- Oct 19, 2002
- 119
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USA320PILOT,USA320Pilot said:DorkDriver:
PSA will be sold, however, there is a problem with the CRJ-700 delivery positions because the Mainline ALPA CBA requires the aircraft be flown by a participating wholly owned carrier. This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee because the PSA operation is to be merged into an affiliate airline.
In my opinion, Mesa will acquire PSA and the proceeds could be used to pay down the loan guarantee, which would permit the ATSB to relax the 3rd quarter EBITDAR requirements.
I understand that it's less likely Allegheny/Piedmont will be sold, however, the turboprop only wholly owned airline could be divested as well.
We could hear more about this after the February 4 board meeting.
Please allow me to correct you on a few items.
You said, "Mainline ALPA CBA requires the aircraft be flown by a participating wholly owned carrier"
BTD says, "You could not be further from the truth. YOUR CBA(to be specific, the Jets for Jobs protocal) says that the CRJ700 may be flown by a WO and/or affilliate(contract carrier) airlines. The major difference is that J4J is willing to let the contract carriers fly this aircraft with the 50/50 staffing ratio under J4J, but if the plane(CRJ700) is used at the WO's you guys wanted 100% of the seats.
And that is the hold up. See after PSA signed on for the original J4J protocals, you guys changed it during the second round of concessions. Problem is, you NEVER asked us to agree to it. Well quess what? We're still not gonna agree to it. It's 50/50 or nothing. Thats what we signed on for.
You said, "This issue is currently being discussed between the company and ALPA's Negotiating Committee because the PSA operation is to be merged into an affiliate airline."
BTD says, "The issue thats being discussed is to see why the mainline pilots were willing to give 50/50 to the contract carriers and not to the WO on the CRJ700. If the issue being discussed was the one you mentioned, there would be nothing to discuss since the j4j agreements in place at contract carriers already allow for the CRJ700.
Now as far as the selling of PSA, if I were you, I would not be praying for this. In the first three quarters of 2003 PSA enjoyed operating revenues of over 100 million dollars. Quess where most of that money goes. Thats right, to the Group. It would not be wise for Group to make such a move, as it would only indicate the very near death of Airways. As most people know, your only gonna sell off "assets" when the game is over. ie; PanAm, Eastern, TWA and how many others?
I think you should get it through your head that the contracting out of Group flying is not saving Airways anything. Its costing the Group. Any five year old could see that.