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TWU Negotiations A Failed Strategy

I'm very aware of the rejection rates - perhaps it might get you line guys some geo pay after all - you deserve it. As far as the 6k new maintenance certifications - sorry to hear it's so high. I'd very much like to see that at 1k or less. A "union" worth it's salt wouldn't have any problem steering prospective mechs away from the system as it's full of abuse and defacto bribing in the form of tuition paid to the aviation schools that, no doubt, finds its way back to the FAA reps.

There are over 216,000 registered aircraft in this country, plus we have aircraft flying in from other countries that need to be serviced when they get here. 6000 new certs is not a large number when you figure that comes out to only 3000 A&Ps. AA alone attrits out around 400 to 500 a year. You have to remember that many of these A&Ps have no intentions on going to the airlines, which are usually in large urban areas (high cost). Some may be pilots who get their A&P so they can work their own aircraft at one of the 5300 public airports in this country.

Things in the line world are evidently rather different from the overhaul world and I'll not argue that point.

My question wasn't about who can be recalled - my original question was about the wisdom of workers following the directive (the TWU taking us out on strike) of an entity that instead of representing the workers who pay it monthly dues said entity, in all reality, represents the sworn enemy of those workers. That's why there's a movement afoot to toss the TWU to the street and replace it with what many claim is a more responsive entity.

Since Little Jimmy, in effect, works for the company, is it wise tthat the membership do anything he might direct us to do? That was the original question.

The International wanted us to accept the TA, I have no doubts about that. They would not have spent all that money unless they were confident it would pass. They would not have put that insert in with the ballotts , a subtle "YES" that at the same time gave them plausable denaibility. When the wage opener later proved ineffective they would have said all they did was give you the facts and they never said vote Yes so dont blame the TWU, blame the guys you sent to negotiations. So your fear of the International steering us to a standoff is unfounded. I havent heard one word from them as far as pushing this to the point of a strike. Thats why we went in with a lowball offer then went even lower. It is my belief that they would be OK with giving away another week of vacation, our pension and another 17% paycut to avoid a strike since it they would still have their pay, pensions and vacation. For the first time in over 20 years the members said "NO". It is my belief that if we dont prepare to strike and let the company (and the International) know that we are willing to strike that we wont get a good deal. This doesnt come from the International, I have always said what I believe, not what other people tell me to say.

I realize that many want another union, the majority of my members have told me they signed AMP cards but they still support my efforts to get a good contract, they have that right, but I dont believe that anybody should sabotage the negotiations just so it can be said that the TWU cant get us a decent contract. The fight between AMP and TWU should remain a family affair, even if you feel that some in the TWU are sleeping with the enemy there are those of us who arent, help us fight the company and those who are. I realize that some people have big egos and they dread the prospect of us coming back with a better deal because it would prove them wrong, and they would rather they we all be poorer than they be proved wrong. If AMP in effect came into power by helping the company get a bad deal they would be off to a bad start.