On 1/26/2003 7:48:06 PM chipmunn wrote:
Cav said: According to Chip and a few other outraged pilots the answer is to shut the doors and go home for good. ALPA can take a stand all day long but to what end, obviously the demise of U. So what does that accomplish, besides, THERE, we got them, we showed them who is in control. It just seems so incredibly senseless.
Chip comments: Cav, I just said I wasn't going to banter back and forth with posters, but I have three questions for you.
1. When did I say "the answer is to shut the doors and go home for good?"
2. How many employee groups are being asked to take a severe third concession and who are they?
3. What's your opinion of ALPA's financial analysis, put together by outside advisors, discussed on the January 24 code-a-phone?
I agree with you this all seems senseless, but all 12 MEC members and virtually every pilot is in agreement on this issue. Considering the history of labor relations on this property, that should tell you something when the pilots are in total agreement when the viability of the business enterprise is now at stake.
Ok Chip on number one; you never said that verbatim, that is correct, but the posts you wrote sure implied as much.
On number two; you already know that answer as well as we all do, it was never a level playing field from the beginning as Dave stated from the very start.
On number three; I have no idea because that was written with shall I say, a bit of bias pointed in the pilots direction. Read the company side read the pilots side, who is correct? I posted before that I personally am willing to let my pension plan go completely and have only a 401 if the company is willing to up the contribution from the measly 2 percent to a real number that will actually make retirement a possibility without being destitute in my old age.
Chip my posts are not inaccurate, you my man have evolved into a completely different individual overnight, you are the mirror image of your former self. I can't see how all these innuendos being posted are creating any solutions for our futures as U employees. A320 is pissed too, but he sure comes across as being calm and reasonable. I don't know what the answer is, but I do know whatever it is you and a whole lot of other pilots are going to think it stinks big time. I also know striking is not even a sane option.
Peace Chip....Cav