have a clue what they are going to do when this winter comes and they don't have the PIT base available to keep the east operational because of cities like PHL, LGA, DCA, BOS, and sometimes CLT down due to bad weather. PIT rarely closes... And now sadly... It will close for good. So USstew... I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression...

Just my opinion...

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