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Pilot labor thread 5/4-5/10

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Lets start with the original airline Frontier. alpa sanctionded chapter 7. Pan Am, if you flew a certain airplane your in, if not your out. Eastern, Braniff, TWA vs american airlines. Atlas and Polar Air apology by alpa. American Eagle pilots bullied by alpa. We are smart enough to know that john prater, leader of alpa has a rug on his head and tries to overpower pilots.

Back in the mid-1980's, the Empire Airlines pilots were denied an election by ALPA National, even though over 90% of those pilots had submitted cards authorizing one.

ALPA, through the Piedmont MEC, knew that Piedmont was going to buy Empire, and that they were therefore going to get their dues money anyway. So, they stonewalled the election, and let the Piedmont pilots staple the Empire pilots to the bottom of the seniority list (the very same Piedmont pilots who are now the most vocal USAPA/DOH supporters).

The idea was to use the Empire pilots as the severed head on a pike, so to speak; a warning to other smaller carrier pilots that if they didn't hurry up and join ALPA, they, too would be stapled in any merger.

Well, it worked. ALPA certainly got its wish in recruiting pilots from smaller airlines.

And now that august association is but one shutdown/merger/consolidation away from having a majority membership from regional airlines.
I don't want to wait. Please tell us now what's incorrect.
Grow up. If you can't, go see a psychiatrist. The company AND the FAA should be looking into the folks here with anger issues.

What a bunch of cry babies.
Check out the Wikipedia site on USAPA: Wiki

Some obvious errors (lies) have recently been corrected.

You chose the keyboard as your epee. I think the america west airline wiki will be updated soon with information on how the airline was financed in its early years.
So instead of presenting any facts or lucid opinions this is your response? I guess I shouldn't have used complicated words like "ad hominem" since it went way above your comprehension. Try googling it.
Looked pretty lucid to me. In case you missed my drift....GROW UP, YOU BUNCH OF CRYBABIES!

MODERATOR NOTE: This post and the series prior from this poster just got him 5 days off. Would anyone else like to join him????

Just to get a few things straight. for all you guy who think we love alpa out west your wrong. we just don't want an award that we legaly recieved taken away from us. getting alpa back would be my second choise behind keeping usapa and having a judge tell you that the nic sticks.

"Legally received." Okay, maybe. But remember, courts reverse "Legally received" verdicts all the time when the "Legally received" process is found flawed.

I think the east pilots are fully aware that the Nicolau shame might yet stand. We were just not willing to let ALPA stonewall us yet another time on the last thing if value we had. It did not comply with ALPA policy, and a federal judge is already leaning towards finding the list Nicolau used as being incorrect. ALPA left us no choice; we have been resisting for years a dysfunctional MEC, but ALPA is structured to keep those in power in power and to disempower the line pilot. There was no other avenue left other than decertification. Even our totally moronic MEC decided to file suit in an inappropriate venue against the AWA MEC as a red herring to distract us until it was too late to do anything about it. Well, for once, the apathetic of the east pilots did not take the bait. Sorry this is not what the AWA pilots want, but sometimes when you want to get a message across to a stubborn mule (ALPA,) you have to first get his attention by whacking it with a 2x4. I think we managed to get ALPA's attention as they are now scrambling to rethink their merger policy. "Too little too late," as they say.

Now the process will reach its conclusion in its own due time on its own due course. Maybe Nic will survive. Who knows at this point? Nothing any of us say here in regard to that makes any difference. We east pilots are just happy to let the entire scenario play itself out now but WITHOUT any input or influence from that corrupt den of thieves known as ALPA.
yeah, yeah...Ok, OK..Roger All sir..sigh...BUT...we DID actually take the good time and trouble to at least kill the entire damn Iraqi Air Farce first though, not to mention their communications and control elements...fair's fair ..that left you guys to "play nice' with the tanks of your choosing :lol: Sheesh!..not the LEAST bit of dammm gratitude from SOME people!..Harrumph! :lol: Ok, Ok..SO?..we ran outta' enemy planes...YOU guys got to spend some goodly time chasing mobile scud sites...Nyaah, Nyaah!.Sigh..we all have our burdens to bear it seems 😉

"Dice??? Crud??? Fights on! First round is on me!" Done deal.."Two's In" I already got the first round, as promised Bro 😉

Hey you and Hogdriver should quit the flirting already and get a room.
"Legally received." Okay, maybe. But remember, courts reverse "Legally received" verdicts all the time when the "Legally received" process is found flawed.

Please tell me again how this ruling was not legal. The rules were followed, the arbitrator ruled, the ruling was reviewed, no problem.

The only problem seems to be with the east group, they can't come up with a seniority list that anyone can agree on and they don't listen when the guy making the decision warns them to change their methodology or they won't like the outcome.

Are you pathological or what? You seem to have all the answers yet when the tough questions are asked you hide behind the legality of the ruling and the famous St. Nic BS.
Was the official report released on that incident yet?

While I don't know of any official report, I happened meet the BDL ground controller who was on duty that evening (our sons are in the same Boy Scout troop)

According to him, the flight in question landed runway 6 and turned off onto runway 19. Up until recently , there was a taxiway at the end of 19 which continued to the ramp. Originally, the normal taxi routing when clearing runway 6 and turning onto 19, was to continue straight past the departure end of 19 onto the then existing taxiway, which lead to the ramp and gate area. Again, according to the controller, the pilot told the local FSDO guys that he had not flown into BDL since the reconfiguration of the taxiways had taken place and did not realize that there was no longer any taxiway at the end of 19 until it was too late.

For anyone "spring loaded" to the old taxiway configuration, more than a quick glance at the BDL 10-9 is needed to see that the short taxiway at the end of 19 has been removed.

Hope this sheds some light on the matter.
Even our totally moronic MEC decided to file suit in an inappropriate venue against the AWA MEC as a red herring to distract us until it was too late to do anything about it.
How come nobody here wrote about how "moronic" the AAA MEC was prior to USAPA winning? I find it very interesting that now, suddenly, the blame for all your woes isn't entirely on the Prater, et al.
We east pilots are just happy to let the entire scenario play itself out now but WITHOUT any input or influence from that corrupt den of thieves known as ALPA.
Just wait until you see how happy you are with that corrupt den of thieves known as USAPA. As the French say, Plus Ça Change, Plus Ce la Même Chose, The More Things Change, the More they Stay the Same.
1. Please tell me again how this ruling was not legal. The rules were followed, the arbitrator ruled, the ruling was reviewed, no problem.

2. The only problem seems to be with the east group, they can't come up with a seniority list that anyone can agree on and they don't listen when the guy making the decision warns them to change their methodology or they won't like the outcome.

3. Are you pathological or what? You seem to have all the answers yet when the tough questions are asked you hide behind the legality of the ruling and the famous St. Nic BS.
1 Geez man, please go back to the closed weekly threads and find the answer. How many times does this have to be rehashed? You have your side and MDA guys have theirs. The details have been discussed ad-nauseum.

2. For me it's the west, no surprise there I suppose. Under ALPA a new contract had absolutely zero chance for implementation with separate ratification voting....once again stalemate. Whose fault would it be? With Nic you say east, without Nic I say west. Stalemate again. The developing problem now is the lack of west participation in USAPA. But believe this, a new contract will be negotiated with or without your input. I prefer with, and maybe somewhere a compromise can be struck to put this behind us.

3. The same can be said of west posters. We each have our positions. Also discussed ad-nauseum. Do we really need to go keep going over the same territory?
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