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Mda Delay

USA320Pilot said:

I have been told that PSA will be sold. In addition, US Airways senior management has approached ALPA about the CRJ-700 problem I addressed.

Moreover, in my opinion, when the mainline merger proceeds and the Pittsburgh hub is closed, part of PSA could feed United at Dulles with Mesa operating the aircraft.


UAIR selling PSA to Mesa, so that Mesa can expand its position with UAL basically does nothing to protect UAIR short term.

This is called burning your furniture (something valuable and useful) to keep the house warm (temporarily, hoping for warmer days before your furniture supply runs out).

This is never a good thing.
USA320Pilot said:

I have been told that PSA will be sold. In addition, US Airways senior management has approached ALPA about the CRJ-700 problem I addressed.

Moreover, in my opinion, when the mainline merger proceeds and the Pittsburgh hub is closed, part of PSA could feed United at Dulles with Mesa operating the aircraft.


I have been told that PSA will be sold.

Sorry, I can't take your word for it. Its not a logical move unless Airways has no intention on remaining in business. Short term might take care of the ATSB problem, but long term would hurt.

US Airways senior management has approached ALPA about the CRJ-700 problem I addressed.

Since in my previous post I PROVED that the problem you described DOES NOT EXIST I can't see that thats what they(ALPA) were approched with.

Now if you were to say that Mgt approached ALPA with the issue of allowing PSA to operate the CRJ700 at 50/50 staffing levels, you would NOW be correct. Several meetings relating to the staffing of the CRJ700 took place two weeks ago January 12th through January 14th.

Moreover, in my opinion, when the mainline merger proceeds and the Pittsburgh hub is closed, part of PSA could feed United at Dulles with Mesa operating the aircraft.

I understand that this is your opinion, but I really think you should let go of this merger thing. It just does'nt seem healthy to hold on to an idea for so long.

I keep clicking on this thread thinking its going to have something to do with MAA or its delay.
Why should this thread be any different - they all drift off topic pretty quickly.

Now wait a minute Light Years...I am trying to keep my post on topic. NAPKINS!!!! :lol: 😀 😛 Oooops, I am on the wrong thread. 😉
ktflyhome said:
Now wait a minute Light Years...I am trying to keep my post on topic. NAPKINS!!!! :lol: 😀 😛 Oooops, I am on the wrong thread. 😉
Look again....it's morphed into a chat on Safety Cards on E-bay now 😀
Light Years said:
I dont think I'm alone in that I'd rather discuss ebay than Mesa. 🙂
You are not alone....but Mesa is a sad aspect that impacts our lives , like it or not?

I would have no beef at all with Mesa if it wasn't for a few hard facts.

(1) Mesa/J.O destroyed CCAir.....and I put a lot of effort into that company before joining the mainline ( So yes , I'm more than pissed with them)

(2) Mesa robs from both Mainline and W/O growth.....not that it's Mesa fault for picking up on our managements weaknesses....but they do lower the industry bar and wage standards.

Now that we have the Mesa blast out of the way....it's time to get back to the MAA issue. The issue is . it's delayed and it may be too little too late?
Is it a coincidence the plan is to take delivery shortly after the EMB-170 is certified? Maybe that is the delay. Who would buy, or finance an uncertified (experimental) aircraft?
AOG-N-IT said:
(1) Mesa/J.O destroyed CCAir.....and I put a lot of effort into that company before joining the mainline ( So yes , I'm more than pissed with them)
Don't forget ALPA and the president who would not sign a ratified contract, in essence forgetting about their duty of fair representation to CCair in favor of other properties mainline pilots.
ClueByFour said:
Don't forget ALPA and the president who would not sign a ratified contract, in essence forgetting about their duty of fair representation to CCair in favor of other properties mainline pilots.
I wouldn't dare...Cuz it boiled down to exactly that when it came down to it !!

I use to warn my friends in CC Ops that someday the ALPA representation would be the the downfall of CCAir...and all it took was coupling J.O and Mesa to it , to make it fact.

CCAir on its own accord would have survived...and many more EX-PI towns would still be enjoying the benefits of U-esque service , but allowing yet another outsider to enter the mix ruined things for thankless thousands.

CCAir was a great company on its own ...but it was plagued with entirely too much mainline "wanna be " attitude. Mesa's involvement just killed of any chance of correcting a flawed state of mind. I do believe the rank and file we're willing to do what was needed..yet the national would not act on the will of the voters.

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