There is a separate provision for affiliate carriers that is not a Jets For Jobs exception that has normal staffing
You are incorrect USA320PILOT. The provision for affiliate carriers DOES have to follow Jets For Jobs staffing of 50/50. Except where it talks about the WO's. This is out of LOA 83.
2. The terms and conditions for placement of the Small Jet code share aircraft that are authorized to be placed at other carriers and flown under the US Airways code by the provisions of Attachments B, B-1, and B-3 of the Restructuring Agreement shall be modified under the terms and conditions stated below:
A. Up to 20 “Medium SJs†and up to 30 “Large SJs†(CRJ-700 aircraft only) may be operated by Mesa Airlines or by any wholly owned subsidiary of Mesa Air Group or Mesa Airlines under terms agreed to between Mesa Air Group and the Association.
Such aircraft shall be subject to the Jets for Jobs Protocol and must be placed into revenue operation no later than December 31, 2004.
B. Up to 25 “Large SJs†(CRJ-700 aircraft only), in addition to the 30 “Large SJs†authorized in Paragraph 2.A. above, may be placed into revenue operation by Participating Affiliate Carriers, provided that they are placed into revenue service no later than December 31, 2004, and provided further that
they are subject to the Jets for Jobs Protocol (Attachment B-3 of the Restructuring Agreement). The foregoing does not preclude the placement of Large SJs in MDA in accordance with Attachment B of the Restructuring Agreement as amended by LOA 84.
This next paragraph shows how your MEC tried to put the screws to the WO's. Notice above that everything so far is at a 50/50 level. And see below how it turns into 100% for the same plane.
C. Up to 25 “Large SJsâ€, specificially limited to the CRJ-700, may be placed into revenue operation at a Participating Wholly-Owned Carrier, other than MDA.
All Large SJ positions created by operation of this paragraph shall be filled by US Airways pilots in accordance with the Jets for Jobs Protocol, Attachment B-3 of the Restructuring Agreement. In addition, as an exception to the Jets for Jobs Protocol, 100% of the first 25 Medium or Small Jet positions at the Wholly Owned Carrier where the above Large Small Jets are placed shall be filled by pilots of that Wholly Owned Carrier. Upon completion of the staffing of these aircraft, the 50/50 balance of hiring pursuant to the Jets for Jobs Protocol will be followed.
If PSA agrees to the above paragraph, which we have'nt, then the company could fill PSA with all 70 seaters and furlough every PSA pilot. That is why we did not agree to LOA 83, ONLY LOA 81.
D. The number of “Medium SJs†and “Large SJs†in paragraphs A, B and C above are incremental to one another but are not incremental to the total number of “Medium SJs†and “Large SJs†authorized by Attachment B of the Restructuring Agreement.
The problem is that when PSA is sold, the company would become an affiliate carrier and the provision above would not be valid.
The problem is that IF PSA is sold and the 700 is placed there, the mainline pilots would not get 100% of the seats since,as shown above, the provisions are already in place for 50/50 staffing on the CRJ700. But that is not the issue being discussed.
Whats being discussed is that Mgt. wants to put the 700's at PSA but since your MEC drafted LOA83 after PSA signed LOA81 we don't recongnize LOA83. Furthermore, we are willing to accept LOA 83 so long as the language is changed to allow 50/50 staffing ratios on all aircraft types operated at PSA.
That my friend is the only thing holding up the delivery of the CRJ700 to PSA.
PSA will be sold. It’s not whether or not I want it, it’s what the corporation is going to do.
That is all speculation. Like I said earlier, I don't belive this would be a smart move on the companys part.
The PSA sale would bring in liquidity, reduce the company’s future debt load, and permit the company to create another affiliate RJ agreement to maintain feed.
It would bring liquidity but would not reduce the future debt load. If you look at the 8k statement you'll see what it cost the company now to contract out Express flying. By adding PSA as an affiliate would only increase that number. Right now Group pays for the operating of PSA and gets that money back in profits. If it were my business I know which I'd rather have.
Moreover, it removes part of the United AFA scope problem in anticipation of the upcoming merger.
It won't remove the whole problem because you would still have PDT and ALG. I won't however try to take your dreams from you. I for one would rather a better Mgt team to pull the WO's and Mainline together and be a stand alone Airways. Enough with this merger garbage, I'd rather stomp on United and the rest.