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USAirways Reunion Party in PIT May 1st !


Sep 10, 2003
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Saturday, May 1ST 2010

7:00 PM- 1:00 AM

$5.00 Cover Charge at the Door

ALL USAirways Employees Past & Present Welcome~ even if you were never based in PIT!

Holiday Inn Pittsburgh Airport

8256 University Blvd., Moon , Pa.


**Cash Bar**

** DJ John Puckett**

**50/50 Raffle**

** Horsd'ouvres**

**Discount Room Rates Available**

(Call the hotel to arrange your room)

R.S.V.P Send an e-mail with your name and how many will attend to: USAirPITReunionParty@Yahoo.com

(We already have over 500 RSVPs!)

We hope to see you this year ~Please spread the word !
I remember having a "productivity break" sitting at the old PIT airport in between flights and the whole crew walking down Beers School Rd to Wings, Suds-n-Spuds---or sometimes they'd come pick us up....those were the days.
I remember having a "productivity break" sitting at the old PIT airport in between flights and the whole crew walking down Beers School Rd to Wings, Suds-n-Spuds---or sometimes they'd come pick us up....those were the days.

Reality,,,check. This isnt the 80's anymore. The planes are blue and Pittsburgh is through.
Reality,,,check. This isnt the 80's anymore. The planes are blue and Pittsburgh is through.

Dude, Take a chill pill. Don't be such a downer!
PIT might be history but there are a lot of great memories that were made there. If not, why would over 700 former and present employees be planning on attending a reunion party there this Saturday night ????
You should come party with us B)
Dude, Take a chill pill. Don't be such a downer!
PIT might be history but there are a lot of great memories that were made there. If not, why would over 700 former and present employees be planning on attending a reunion party there this Saturday night ????
You should come party with us B)


Somebody forgot to take their Anti Depressants. As a customer I had the extreme honor and pleasure to speak to the folks when Greetree Res Center closed. Despite the less than pleasant circumstance I think most had a terrific time. I know I did.

To all of the fine US Airways Employees who have served me well Thanks for everything.

Don't let the naysayers spoil your fun.

Somebody forgot to take their Anti Depressants. As a customer I had the extreme honor and pleasure to speak to the folks when Greetree Res Center closed. Despite the less than pleasant circumstance I think most had a terrific time. I know I did.

To all of the fine US Airways Employees who have served me well Thanks for everything.

Don't let the naysayers spoil your fun.
Thanks for the nice post !!!!
Thanks for the nice post !!!!

You're Welcome! I meant every word of it.

You know we all go through things in life that make us wonder why?? The "trick" is how we deal with it. Some days life is just one big tarmac delay and others it's a surprise F/C upgrade. We as human can't control what happens but brothers and sisters we sure can control how we react to it.

When Flying, much like real life you have basically two choices. You can get mad or get glad as the situation surrounding you is unlikely to change.

Saturday, May 1ST 2010

7:00 PM- 1:00 AM

$5.00 Cover Charge at the Door

ALL USAirways Employees Past & Present Welcome~ even if you were never based in PIT!

Holiday Inn Pittsburgh Airport

8256 University Blvd., Moon , Pa.


**Cash Bar**

** DJ John Puckett**

**50/50 Raffle**

** Horsd'ouvres**

**Discount Room Rates Available**

(Call the hotel to arrange your room)

R.S.V.P Send an e-mail with your name and how many will attend to: USAirPITReunionParty@Yahoo.com

(We already have over 500 RSVPs!)

We hope to see you this year ~Please spread the word !
just bumping this up to remind everyone the party is tomorrow night !!!!