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"New" Improved Galley Packouts

I don't think passengers are asking for Splenda like crazy when they see the advertising. These ads are paid for and there is no need to carry the products advertised.
They are definitely asking for Splenda--A LOT. I've had to explain many times that just because it's advertised in large lettering right in front of them does not mean that we actually carry the product onboard. Another Tempe "oversight" like not checking out the Cold Stone coupons ahead of time. (The fact that they could not be used at some locations, and also that it is not a part of the F/As duties.)
I don't think passengers are asking for Splenda like crazy when they see the advertising. These ads are paid for and there is no need to carry the products advertised.
Well if that were the case we should advertise for Miller beer and Pepsi then. I guess passengers wouldn't ask for that either? This company is being ran by some unprofessional people. Mistakes BIG and small are countless and endless. 🙄 Must be that "TOP TALENT" at work.
I think they ignore the customer AND the employee. They can hold all the information sessions in CLT and PHX all they want. All the changes and mishaps are due to NOBODY in the upper ranks listening to the customer and front line workers.
I think they ignore the customer AND the employee. They can hold all the information sessions in CLT and PHX all they want. All the changes and mishaps are due to NOBODY in the upper ranks listening to the customer and front line workers.

They are listening, at least I have had some improvements due to issues that I have brought to their attention. It just takes continual contact with key people and have documentation, including photographs if need be or the actual item (buy on board-skimpy product or that nasty alfredo sauce) in your hands to show them just what the front line has to endure on any given trip.
The galley pack out doesnt work for several reasons. One, the West side doesnt fly the Airbus 321. Total number of passengers 169.

1. One carrier of ice on top of the cart is not sufficient for coach on this aircraft. Compared to the TWO drawers of ice. More running.

2. The bev cart now carries the beer/wine/liquor. TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. A couple of beers and wines in the ice drawer is sufficient. A few mini's. That space should be used for MORE SODAS. This pack out requires ALOT OF UNNECESSARY running for depleted supplies. That will generally happen around row 18, 19. You're only HALF DONE on this aircraft. 90 PERCENT of your passengers request what? A SODA. JUICE. And liquor is NOT needed on Morning flights, besides the occasional vodka for a bloody Mary.

3. Bring back the liquor cart. Supply the beverage cart with MORE SODAS. That's what the MAJORITY OF PASSENGERS request.

4. Bring back the TOPPER. It's got ALL YOUR DRY GOOD SUPPLIES in it. All in one place!!!!
Question for the west. How different is this new galley pack out compared to what you normally had in the past? What are the differences??????????????
only stating opinions.

As far as your passenger are totally different than our west passengers - that's ones for sure...

We need BOOZe... at all time of the day... Morning/Evening/Night. WE drink untill there is not any liquor... Going to Vegas... Please... They drink Liquor/Beer/Wine like its going out of style....

Also we drink alot of Water on the west. Westcrewmembers/and passengers are health consecious.
As far as your passenger are totally different than our west passengers - that's ones for sure...

sky high states: Last time I checked, USAirways flies to cities in the WEST.

ONLY stating opinions

However, Passengers going to Vegas needs to booze at all times. Just saying that yes, Booze is needed in the morning. 😛 that's all. 😀 :up: Just seems more Eastern America people enjoy wine and biz styles vs Western Americans are more laid back and shorts and t's...and more into Water and Healthy Lifestyles. Not a bad thing.... Just differences I see on my flights.
If I understand sthrnboy correctly the "West's" way for a healthy lifestyle is to drink lots of booze, then drink lots of water.

I knew I was missing something out of my "east" healthy lifestye. I need to drink booze until ther is nothing left.
However, Passengers going to Vegas needs to booze at all times. Just saying that yes, Booze is needed in the morning. 😛 that's all. 😀

SKY HIGH states: LAS VEGAS is the exception, NOT THE RULE.

only stating opinions
<SNIP> If I understand sthrnboy correctly the "West's" way for a healthy lifestyle is to drink lots of booze, then drink lots of water.
"One of the biggest problems with avoiding and treating hangover is recognizing the misconceptions," said Dr. Marc Siegel, an internist and clinical professor of medicine at the New York University School of Medicine.

