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Nick Aaronson

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This was a Hilton people not some flea bag dump and again the unionista's are being not only inappropriate but showing their true colors and lack of class!
This was a Hilton people not some flea bag dump and again the unionista's are being not only inappropriate but showing their true colors and lack of class!

Well we now have the winner of the "Dumbest Post of the Evening".

Are you really that uneducated?

It could have been ANY so called "Reputable Brand". The question becomes whether it was owned and operated by Hilton International? Truth is ANYONE with enough money can build a hotels and be a franchise for Hilton, Marriott, Starwood or any one of a number of chains.

Are there standards? YES there are! Do they deal with security? Generally speaking? NO! Most of the standards deal with the ratio of employees to guests, Cleanliness of the rooms, common areas and amenities offered, along with the customer satisfaction guarantee. On this Hilton has very strict standards. A Hilton property run by a management company could offer impeccable service and customer experience and still have very lax security program.

So if it's all the same to you, come back when you know what you're talking about.

This message is brought to you by a "Salary Provider" also know as customer or PAX.
This was a Hilton people not some flea bag dump and again the unionista's are being not only inappropriate but showing their true colors and lack of class!
Not associated with a union. Try to pay attention. It might help make your replies more coherent.

Do you happen to know how many different "service" levels Hilton owns? I can certainly understand your red-neck bottomless pool of ignorance might restrict your knowledge in such areas, but, in the case of Mexico City, like Beruit or Lagos (places I have actually stayed at), names mean very little when it comes to safety.

For your information, should you wish to travel outside that greater PHX metro area, you may wish to try to acquaint yourself with local customs and maps, as well as security information put out by, among other things, the State department, courtesy your taxes, as well as several paid security intel sources. All have flagged that area where we put up crews in MEX as "less than desirable", something I am certain the tempe drunks had access to but never referenced.
Why do you "know" you will be blocked? Are you an idiot, yourself?

Oh, wait. I flew with you. No need to ask.
Ok, well then since you know who I am , Make sure you Identify yourself to me the next time we fly together so I can call you an Idiot to your face ok buddy ?? Then we can talk. so over you idiot ,ignorant pilots.
Ok, well then since you know who I am , Make sure you Identify yourself to me the next time we fly together so I can call you an Idiot to your face ok buddy ?? Then we can talk. so over you idiot ,ignorant pilots.
You owe me a beer. From before.

and, as you should remember, I did not contradict you on your comments about "idiot, ignorant pilots".

Well said back then. Things have changed since. Yes, there are "idiot, ignorant pilots" still, but they now seem to inhabit west seats, as well as trader jake and his sycophants.
You owe me a beer. From before.

and, as you should remember, I did not contradict you on your comments about "idiot, ignorant pilots".

Well said back then. Things have changed since. Yes, there are "idiot, ignorant pilots" still, but they now seem to inhabit west seats, as well as trader jake and his sycophants.
Well then we will surely talk about this over a beer but your buying for posting such crazy comments ..
Well then we will surely talk about this over a beer but your buying for posting such crazy comments ..
Once I get to talk with you, you might be happy to buy. Even if I fail, I will be happy to buy. You are a good, though sometimes misguided, fellow.
This thread is about the tragic death of a fellow employee. Anyone with a shred of class would respect that.
I have never posted on this forum but registered specifically to respond to this thread. As a disclaimer, I am not an airline employee but my wife has worked as an FA for another airline for 26 years. Some of the things I am reading here, specifically from "iclubbabyseals", are repulsive. Turning this sad and tragic event into a rant against management, before all facts have come to light, smacks of having an alternative agenda and a major ax to grind. At face value it appears as if Mr. Aaronson tragically fell into the wrong company (his hotel door wasn't kicked in while he was sleeping...) This could have happened in JFK, MIA, LAX - you choose the city, you choose the hotel, it could have happened anywhere. It does not change the fact that this young man lost his life. Perhaps others could add more remembrances, while another thread could be started regarding the culpability of management. It is not a good mixture of the two.
I have never posted on this forum but registered specifically to respond to this thread. As a disclaimer, I am not an airline employee but my wife has worked as an FA for another airline for 26 years. Some of the things I am reading here, specifically from "iclubbabyseals", are repulsive. Turning this sad and tragic event into a rant against management, before all facts have come to light, smacks of having an alternative agenda and a major ax to grind. At face value it appears as if Mr. Aaronson tragically fell into the wrong company (his hotel door wasn't kicked in while he was sleeping...) This could have happened in JFK, MIA, LAX - you choose the city, you choose the hotel, it could have happened anywhere. It does not change the fact that this young man lost his life. Perhaps others could add more remembrances, while another thread could be started regarding the culpability of management. It is not a good mixture of the two.

