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Mda Delay

4lowed points above are accurate.

The Embraer Division is not in jeopardy, however, GECAS is skittish and company needs to provide a stronger business plan to GECAS and the ATSB.


Wow !!

That's a real mess for a company that can't afford more setbacks. Thanks for the clarification as to what's taking place with MAA.
🙁 Awww, come on .... the Airline analysts and many Municiple Financial Officers are writing off USAirways as "gone" this year. This "mis"-management has taken as far as they can, lining their pockets before proceeding to the next Corporate Rape. I am imagining the "CONCESSION STAND IS CLOSED" guy is already preparing the "THIS AIRLINE IS CLOSED" Happy Face to include in his "Best Way to Process Unemployment" thread!

IMHO, MDA was never intended to get off the ground in the first place. Simply "imagined" to placate the Unions and those "on the edge", but unknowingly destined for layoff. When USAirways goes down ... IMHO, so will the MDA vision. So why should they spend any more money on a "dead horse"? Bronner only cares about the RSA ...... not you nor I. We matter not, nor does the survival of a once great Airline.

I really hate to post this ... it hurts to think that I may be right.

Good Luck to us all ....
Here's an idea: Quit wasting money on the "airline within an airline" garbage, which USAirways has already proved doesn't work with Metrojet. Concentrate with putting CRJ 200/701/705's at the WO's all at 50/50. Grow the WO's, which are profitable and CURRENTLY OPERATING, and bring on board furloughed mainline employees as growth permits. Geez, is it really that difficult?

PSA will be sold, however, there is a problem with the CRJ-700 delivery positions because the Mainline ALPA CBA requires the aircraft be flown by a participating wholly owned carrier. This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee because the PSA operation is to be merged into an affiliate airline.

In my opinion, Mesa will acquire PSA and the proceeds could be used to pay down the loan guarantee, which would permit the ATSB to relax the 3rd quarter EBITDAR requirements.

I understand that it's less likely Allegheny/Piedmont will be sold, however, the turboprop only wholly owned airline could be divested as well.

We could hear more about this after the February 4 board meeting.


2BorNot2B said:
🙁 Awww, come on .... the Airline analysts and many Municiple Financial Officers are writing off USAirways as "gone" this year. This "mis"-management has taken as far as they can, lining their pockets before proceeding to the next Corporate Rape. I am imagining the "CONCESSION STAND IS CLOSED" guy is already preparing the "THIS AIRLINE IS CLOSED" Happy Face to include in his "Best Way to Process Unemployment" thread!

IMHO, MDA was never intended to get off the ground in the first place. Simply "imagined" to placate the Unions and those "on the edge", but unknowingly destined for layoff. When USAirways goes down ... IMHO, so will the MDA vision. So why should they spend any more money on a "dead horse"? Bronner only cares about the RSA ...... not you nor I. We matter not, nor does the survival of a once great Airline.

I really hate to post this ... it hurts to think that I may be right.

Good Luck to us all ....

I can tell you your sentiment regarding MAA is incorrect. This LCC will get off the ground. PIT inflight is already moving everything to set up MAA inflight. It just about ready. There are a couple of set backs, but they will surely get them resolved. However, the only entitiy that may still stand at U when all is said and done is MAA. Don't forget, U still owns the certificate for Allegheny.
USA320Pilot said:
4lowed points above are accurate.

The Embraer Division is not in jeopardy, however, GECAS is skittish and company needs to provide a stronger business plan to GECAS and the ATSB.


Your statement makes it perfectly clear.

The Embraer Division is not in jeopardy. That's good to hear. The problem is that they just won't have any aircraft if GCAS pulls the financing!

Thanks or the info! I understand now. 😉
USA320Pilot said:

PSA will be sold, however, there is a problem with the CRJ-700 delivery positions because the Mainline ALPA CBA requires the aircraft be flown by a participating wholly owned carrier. This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee because the PSA operation is to be merged into an affiliate airline.

