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pit base closes

While we kind of knew this was going to happen, I am so sorry to all my hometown peeps out there. Take care and do what is best for you and for your family.
DoUgIe's explanation just does not strike me as completely truthful. It is a spreadsheet kind of thing and numbers can be manipulated to work to anyone's benefit.

I'm a Pittsburgher but accepted a long time ago that I'd never be based there again.

I never imagined though that USAir/USAirways would really eliminate Pittsburgh as a hub or crew base.

It was a phenomenal airport to be based out of for years. Winter operations were a breeze. Parallel runways could be used at the same time. The landscape of this airline has changed forever.

Again I comment, this particular base closure seems to me another way to eliminate the senior employees based there without offering a buy out. It reeks of age (seniority) discrimination. Go ahead and pile on your criticism. I call them as I see them.

A damn shame.
Who would have ever thought US would close PIT? It's a sad day for the wonderful group of employee and crew members in PIT.
While I am truly sympathetic to all PIT employees affected by this (I've been in exactly in the same position you all find yourselves in), you now know how those of us felt in BWI, MIA, GSO, SYR, ORF, LAX, SAN, and SFO when our bases closed.
While I am truly sympathetic to all PIT employees affected by this (I've been in exactly in the same position you all find yourselves in), you now know how those of us felt in BWI, MIA, GSO, SYR, ORF, LAX, SAN, and SFO when our bases closed.
really was that necessary? let them grieve for a little. now is not the time man.
sky high states: Wow! This is surreal. Mecca closed. 500 SENIOR crewmembers now bumping into other bases. Hundreds more commuters. Lives changed.


Pittsburgh CREWS are the best, best in the system. You're FAMILY. I'll welcome you.
only stating opinions
From what I saw on the Hub-311 active. Truly an end to an era.
Again I comment, this particular base closure seems to me another way to eliminate the senior employees based there without offering a buy out. It reeks of age (seniority) discrimination. Go ahead and pile on your criticism. I call them as I see them.

A damn shame.

You are right. This management has said all along they want to get rid of senior people and this is just another way to do so.

Let's see how they handle it. For the f/a's. Will they offer buy out? Will they delay the vacation postings to reflect where these people will go? Will they offer voluntary transfers to create some movement to bring some relief to the displacements this will cause out of philly? Probably not. These people don't care.

Did anyone see the letter from SS on the Inflight page. The fake sentiment makes me sick. They give all the email addresses of the inflight mamaement. Email these people. Urge them to do what is right and make try to make ease some of the impact on all the employees this will effect from the people in PIT to those presently at the bases where the PIT people will come to. I know it will probably mean nothing but let the people responsible for these decisions know that there are human being involved. DP, SK, SS, PK have been making bad decisions for two years now that effect us. Hold them accountable. They all sit confortable and collect their nice paychecks with no effect on their lives.
DEN and ORD( :down: ) are axxed:


Travis' email:

I’m writing to let you know about several pending changes at our US Airways Pittsburgh hub. Today we are announcing that our current schedule will be reduced in early 2008. Our new schedule will continue to offer 20 nonstop destinations, including the larger East and West Coast business markets such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Raleigh-Durham and Washington, DC. Nonstop service to Florida and to our hubs in Philadelphia, Charlotte and Phoenix will also continue. Translated into the number of daily flights offered, we’ll go from 31 peak-day flights per day in our current schedule to 22 daily flights in early 2008.

No mention of PIT-LAS :huh: LAS is their focus/city(at times hub) so I wonder why they would cut it. Old East managed 757's all the time to LAS, now it's Airbus and I hope they don't cut it completely.

There are no more 757's going thru PIT. The largest plane there is the 321 on the last arrival from CLT and the 2nd 8 30am flight to CLT. Rest is 737's and 319/320's and Regional flying. We really need those E190's sent to PIT to save routes such as PIT-ORD.
I just spoke to MG in PIT. He stated that even though the website stated a total closure for Jan 1, the plan is to do it in 2 phases - ending by March 1. According to the contract, any flight attendant displaced can go to any base their seniority can hold. I asked if a global bid was going to be used and he said there is nothing in the contract that states that as an option. So, for those of us who will be displaced, you have your choice to go anywhere your heart desires. PIT is the most senior base by volume, so you can go anywhere you want. For the other bases, and those who are junior, don't get to comfortable with your surroundings, you might not be able to hold your block much less your base.

This is such a sad day for us in PIT....

Just my opinion...
So wait, we are all put on notice not to get too comfortable? I feel for the PIT people. I really do. The reserves in PHL, LGA, DCA and BOS have been through hell and back. Some 3-4 displacements. Some 2 furloughs and countless well you may or may not be gone. This is going to wreak havoc. The PIT people have the right to knock someone else out of there base but I don't like it being used as a weapon almost. At other airlines if your base closes you must go where there is an opening until you can transfer. Here it's like that game musical chairs and the JR people that have been through this game multiple times are always left flat on the floor. This is going to cost the company major $$$. I will welcome the PIT people to their new base but the fact is them coming is not great news for us as the rug has been pulled out from under everyone.
Beach, this a perfect example of YOUR union working for YOU. You as a junior person of 8-10 years don't matter. Maybe when it was written into the contract they never thought they'd see the day. Well the day is here. While I am totally sympathetic to the folks being displaced this is going to affect MORE than just PIT people. How about folks that are going to get the boot from Philly that will have to pay early out fees in the lease. Ya know, the one the company will say they are not obligated to pay. Many times this can be three months fee. It's total BS. So here we are in October ready to F everyones lives up because management couldn't well, MANAGE. This isn't the first closing/displacement and certainly won't be the last at the Wonderful USASSWAYS. If you are in a base with less than 10 years possibly be ready to be.... :mf_boff:

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