IAside from that, I agree totally that the entire 1950's concept of how pilots are paid should be relegated to the dustbin and the whole process rethought starting from scratch.
Agreed in full.
IAside from that, I agree totally that the entire 1950's concept of how pilots are paid should be relegated to the dustbin and the whole process rethought starting from scratch.
The "old heads" everywhere will base their notions on what they've/we've astually seen happen.
DittoAgreed in full.
HoG Driver:
Thank you for your service whenever it was. I always thought the Hogs were really interesting planes with an interesting close air support mission.
Aww..what's he know?..Even "girls" can fly Warthogs. 🙄 Seriously though, and in proper tribute to both the pilots and the "beast" = A fine Lady Officer/Aviator returned to base after one "discussion" ..with over half of the aircraft's tail blown off by enemy fire
It was a total Hottie named "KillerChick". She was good looking but what made her 'hot" was the fact she strapped on the worlds best killing machine, took it to the enemy, got her tail feathers mussed and brought the jet all the way home in Man.Reversion. Not an easy task. I taxied up to her jet just after landing and watched it bleed all over Jaber's ramp. Only the Hog would have made it back like that. I would fly on her wing anytime, and take the Hog anywhere ( damn near did!).
East...I may not have had the burners, but The Way of the Gun can be just as fun! Just ask the Medina division.....oh wait, they ain't there anymore.
HoG Driver:
Thank you for your service whenever it was. I always thought the Hogs were really interesting planes with an interesting close air support mission.
"World's best killing machine"!!???... my used-ta' wuzz-pink-arse..BUT...Ummm...Errr...I'll give you the Iraqi/Bastiges Guards/Medina 😉 Salute! BroJust tell me you weren't in a briefing room, with f-in' CNN on in the background..and heard "King George" come on with "Agression is defeated!..the War is over!"....we couldn't have heard a mouse far...umm..belch for a full two-three minutes after that BS...No matter..This thing of "Having a pulse" is indeed good. Take the best care sir 😉
Was exactly there...did not believe W was completely correct but hoped for the best. Now I am glad to have been there, done that and got the merit badge. Time for the young turks to pick up the torch while I fight a different battle here at home. Hope this battle goes better for us all!
hogdriver love the pay idea. but i say just pay a guy for L.O.S. regardless of position. yeah the capt has more resposablility but you know we would all still want the right seat even if it didn't pay more for the same L.O.S. and the senior guys would still mostly more want the big planes even if they paid the same. it would also save the company alot of training $ and keep some of the most senior pilots in the smaller jets flying with the newest fos where their experience would be more usefull. and the contract could contain a prevision for linking pay to avg number of seats per plane in the fleet eg. (numbers are only to keep the math easy for me)
avg fleet size 150 then 150k for a 10 yr pilot if doug buys a bunch of 330's and avg fleet size goes up to 165 then a 10yr pilots pay goes up to 165 with out any negotiation it just happens dollar by dollar anytime a new plane shows up or old one leaves.
what do you think?
Just to get a few things straight.