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Nick Aaronson

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Most companies that fly to countries that have safety concerns provide a security page in the company manuals with specific briefings on each country and city including the hotel and surrounding areas of the hotel. USairways currently does not have such a program. the closest thing we have is a few company memos from time to time such as the one after the RIO hotel occupation incident.
IF this is true*and no reason to doubt it) then maybe something good could come of this tragic loss. USAIRWAYS lets get this done & do it NOW.
Iclubabyseals is a pric*, a self loathing loser, a man who just has so much hate that he has to spew every night.

Not the management's fault, not the union's fault. Nick either made a bad decision, or he was the victim of fate.

Take all the hatred for the company talk of this thread, and grow the hell up everyone.
You & I have not agreed on much in the past but on this one we do.
Mexico City police arrest man for allegedly killing, stealing from US Airways flight attendant

Click here to read the story.
Good post. This has nothing to do with the Company or the Hotel which is not a bad one.
There is a problem though in Mexico as a whole. The place is more dangerous then Iraq.

I think a lot of people on this forum are angry that this happened and are trying to find someone to blame so they are blaming the company. However, this tragedy has to do with a bad choice that this young man made. As much as I am no fan of this management they cannot be blamed for the state of affairs of the countries we fly to. Anyone with a television set or access to USAToday knows how bad the situation is in some of these foreign countries we fly to~ especially Mexico with the drug wars, murders and kidnappings. My husbands company no longer allows their US based employees to go to the plants they have in Juarez which is practically on top of the Mexico/US border. Everything including safety inspections is done via video conferencing.

I truly believe the hotel is as safe as it can be in the current world situation down there. I know we need to leave the hotels to get food, etc but we always need to remain on our guard~~ that is common sense. Especially when inviting strangers in to the "safe" hotel that the company has provided us with. I always try to get a fellow crewmember to go out with me....but that's maybe because I'm female I don't know.

One thing I do know is that the choice Nick made will haunt Nicks family and his coworkers for years to come. Take all your name calling and blaming energy and try to put it in to educating fellow crew members and the travelling public as to the dangers of a mistake such as this. That would be a way to honor Nick.
Thanks, Scoop. Right on top of things, as usual.


Why do you feel the necessity to insult people? It's not surprising you don't have to courage to identify yourself in a PM message to me and instead try to insult people. I believe your insults/attitude is childish, pathetic, and cowardly. In fact, it's best to ignore you instead of trying to have an intellectual conversation.


Why do you feel the necessity to insult people? It's not surprising you don't have to courage to identify yourself in a PM message to me and instead try to insult people. I believe your insults/attitude is childish, pathetic, and cowardly. In fact, it's best to ignore you instead of trying to have an intellectual conversation.


Then ignore me, Scoop. Like I care what you think.
Then ignore me, Scoop. Like I care what you think.
That makes two of us. By the way, I believe people who insult others and then don't have the courage to privately identify them self are cowards. In my opinion, people who hide behind computers in the comfort of their home who insult others don't have a pair of gonads and are irrelevant. 🙄
Reading this thread one could easily assume the worst of the EAST.

It is so sad what happened to this young man. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. I am sure he is missed terribly.

Unfortunately, his passing is linked to increasing consternation on the EAST side at what is happening to the hotels and areas that crew are being located to. At no time in the past have our overnights been in such questionable places. Mr. Aronson's death is our worst fear realized, whether he was wise or not. That it is being expressed so poorly is a manifestation of our seemingly increasing helplessness in the face of a management that patently pursues the least expensive lodging for us possible, with little regard for quality.

Mr. Aronson does not deserve to become a poster boy for what is wrong at US.

He seems to have been a beloved young man.

Rest in Peace, I'm sure you're somewhere better.
Based on the story posted on this article, security staff confronted Nick upon his return to the hotel, questioned him about his visitant and asked him to register him at the desk.

This shows that the guy did not even fear being captured on camera. I guess that where there is a such a bold urge to commit a crime, there really is no logical thinking left behind. Also, the suspect shaved his hair on the sides the following day, and went back out again to the same bar across the street from the hotel. That is where they apprehended him.

Reading this thread one could easily assume the worst of the EAST.

It is so sad what happened to this young man. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. I am sure he is missed terribly.

Unfortunately, his passing is linked to increasing consternation on the EAST side at what is happening to the hotels and areas that crew are being located to.

Rest in Peace, I'm sure you're somewhere better.

Thank you, GP for helping us rememeber that the subject of this thread is the tragic death of Nick Aaronson. Let's all stick to that. There plenty of other threads for other topics.

May his loved ones find some solace that a suspect is under arrest.
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