Here's an idea.
EAST should open a flight attendant crew base in Las Vegas. Lets say the west needs 300 F/As for thier operation. Instead of hiring new, open a crew base in LAS on the east certificate.
300 east F/As go to LAS, creating openings in east bases (specifically PHL and CLT to a lesser extent). This creates openings and keeps most F/As in at least thier current base, or only displaces the F/As in the overstaffed bases (PIT CLT), not the understaffed bases (its simply absurd that junior Philly F/As, pretty much the only ones who actually live there, are being displaced BECAUSE the base is understaffed and people are being involuntarily forced to go there... hello... there has to be a better way). Further openings would be filled by recalls. US is the profitable airline but still has thousands laid off while everyone else HIRES. Oh yeah, US hires for half of the airline while it has furloughees in the wings.
I wonder if a new base opeining before the new contract is possible. This would benefit everyone:
East F/As: Opportunity to transfer to a base closer to home, relief of seniority at all bases
West F/As: Senior east F/As "Go West" without affecting PHX at all.
Company: Short west flying is covered without having to hire off the street.
Invol furloughees: get the opportnuity to get called back. This also benefits everyone at merger time, to have a more 'honest' representation of east's seniority list, as opposed to being suprised later as furloughees return.
Potential new hires: They wouldn't exist. They are just screwed. They will be gone once the companies are merged.
The operation: Of the 2000 or so F/As currently based in PHL, over 80% commute. A large part of the 20% that are locals are the ones who will now commuting to another base, while senior F/As commute from PIT and CLT to PHL. Duuuuuuuuhhhh... With the wacky new boarding priority and make it up as you go res system, combined with bad weather and high load factors, means having a workforce where nearly everyone commutes is a pretty poor setup. You now have to hope that every crrewmember on every flight as opposed to most, makes it to thier base city. Keeping people in the cities they live is beneficial.
Cost: Does it really cost that much to throw some computers in a break room and construct pairings to open a base? Or recall F/As that only need a four day refresher, instead of hiring new hires out west that need six weeks of training, and may not finish or quit when they get out there? Is it really cheaper to pay moving costs, settling days, lost revenue from cancelled flights, lost revenue from lower morale, than it is to recall a few people or open a new base?
Just an idea. But I'm just a dumb flight attendant and obviously not as clever as the company and the union who keep an airline running like clockwork with a happy workforce, right?