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LUS/AA Below wing issues

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Kev3188 said:
That's how erosion of scope happens; it starts with little things, then when a company sees no resistance, an exception becomes the rule. Then they start in on work "nobody wants," like cabin cleaning.

Before you know it, you'll have Envoy helping work your flights (remember, you've already let non-contract employees handle some of the work, and called it "trivial."), deicing farmed out to a 3rd party, and so on...

When it comes to protecting your work, nothing is "trivial."

What happens when the job he's paid to do goes to a vendor because people sat idly by and allowed it to happen? What happens when it's your job they come for?
I have talked to veterans with 30 years and more in three different stations, and the consensus is the same, " In the end, the company will get their way, period! "
Knowing this I come to work, work to my fullest, and go home!
WeAAsles said:
No problem. Just next time don't lie and say that you are considering putting in for management, when clearly you are not.
No, I wasn't lying, I did consider it purely from a financial aspect. But as far as that goes, the second a person turns CSM, the clock starts ticking and is stamped with an expiration date of about 2 years tops. You and I are both at hubs, a decision I had made last year was to place myself in a position to prevent the inevitable systematically dismantling of the smaller stations due when the full integration is compleat. My beat guess is within the next two years. Transferring to Dallas gives me the best odds in making it to retirement age. My motivation to work at AA was the pension, not the travel or the other benefits, but AA filed before I was vested and now the only things I value is how can I get as much of the money AA offers, or willing to offer with the least amount of effort earning that money. Just the other day AA only sent two trips to my gate for the whole eight hours, and if I want a raise, I sigh up for day off OT.
I'm a line guy pure and simple, for what AA asks me to do within a eight-hour time frame, I get paid the most to do the least.
bob@las-AA said:
I have talked to veterans with 30 years and more in three different stations, and the consensus is the same, " In the end, the company will get their way, period! "
Knowing this I come to work, work to my fullest, and go home!
And only stuped people believe that.

Let's see here. When we get a JCBA the 7% above the top DL rate will be $26.55. Add to that another $2.00 Crew Chief override ( and maybe a little longevity and shift premium) and my BASE wage will come out to roughly $60,000 per year. Now let's tack on some rough estimates for those benies still in our contract at maybe an extra $15,000 and that brings my grand total up to around $75,000 per year. (Give or take, here or there)

Do you really believe that the company wants to pay me $75,000 per year when there are people doing the same job as me for $12,00 per hour with NO benefits?

In the end the only way that the company will or would get there way is if there were wholesale changes to the Railway Labor Act. Advocates on BOTH sides have been trying to make that happen and so far ZIP. The Government doesn't have much of a stomach for messing with Interstate and Global commerce there bud. 
bob@las-AA said:
No, I wasn't lying, I did consider it purely from a financial aspect. But as far as that goes, the second a person turns CSM, the clock starts ticking and is stamped with an expiration date of about 2 years tops.
Not necessarily. I know (a few) former rampers that moved on up to headquarters and are still there. I guess that you don't have a lot of faith in yourself that you're as a good a worker as you think or say you are then.
bob@las-AA said:
I'm a line selfish guy pure and simple, for what AA asks me to do within a eight-hour time frame, I get paid the most to do the least.
Probably a good thing that you never put in for management then. You absolutely would be one of those guys with a 2 year shelf life.
bob, in my station  a PMUS  working with give or take 45 or more  peeps  some are former PI folks and couple ex Allegheny folks and original US folks as well as folks from AA and Envoy after AA slammed the doors shut here.     We PMUS been mainline for yrs, however just prior to the 2014 contract MGMT wanted to slam the door shut for BWI JAX and a small number of other cities  then the IAM got us and other cities protected thus the ration of 1 mainline jet a day, 7 a week thus giving us protection for the next several yrs and I hope and wish it will be extended when the JCBA begins     Also we took over the AA ramp from Envoy    we have over 15 mainline jets a day  plus additional commuter flights a day.   So bob no matter what you think one thing is very clear  you obviously do not care about ramp losing their jobs.   sorry but I do care and I believe the ramp should have far more protection and higher wages and benes given that we as rampers work out in all elements of the weather putting our lives on the line day in  day out  nite in  nite out    Ive seen peeps get hurt and planes get damaged  
robbedagain said:
bob, in my station  a PMUS  working with give or take 45 or more  peeps  some are former PI folks and couple ex Allegheny folks and original US folks as well as folks from AA and Envoy after AA slammed the doors shut here.     We PMUS been mainline for yrs, however just prior to the 2014 contract MGMT wanted to slam the door shut for BWI JAX and a small number of other cities  then the IAM got us and other cities protected thus the ration of 1 mainline jet a day, 7 a week thus giving us protection for the next several yrs and I hope and wish it will be extended when the JCBA begins     Also we took over the AA ramp from Envoy    we have over 15 mainline jets a day  plus additional commuter flights a day.   So bob no matter what you think one thing is very clear  you obviously do not care about ramp losing their jobs.   sorry but I do care and I believe the ramp should have far more protection and higher wages and benes given that we as rampers work out in all elements of the weather putting our lives on the line day in  day out  nite in  nite out    Ive seen peeps get hurt and planes get damaged  
You never did say what city, but I will respond in full, but for now I have to go to work. I need to know what city.
It does not matter Bob bec we are a mainline city but the fact is as Kev stated its those lit things that adds up to us losing jobs. I lost my job once b4. I'm not going thru it again as long as I can help it n as long as mgmt does our job I'm gonna call em out on it
Dont tell him, probably snitch to management on you.

Did MB contact you?
bob@las-AA said:
That was a question between A and B so C yourself out if it.
Another person who just doesnt understand the concept of Airline Forums.
He's probably going to say how he doesn't care if there are layoffs as long as it's not the city he works in?

But if I ever get laid off again with my 20 years, the first person I'm going to bump out the door will be Bob with his 7 years.
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