This was a Hilton people not some flea bag dump and again the unionista's are being not only inappropriate but showing their true colors and lack of class!
Not associated with a union. Try to pay attention. It might help make your replies more coherent.This was a Hilton people not some flea bag dump and again the unionista's are being not only inappropriate but showing their true colors and lack of class!
Ok, well then since you know who I am , Make sure you Identify yourself to me the next time we fly together so I can call you an Idiot to your face ok buddy ?? Then we can talk. so over you idiot ,ignorant pilots.Why do you "know" you will be blocked? Are you an idiot, yourself?
Oh, wait. I flew with you. No need to ask.
You owe me a beer. From before.Ok, well then since you know who I am , Make sure you Identify yourself to me the next time we fly together so I can call you an Idiot to your face ok buddy ?? Then we can talk. so over you idiot ,ignorant pilots.
Well then we will surely talk about this over a beer but your buying for posting such crazy comments ..You owe me a beer. From before.
and, as you should remember, I did not contradict you on your comments about "idiot, ignorant pilots".
Well said back then. Things have changed since. Yes, there are "idiot, ignorant pilots" still, but they now seem to inhabit west seats, as well as trader jake and his sycophants.
Once I get to talk with you, you might be happy to buy. Even if I fail, I will be happy to buy. You are a good, though sometimes misguided, fellow.Well then we will surely talk about this over a beer but your buying for posting such crazy comments ..
The Mods need to close this thread and ban Iclub!
I have never posted on this forum but registered specifically to respond to this thread. As a disclaimer, I am not an airline employee but my wife has worked as an FA for another airline for 26 years. Some of the things I am reading here, specifically from "iclubbabyseals", are repulsive. Turning this sad and tragic event into a rant against management, before all facts have come to light, smacks of having an alternative agenda and a major ax to grind. At face value it appears as if Mr. Aaronson tragically fell into the wrong company (his hotel door wasn't kicked in while he was sleeping...) This could have happened in JFK, MIA, LAX - you choose the city, you choose the hotel, it could have happened anywhere. It does not change the fact that this young man lost his life. Perhaps others could add more remembrances, while another thread could be started regarding the culpability of management. It is not a good mixture of the two.
God bless Nick, his family, and all my FA co-workers in PHX. The ,CLT, DCA,and PHL based crews stand together with you guys in this tough time .Iclubabyseals is a pric*, a self loathing loser, a man who just has so much hate that he has to spew every night.
Not the management's fault, not the union's fault. Nick either made a bad decision, or he was the victim of fate.
Take all the hatred for the company talk of this thread, and grow the hell up everyone.
I have never posted on this forum but registered specifically to respond to this thread. As a disclaimer, I am not an airline employee but my wife has worked as an FA for another airline for 26 years. Some of the things I am reading here, specifically from "iclubbabyseals", are repulsive. Turning this sad and tragic event into a rant against management, before all facts have come to light, smacks of having an alternative agenda and a major ax to grind. At face value it appears as if Mr. Aaronson tragically fell into the wrong company (his hotel door wasn't kicked in while he was sleeping...) This could have happened in JFK, MIA, LAX - you choose the city, you choose the hotel, it could have happened anywhere. It does not change the fact that this young man lost his life. Perhaps others could add more remembrances, while another thread could be started regarding the culpability of management. It is not a good mixture of the two.