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Nick Aaronson

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Based on the story posted on this article, security staff confronted Nick upon his return to the hotel, questioned him about his visitant and asked him to register him at the desk.

This tragic death demonstrates why fathers and mothers spend so much time trying to convince their children that strangers very often equal danger, especially in somewhat dangerous cities like MEX. It shoud serve as a wakeup call to anyone, flight attendant or otherwise, who forgets that very bad things can happen when you make poor choices. And no matter how you slice it, bringing someone you just met in a bar to your layover hotel room is a poor choice.

To be sure, bad things can also happen to those who make excellent choices, but they probably don't happens quite as often as to those who make poor choices. I feel for his family.
Friday morning an innocent young man was brutally murdered. Whatever the circumstances were surrounding his death, unless there is proof that he asked to be brutally killed--which I doubt--he is a victim. The self-righteous among us who have never ever made a "poor choice" in their lives can pontificate all day long about this young man's decisions at the end of his life, but it doesn't change the fact that a life was destroyed and that this young man did nothing to justify his murder. Instead of seizing on the "poor choices" someone else may have made we all should think about the poor ones we've made in our own lives and be grateful that we're still here to learn from them. Bad things happen in this life no matter what the circumstances are when they happen. We should no more be fixating on the "poor choices" this young man made or to "Try raging against the cheap tempe corporate mindset apparent in those who place saving the almighty dollar over the lives of their employees" anymore than we should be blaming the families of victims whose lives were lost in church due to bombings or whose kids were lost in school to psychopathic killers on shooting sprees.

A life was lost Friday morning. If he were staying in the Ritz surrounded by palace guards or in the company of St. Peter when he died, it would not make him any less dead than he is now . And it would not make his partner and family, friends and colleagues any less sad than they are now. This man is gone. And the people who loved him are hurting now and they will be for a long time. That's what's important. Uplift and support them. Blame and judgement by other fallible beings have no place alongside an unfortunate fate that was long ago deemed to be by an infallible God.
The anger and rants on this thread are what managment has created.
they have laughed all the way to the bank on using employees... EAST and WEST.
their time will come .... i'm sure of it...
The anger and rants on this thread are what managment has created.
they have laughed all the way to the bank on using employees... EAST and WEST.
their time will come .... i'm sure of it...
So I read the article in Excelsior and it just brings up a major point to anyone, gay or straight:

never ever bring anyone back to your hotel, no matter how cute/hung/pretty they are!!

I've traveled around the world, and been to many "not-so-gay friendly" places and I still come home alive. Part of that is to never get too drunk, don't ever hit on the locals (and even some tourists), and never EVER hook-up.

Nick's story can unfortunately be told about 50 - 100 times a year, this one just happened to involve a flight attendant and hit the mainstream news. I know of a friend who even got beat up in Nassau on an overnight (even though I warned him against trying to "hook-up").

I would hope that people use more common sense to prevent another "nick" from happening. Stick with your crews, or if you make friends, always stay in public places.
The anger and rants on this thread are what managment has created.
they have laughed all the way to the bank on using employees... EAST and WEST.
their time will come .... i'm sure of it...

Management didn't create your anger, that is your choice.

But you have no problem creating your own scapegoat.
this thread is about the F/A who was murdered please dont turn this into anything but about the man who lost his life tragically
Because US Airways required it, which is why I suggested to nybusdriver have the "courage to identify yourself in a PM message to me."
NO they did not, they policy said not to identify yourself as a US Airways employee, try again!
Well then we will surely talk about this over a beer but your buying for posting such crazy comments ..
You know, what is crazy is the response to this incident. and you owe me. I ain't paying for pointing out how incredibly, pathetically, stupid this entire episode is, where, it seems, the beating of chests, throwing ashes on one's head and rending one's clothes takes precedence over taking steps to protect the employees.

The dude walked on the wild side. OK, fine. He chose to walk right along the edge of the cliff. He fell off. End of story.

Through his own ignorance (thanks tempe for sending ignorant whelps into potential danger) he got himself killed. I truly feel sorry for him and his family.

Just as I feel sorry for the flight attendant who died from a smoke and fume event. and the flight attendant who died from a heart attack transatlantic. The Delta pilot who got run over by a trolley in the Hague. My friends who died in Vietnam.

The difference is, they did not tempt fate, like he did. I still feel sorrow for him. I do adhere to John Donne.

“ ... any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.. ”

— Donne, Meditation XVII

As an aside, and while I know there are exceptions, had the flight crews flown as a group (they might have, but it is not a regular thing on west metal), with that particular mindset of a (relatively speaking) cohesive crew, there is a chance that someone might have briefed the crew that Mexico City is not known for benevolence and to not go out without a fellow employee. Not that it would have changed things, but at least the poor guy would have had more of a chance of survival then he did.

I go out all the time by myself, meeting and befriending numerous families, though, recently, I would restrict my activities in Athens (not Georgia). Over thirty years ago I used to have layovers in MEX and, even then, it would never be by myself, even across the street. and I speak a little espanol, even.

Tragic? Yes. Response out of control? Completely.
A picture is released with the dude's mouth covered with what appears to be duct tape. What, exactly, is the significance of that? Kinky sex?

Was he in the military and was protesting DADT? Help me out here.

What is Your Damage? Do you Hate just to Hate??
That makes two of us. By the way, I believe people who insult others and then don't have the courage to privately identify them self are cowards. In my opinion, people who hide behind computers in the comfort of their home who insult others don't have a pair of gonads and are irrelevant. 🙄

At least I'm at home when I "hide behind my computer," and not using it in the cockpit during flight.
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