He believes the best remedy -- and preventive -- for a hangover is also the simplest: Drink lots of water.
Out east for years, we had 1/2 litre bottles of water up front. Then West took over and removed that water.

We in the east like to drink water ro, and we are concerned about out health as well, and want to stay hydrated while flying. With the moves from the west management they don't seem to be concerned about drinking water and staying healthy.
sky high states: "FEAR" creates ANGER. You delta employees flooded this board with insults. Insulting the company and IT'S EMPLOYEES. Any surprise about the retorts?
only stating opinions.

I'm not referring to that, Sky. I'm talking about how the flight attendants on this board rarely have anything good to say about their amenities and/or products on board the aircraft. Then, if a DL flight attendant states they want no part of it, we're called every name in the book. The insults have flown on both sides; if you were an honest person, you'd be able to admit that. As far as I'm concerned, USAirways had a decent product that has been degraded by their new management team in Arizona. Before anyone starts yelling at me-read the posts from the MAJORITY of US F/A's. I don't believe they're all liars. The product has "suffered" from the decisions made in Tempe-and the flight attendants are left holding the bag. Let's face it. When the average person compared America West with USAirways, there was a difference in the product/service level. It's no wonder the EAST F/A's are having a hard time "adjusting". I think all airlines need to decide if they're Target, Wal-Mart, or Saks. You can't be everything to everyone.
As far as I'm concerned, USAirways had a decent product that has been degraded by their new management team in Arizona. Before anyone starts yelling at me-read the posts from the MAJORITY of US F/A's. I don't believe they're all liars. The product has "suffered" from the decisions made in Tempe-and the flight attendants are left holding the bag. Let's face it. When the average person compared America West with USAirways, there was a difference in the product/service level. It's no wonder the EAST F/A's are having a hard time "adjusting". I think all airlines need to decide if they're Target, Wal-Mart, or Saks. You can't be everything to everyone.

Very well said! :up:

In fact, I'm STILL trying to figure out what "full service, low cost carrier" means around here! I know what "low cost carrier" means now, but what the heck does "full service" mean? I think our service levels have fallen off the map! :down:
Very well said! :up:
In fact, I'm STILL trying to figure out what "full service, low cost carrier" means around here! I know what "low cost carrier" means now, but what the heck does "full service" mean? I think our service levels have fallen off the map! :down:

Ok, if you can't figure it out, I'll explain it. US Airways is slowly becoming an expanded "america west". Which in it's 22 year history has been a low cost carrier. Those same ideals are being applied to a bigger airline now.

What does "full service, low cost carrier" mean? It means, that you there are first class cabins, assigned seats, meals offereed in both coach and first class (not a gourmet meal, but a meal) a frequent flyer program that shares with others and service to numerous domestic and international destinations.

US Airways see the quality of the product declining (ie, powerded cream in coach, simple first class meals, small bottles of water go away, etc.) These are result in cost. Unecessary cost? possibly. With bottled water, the cost of the water was pretty high on America West when they offered small bottles of water, lots waste, pax taking them with them, etc,...wasted revenue. You can still offer them water, but it's poured in a glass. There is more water on the a/c now then ever before and crews are welcome to drink it as they wish, but if you give the first class passenger a 'big bottle" you will run low on water.

Bottom line is that the company is has tried to consistently position themselves for the next "downturn" or "event" that none of us can predict that would have airlines teetering on the edge again. Most America West employees were tired of "living on the edge" everytime the industry had a problem, particularly post 9/11, with higher costs in fuel, security, etc. Quite frankly I'm certain that employees of US Airways were also tired of the same, having had financial difficulty as well for many years. This change may not seem like it works, but it does and in this business of small profit margins, this change is necessary to be a long term player.

Before you compare, Contintental, American etc, and their products, take a look at the balance sheets and the revenue generated on a quarterly basis and some carries can afford more than others. As far as Southwest is concerened...no comparison..nobody ever complains about their "lack of amenities"..but they always praise them, including on this board.