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New NonRev policy annouced

dfw gen said:
take you walker and retire already...
Jerk , US is saving your ass , those with some time aren't that old and have dedicated their careers to this airline.
Thanks for that good laugh. This thread needed some levity.

Bankruptcy saved our ass, not US.
john john said:
I have never heard of this. I thought they go in line with the seniority of the crewmember

I've seen this applied at the gate as close as DCA and as far away as BRU. Don't know what else to tell you.
cynic said:
In one case, my SA1 became an SA9. Fortunately for me there were revenue passengers that missed connections and I still got on. I only found out because one of the FAs working the flight asked who I worked for when she saw my badge, yet saw me listed as an SA9 on the final paperwork.

In another case, I was stuck overnight because an agent boarded an SA7 ahead of more than a dozen employees and I missed the flight by one seat. I found out later that it was a friend of hers. In both cases I reported the actions of those employees to the company and I believe there was disciplinary action. However, that didn't pay for the extra expenses that I incurred.

Really sorry that happened. There is a non-rev tool out there (limited access) that allows you see exactly what is in QIK and what the agent is doing in QIK. If things start looking dicey, I just nicely go up the the agent, show them the webpage and ask if they mistakenly skipped my name by mistake. Same thing if I walk up to the gate and am told there are absolutely no seats on the flight and I see 20 seats open and one nov-rev already cleared (weight restrictions aside). A screenshot with a time stamp helps document the situation. I've only had to resort to this maybe 3 times. The vast majority of times I'm very happy to say that US agents get it right!

That said, I really like how AA and UA do it. The screen behind the podium with your name on it shows you where you are on the list and if you have been cleared. No guessing. US should have had that long time ago. The UA mobile app shows your position on the standby list, when you have been cleared and what seat you have been cleared to. That's pretty neat and I hope the "New AA" mobile app offers this functionality, too.

Not cool what happened to you. Again, sorry.
bunt3dunk said:
Jerk , US is saving your ass , those with some time aren't that old and have dedicated their careers to this airline.
American would have emerged from bankruptcy with or without USAirways.
Crawl back in your hole.
Crash Pad DCA said:

I've seen this applied at the gate as close as DCA and as far away as BRU. Don't know what else to tell you.
Will take your screenshot with a time stamp and document the situation and investigation into the pass rider's complicity with commensurate penalties. because it is wrong
john john said:
Will take your screenshot with a time stamp and document the situation and investigation into the pass rider's complicity with commensurate penalties. because it is wrong

Will certainly document it next time I see it. In both cases I observed it was the gate supervisor that instructed the boarding agent to make the adjustments so I assumed they were correct. Maybe it was in the old EAST FA contract. I'll ask around. But this all may be moot since we seem to be moving very quickly to a uniform "New AA" boarding policy by Summer 2014.
The first BIG change of many to come, I'm sure.
My question, and speaking of what agents can do.....
Say with FCFS I list for my flight, CLE-PHL-PBI, I get to the gate and the flight to PHL is oversold and no non-revs get on.  Now two gates down is a flight, CLE-CLT-PBI, and it leaves in 20 minutes with seats open.
The old way with DOH, you could walk up to the agent after the flight left, and kindly ask that person to list you right now for the CLE-CLT-PBI flight, and with your senority you could make your trip.  All without ever logging on to Wings.
How could you change your travel plans on the spur of the moment, at the gate, without a computer or wi-fi signal?  Can the AA agent re-list you at their computer?  Or with FCFS, you are now last on the list?
Crash Pad DCA said:

Really sorry that happened. There is a non-rev tool out there (limited access) that allows you see exactly what is in QIK and what the agent is doing in QIK. If things start looking dicey, I just nicely go up the the agent, show them the webpage and ask if they mistakenly skipped my name by mistake. Same thing if I walk up to the gate and am told there are absolutely no seats on the flight and I see 20 seats open and one nov-rev already cleared (weight restrictions aside). A screenshot with a time stamp helps document the situation. I've only had to resort to this maybe 3 times. The vast majority of times I'm very happy to say that US agents get it right!

That said, I really like how AA and UA do it. The screen behind the podium with your name on it shows you where you are on the list and if you have been cleared. No guessing. US should have had that long time ago. The UA mobile app shows your position on the standby list, when you have been cleared and what seat you have been cleared to. That's pretty neat and I hope the "New AA" mobile app offers this functionality, too.

Not cool what happened to you. Again, sorry.
Any system can, and will, be cheated. Some of our employees have consistently shown that they will work harder to cheat the system, than they do in performing their job. Sadly, I think that problem will only get worse over time and not better. I really like the idea of the lists being obviously visible to everyone in the boarding area.
Real tired said:
The first BIG change of many to come, I'm sure.
My question, and speaking of what agents can do.....
Say with FCFS I list for my flight, CLE-PHL-PBI, I get to the gate and the flight to PHL is oversold and no non-revs get on.  Now two gates down is a flight, CLE-CLT-PBI, and it leaves in 20 minutes with seats open.
The old way with DOH, you could walk up to the agent after the flight left, and kindly ask that person to list you right now for the CLE-CLT-PBI flight, and with your senority you could make your trip.  All without ever logging on to Wings.
How could you change your travel plans on the spur of the moment, at the gate, without a computer or wi-fi signal?  Can the AA agent re-list you at their computer?  Or with FCFS, you are now last on the list?
its the same at AA just recently I was traveling from ORD to MIA and we didn't get on, so I checked the next ORD FLL flight and it had a few open seats so I asked the agent working the MIA flight if he would transfer us over to the FLL flight, in a few seconds we were listed and since we were using D1s we went to the top of the list on the FLL flight, everyone on the list got on. I was going to take a JS but I didn't need to, so yes it works pretty much the same way. There were no other D1s on the FLL flight,but we were actually D1Ts since we were connecting from another flight.
Real tired said:
The first BIG change of many to come, I'm sure.
My question, and speaking of what agents can do.....
Say with FCFS I list for my flight, CLE-PHL-PBI, I get to the gate and the flight to PHL is oversold and no non-revs get on.  Now two gates down is a flight, CLE-CLT-PBI, and it leaves in 20 minutes with seats open.
The old way with DOH, you could walk up to the agent after the flight left, and kindly ask that person to list you right now for the CLE-CLT-PBI flight, and with your senority you could make your trip.  All without ever logging on to Wings.
How could you change your travel plans on the spur of the moment, at the gate, without a computer or wi-fi signal?  Can the AA agent re-list you at their computer?  Or with FCFS, you are now last on the list?
Yes, its quite simple. Just ask them to roll you over to the other flight.
TopCat870 said:
Yes, its quite simple. Just ask them to roll you over to the other flight.
If the gate is staffed properly, i.e. more than one agent, (which is rarely the case at US Airways) the agent would usually be happy to make this accommodation.  
bunt3dunk said:
Jerk , US is saving your ass , those with some time aren't that old and have dedicated their careers to this airline.
now that's a joke

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