We don't have a contract but still have work rules.700UW said:Delta Mechanics have no work rules, they are non-union and employees at will.
DL outsources ALL airframe overhaul work and most mods.
They don't have to have a contract to have rules and ways of working.700UW said:Delta Mechanics have no work rules, they are non-union and employees at will.
DL outsources ALL airframe overhaul work and most mods.
Thank you for your input on this matter. We as technicians represented by the association are unaware of this information you have brought to light. We will take it into consideration at the next quarterly union meeting.700UW said:Delta Mechanics have no work rules, they are non-union and employees at will.
DL outsources ALL airframe overhaul work and most mods.
700UW said:Delta Mechanics have no work rules, they are non-union and employees at will.
DL outsources ALL airframe overhaul work and most mods.
Those Delta guys might be employees at will, but those aviation gods and gurus over at Delta do have the pleasure of working with the........ "SCABS OF NORTHWEST". Lucky them.700UW said:Delta Mechanics have no work rules, they are non-union and employees at will.
DL outsources ALL airframe overhaul work and most mods.
Real tired said:Those Delta guys might be employees at will, but those aviation gods and gurus over at Delta do have the pleasure of working with the........ "SCABS OF NORTHWEST". Lucky them.
7% less once we get our jcba...bigjets said:How much do those "scabs" make at DAL as opposed to us union guys at AA?
http://exnwa.com/scab_main.htmReal tired said:Those Delta guys might be employees at will, but those aviation gods and gurus over at Delta do have the pleasure of working with the........ "SCABS OF NORTHWEST". Lucky them.
Hey Chuck, do you guys have a date set to meet for contract negotiations yet? Is the ASSociation considering contract observers at the nego table? Was wondering why that was first on your list. I think it would be a huge step in the right direction if they did allow observers, it would at least go a long ways with the membership...Chuck Schalk said:This is not an AMFA debate!!
this topic is TWU ATD Negotiations..........stay on topic or start a new thread
or should I say stop diverting. The TWU Loyalists typically bring up AMFA when they can not defend the TWU.
I will not get suckered into a meaningless debate between the TWU and AMFA. The Association is our representation and
Just tell us how the great the Association is going to do for us......that's all
* observers at negotiations
*10% 401k like the flight attendants or 16% like the pilots
*job protection
*less outsourcing
*less deductibles on health care
*industry leading wages
* double time and half on holidays
*quicker grievance procedures
*protect our frozen pension in the next bankruptcy
*take part time language out of contract
* much higher lead pay
* performance base incentives
*geographic pay
*shift differential pay increase ( industry standard)
*eliminate 4 hours pay to call in sick ( mX only group to have this)
*more days to be on iod (10 days is not enough)
*modify travel charges in line with industry
*reduce work being done in south america and europe on our aircraft ( not considered outsourcing by the TWU)
*strengthen language in contract as a general concern (TWU language very vague)
*modify company rules of conduct ( impedes on your life outside of work)
*modify no strike/no lockout language (currently only weakens us)
* bring back no meal
* make CS policy part of the contract
*modify representation in contract that will allow the employee more rights in hearings and when they can be conducted
tell me about this, not about AMFA
Do you really believe that is going to happen? If so I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. 🙂CMH_GSE said:7% less once we get our jcba...
Just to make sure we are starting from a factual positionChuck Schalk said:This is not an AMFA debate!!
this topic is TWU ATD Negotiations..........stay on topic or start a new thread
or should I say stop diverting. The TWU Loyalists typically bring up AMFA when they can not defend the TWU.
I will not get suckered into a meaningless debate between the TWU and AMFA. The Association is our representation and
Just tell us how the great the Association is going to do for us......that's all
* observers at negotiations
*10% 401k like the flight attendants or 16% like the pilots
*job protection
*less outsourcing
*less deductibles on health care
*industry leading wages
* double time and half on holidays
*quicker grievance procedures
*protect our frozen pension in the next bankruptcy
*take part time language out of contract
* much higher lead pay
* performance base incentives
*geographic pay
*shift differential pay increase ( industry standard)
*eliminate 4 hours pay to call in sick ( mX only group to have this)
*more days to be on iod (10 days is not enough)
*modify travel charges in line with industry
*reduce work being done in south america and europe on our aircraft ( not considered outsourcing by the TWU)
*strengthen language in contract as a general concern (TWU language very vague)
*modify company rules of conduct ( impedes on your life outside of work)
*modify no strike/no lockout language (currently only weakens us)
* bring back no meal
* make CS policy part of the contract
*modify representation in contract that will allow the employee more rights in hearings and when they can be conducted
tell me about this, not about AMFA
Thank you for that information on this matter. We will forward it to our negotiators for review.Overspeed said:Just to make sure we are starting from a factual position
FAs have a higher match only if you are over age 50 when the BK CBA went in to effect.
Work done in South America and Europe is considered outsourced. Read the language on page 6 about outside service costs.
You can get paid for no lunch already.