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I think Twicebaked's attitute toward the Pax equations was a bit gruff and stated rather tersley. Sounds like MDA"s all ready got an attitude brewing. I think Art at ISP had a legitimate question yet not knowing the regulatory process.

Art you sound like such a nice guy, I hope I have you on one of my flights someday. Well, who knows, we may have already met. 😉
ktflyhome said:
I think Twicebaked's attitute toward the Pax equations was a bit gruff and stated rather tersley. Sounds like MDA"s all ready got an attitude brewing. I think Art at ISP had a legitimate question yet not knowing the regulatory process.

Art you sound like such a nice guy, I hope I have you on one of my flights someday. Well, who knows, we may have already met. 😉
Do you think that working the SAME job for about HALF the pay has something to do with their attitude? JMHO 🙁
Furloughd4now said:

they're tossing good ideas out with the dollars, while they rush to pick up the pennies :lol:

I never said that They'd Use a GOOD MARKETING IDEA !!!!

Trust me I was FAAAAAARRRR From thinking that ......

Hell, lets put Piney Bob in as CEO and I'll take care of MARKETING.... HAHA HA :lol: :lol:
Correct me if I am wrong but until proving runs are completed and FAA issues Certification for US Airways use, passengers are not allowed onboard the a/c.

I think it would be ok for our frequent fliers to look around the aircraft while it is on the ground. 😉
Colby! Marketing will be taken care of by BOTH of us... long lunches over cosmos cooking up new ideas!

But on our own dime... we would never spend employee money on ourselves 😉
flyin2low said:
I think it would be ok for our frequent fliers to look around the aircraft while it is on the ground. 😉
It might be OK to the casual observer?..but the TSA might have something to say about "Non-Ticketed" customers walking around on the AOA (Aircraft Operating Area)

Remember...passengers can't get past the screeners without a boarding pass...so a casual look-see from the terminal side is pretty much out of the question without a major reversal of our countries airport security policies.

Customers would also not be allowed to view the Acft from a USAirways maintenance hangars or ramp area either. The same issues regarding security...and the liabiliies of allowing non-employee's to stroll through a work area would not bid well.

When you look past the wants...and the "wouldn't that be fun stuff?"...thier are a multitude of tangible reasons as to why the company can't indulge our customers for a walk-around pre-view of the products anymore. Thank Usama Bin Laden and friends for the newly aquired jitters...don't blame U for not indulging you.

The only way I can see this happening is if the Acft can be displayed at a scheduled airshow before they enter revenued service. Yet with training needs and route proving flights being necessary , the chances are slim at the very best.
I understand that that FAM flights take to the Air the week of March 12th to the cities that will first get the aircraft followed by Proving Runs the week of March 22nd. Training Starts TODAY for Fleet Service/Customer Service in CLT-PIT.
AOG-N-IT said:
flyin2low said:
I think it would be ok for our frequent fliers to look around the aircraft while it is on the ground. 😉
It might be OK to the casual observer?..but the TSA might have something to say about "Non-Ticketed" customers walking around on the AOA (Aircraft Operating Area)

Remember...passengers can't get past the screeners without a boarding pass...so a casual look-see from the terminal side is pretty much out of the question without a major reversal of our countries airport security policies.
I agree with the security concerns, however, it is possible to get past security without a "ticket," per se.

US does this all the time for customers using the Club conference facilties, nonrevs on standby, parents meeting UMs, etc.

That's before you get into the issue of charters or the like that don't necessarily depart from the main termina area of an airport. I reguarly board a corporate charter at PIT without ever seeing a TSA employee, much less getting screened by one. It does not leave from the main terminal.
Light Years said:
But on our own dime... we would never spend employee money on ourselves 😉

Heck Im sure I just gave a Free Idea to Marketing... Yep, won't make a CENT off this plan.... HA HA

As for the US 1 being able to inspect Plane on the Ground.... Hey, why not... All they need is a Gate Pass to get through Security........ Or maybe a Special Invitation Card that would get them through Security AND make them feel SPECIAL ..... Remember All US 1's are SPECIAL !!!!!

God, There I go again.... I need to start Charging for these Ideas... :shock:
So why not invite some of your Top Tier Customers to preview the aircraft. All you would need to do is send out some type of invitation to them, park the aircraft at say signature or some general avaition area and let them preview it.

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