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pit base closes

Oh funny you should ask! Since going through this so many times before. When displacement notices are sent out, they triple the number of people sent notices. So Assuming 318 x 3 = about 900ish. With bumping rights it's all well I would say fair game but, it's not. One person get displaced. They take thier senority and say well....I want your spot in DCA. BUMP! That DCA person then says screw that!...I don't want to go here ...BUMP to a PHL person! Then that person is BUMPED. So forth and so on. So, 318 really effects 900 plus of the most JR. What a domino effect on peoples lives. It makes me sick.
yet another 'SO GOOD FOR MORALE'...God I love this place...
Well, as much as we love to blame the company this is an AFA USAirways issue. This was in our contract back to Mathulsa. I am all for seniority but good grief no other airline has this. I can't imagine how they thought this was fair. If I were displaced well, I would be embarrassed to inflict pain on someone else because my contract said I can. It's part of the all about me mentality now days. Don't pull my chain I swear, it will take me days to come off the walls.
Oh funny you should ask! Since going through this so many times before. When displacement notices are sent out, they triple the number of people sent notices. So Assuming 318 x 3 = about 900ish. With bumping rights it's all well I would say fair game but, it's not. One person get displaced. They take thier senority and say well....I want your spot in DCA. BUMP! That DCA person then says screw that!...I don't want to go here ...BUMP to a PHL person! Then that person is BUMPED. So forth and so on. So, 318 really effects 900 plus of the most JR. What a domino effect on peoples lives. It makes me sick.
Good reply, thanks for an answer.
No prob! It just sucks being on assault from the company and your union. It bites. But, oh well not much I can do at this point. I was literally in training pants when this was put into the contract. Eating the JR....it' so yummy it must be on the menu at Morton's :lol:
as well as all the other 'viable bases' this company has managed to throw to the lions.

OK - so a "Viable" base as you say loses $40M so far this year - how does that make it viable? Hmmmmmmmmmm
Well, as much as we love to blame the company this is an AFA USAirways issue. This was in our contract back to Mathulsa. I am all for seniority but good grief no other airline has this. I can't imagine how they thought this was fair. If I were displaced well, I would be embarrassed to inflict pain on someone else because my contract said I can. It's part of the all about me mentality now days. Don't pull my chain I swear, it will take me days to come off the walls.
That's what I love about people on this board - it is always "the company" who did us wrong. Grow up - you are part of a union that negotiated that contract that you live with - get over it or move on. It isn't "the companies" fault at all - they are simply doing what they have to within the confines of the union contract. Let's see - the happiest employees in the auto industry work for companies that aren't unionized - maybe there is a lesson there!
The commute from PIT will be unbelievable. I've heard that some people are considering DRIVING to DCA! That's just nuts. It's way too far to drive both ways for every trip.

DCA is closer to PIT than PHL. It takes 4 hours 30 minutes to drive from PIT to DCA and it takes 6 hours and 45 minutes from PIT to PHL. I've done both -- DCA is a much nicer drive. The Pennsyltucky Turnpike is a real pain not to mention it costs $19 in tolls for ONE WAY. Do the math, between gas and tolls it's cheaper to fly to PHL.

DCA is closer to PIT than PHL. It takes 4 hours 30 minutes to drive from PIT to DCA and it takes 6 hours and 45 minutes from PIT to PHL. I've done both -- DCA is a much nicer drive. The Pennsyltucky Turnpike is a real pain not to mention it costs $19 in tolls for ONE WAY. Do the math, between gas and tolls it's cheaper to fly to PHL.

I've driven PIT-DCA a few times. I think it's way too far to drive regularly.
That's what I love about people on this board - it is always "the company" who did us wrong. Grow up - you are part of a union that negotiated that contract that you live with - get over it or move on. It isn't "the companies" fault at all - they are simply doing what they have to within the confines of the union contract. Let's see - the happiest employees in the auto industry work for companies that aren't unionized - maybe there is a lesson there!


Give Dougie a kiss phlus2

You can't really be from PHL, people there have guts.
shhhh they need time to vent , it's part of the Grieving process , different folk are afflicted in different ways .

I thought you left. Tired of siting in the trailer watching Dukes of Hazzard reruns?
A lot of posts since I left the house at mid-day......if this has been posted already, forgive me......

From the brand new pilot bid for Jan '08, looks like some of the pilots and F/A's will have at least another month in "the Burgh".

In Jan, there will be 13 737 lines and 14 A319/20/21 lines. That's about 1/2 the lines for those airplanes in Dec. Figure roughly half the flight crews will get at least a month reprieve.


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