Iclubabyseals is a pric*, a self loathing loser, a man who just has so much hate that he has to spew every night.

Not the management's fault, not the union's fault. Nick either made a bad decision, or he was the victim of fate.

Take all the hatred for the company talk of this thread, and grow the hell up everyone.
Iclubabyseals is a pric*, a self loathing loser, a man who just has so much hate that he has to spew every night.

Not the management's fault, not the union's fault. Nick either made a bad decision, or he was the victim of fate.

Take all the hatred for the company talk of this thread, and grow the hell up everyone.
God bless Nick, his family, and all my FA co-workers in PHX. The ,CLT, DCA,and PHL based crews stand together with you guys in this tough time .
I have never posted on this forum but registered specifically to respond to this thread. As a disclaimer, I am not an airline employee but my wife has worked as an FA for another airline for 26 years. Some of the things I am reading here, specifically from "iclubbabyseals", are repulsive. Turning this sad and tragic event into a rant against management, before all facts have come to light, smacks of having an alternative agenda and a major ax to grind. At face value it appears as if Mr. Aaronson tragically fell into the wrong company (his hotel door wasn't kicked in while he was sleeping...) This could have happened in JFK, MIA, LAX - you choose the city, you choose the hotel, it could have happened anywhere. It does not change the fact that this young man lost his life. Perhaps others could add more remembrances, while another thread could be started regarding the culpability of management. It is not a good mixture of the two.

Good post. This has nothing to do with the Company or the Hotel which is not a bad one.
There is a problem though in Mexico as a whole. The place is more dangerous then Iraq.
Most companies that fly to countries that have safety concerns provide a security page in the company manuals with specific briefings on each country and city including the hotel and surrounding areas of the hotel. USairways currently does not have such a program. the closest thing we have is a few company memos from time to time such as the one after the RIO hotel occupation incident.

Mexico certantly falls into what I would consider "Unstable and violence prone". Given the current wide scale drug war there that has on numerous occasions even spilled across the border into this country. When you look at the sheer number of murders that are commited in Mexico on a weekly and even daily basis it is clear that the mexican authorities have lost control of the situation and are outnumbered. They have police officers being killed in their own homes on a regular basis.

I think most employees here are very aware how risky it is to do what it appears Mr. Aaronson did if the news reports that have come out are accurate. However it is also possible that he was the type that didn't pay attention to the current events, and had never specifically been told "You need to watch yourself".

Really I am surprised that we still have overnights anywhere in Mexico. All the Mexico destinations are capable of being run as out and backs with the use of an IRO third pilot. If I were in the planning department Mexico City would be the last place I would schedule an overnight due to the vast amount of violence there in the last few years.

At the bare minimum I think the company needs to provide the employees with specific threat briefings for each city. Really from a pure safety point of view they probably need to quit overnighting crews there.

It is to the point in Mexico that many corporate jets and executives are travelling to mexico with heavily armed security teams and using armored vehicles for transport once on the ground. that is if they even go there anymore. For years it has been required to have armed guards posted around a corporate aircraft in much of mexico to ensure the plane was still there when you wanted to leave. The violence of the last few years has stepped the concern up from property to personal protection now.
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