In my opinion, Mesa will acquire PSA and the proceeds could be used to pay down the loan guarantee, which would permit the ATSB to relax the 3rd quarter EBITDAR requirements.

I understand that it's less likely Allegheny/Piedmont will be sold, however, the turboprop only wholly owned airline could be divested as well.

We could hear more about this after the February 4 board meeting.


Let me make sure I understand this:

1. PSA will be sold.

The only operating entity at USAirways Group that is currently growing and showing a profit is going to be sold off to MESA. MESA is the same company that can't staff its own airline, and makes the USAirways brand look cheap and not worth saving.

2. there is a problem with the CRJ-700 delivery positions

There's nothing wrong with the position or the production line. The problem is the mainline CBA which was negotiated with zero regard for the pilots at the WO Express carriers who for decades have supported our company, USAirways Group, and screamed from the top of our lungs to keep the flying within the family.

3. This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee

Nice of you to include the PSA, ALG, or PDT negotiators as this will have an effect on us too.

4. In my opinion, Mesa will acquire PSA

If that happens, MESA will run PSA into the ground and everything that this little company has accomplished will have been for nothing. PSA alone can't save USAirways, but keeping the profits in house can't hurt.

Honestly, why build it up just to sell it to J.O. and let him reap all the profits. I agree PSA will eventually be sold, but not for another year or two after the airline has been developed.

Any response A320?
USA320Pilot said:
PSA will be sold, however, there is a problem with the CRJ-700 delivery positions because the Mainline ALPA CBA requires the aircraft be flown by a participating wholly owned carrier. This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee because the PSA operation is to be merged into an affiliate airline.
In short, it'll take the U ALPA MEC another month or so to work out the details of sacraficing their young (again).

I apologize in advance for my wild theories in this post. I have had some beer! 😛

Thats a very interesting point about Mid and whether or not it goes down with the rest of the company.

As I understand it, Swissair had an express carrier Crossair. They flew Saabs and RJs. Next thing you know Swissair s**ts the bed (thats for you Diogenes 😉 ). Well, Crossair was still around and they put those A330s and A320s etc at Crossair and it became... Swiss Air Lines. What a quick upgrade! What happened to the Swissair (mainline) employees I dont quite recall... I think they were able to reapply as new hires.

Think on that- its been done before. I'm going to do a little research here and see exactly how it went down... but couldnt that technically happen here? Think about it- sell off PSA for some cash, get rid of Piedagheny somehow, spin the "Embraer division" with its low low costs and junior work force- already bulit in for growth- onto the Allegheny Airlines, Potomac Air, or Shuttle Inc (do they own that still?) certificate and put the parts of the former US Airways they want back onto it?

Wild and crazy but I wouldnt put anything past them. Please shoot holes in this theory! 🙂
Two questions:

4lowed, if "SCABS" are flying these aircraft, please tell me who is on strike.

DorkDriver, please post the appropriate SEC filings or a link to them showing just how profitable PSA is.
Light years,

You and I must run on the same block......That's were I'm heading with all of this. 😉
N628AU said:
Two questions:

4lowed, if "SCABS" are flying these aircraft, please tell me who is on strike.

DorkDriver, please post the appropriate SEC filings or a link to them showing just how profitable PSA is.

I can't answer your first question but this should shed some light on your second. And by the way, PSA does not file forms with the SEC. That, to the best of my knowledge, is handled through US Airways Group.

Anyways, on to your question. On December 24 PSA filed with the Department of Transportation (DOT) an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity. The certificate is required to engage in interstate scheduled air transportation of persons, property, and mail with large aircraft.

In the filing, the airline said that in addition to its current fleet of 26 Dornier 328s and 6 CRJ-200 aircraft, it plans to acquire an 42 additional CRJ-200s and 20 70-seat CRJ-701s in 2004. Delivery of the first CRJ-701 would occur in February 2004.

Financial statements showed operating revenue of $103.8 million for the first three quarters of 2003. Personnel expenses in that period totaled $25.7 million.

If I can find the link to the document I'll post it here.

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