Been gone awhile from this forum, but allow me an observation.
Most LAA Agents and older FA's are helpful and courteous, but a minority in my 26 years of experience are the most decrepit bunch of smelly pit vipers that inhabit this planet.
We all have our little stories about how AAL has affected our lives, I get it, but it has to end.
One recent example of pure scummy laziness. 19 minutes prior to schedule departure, the Agent says" all onboard, can we close the door?" After lying to my question if all pax are onboard, I get out of my left seat, walk past the two agents and up to the gate doors where I find I family of four freaking out about missing the last flight out of the country. I get a half arse comment from the POS Gate Agent about how really glad we caught them. GMAFB. This is one example. Agents and Managers at AAL are lying scheming scum when I comes to hallowed "out time". I'm glad I'm in a position where can tell hem all to GFTY an still arrive on schedule at the destination to save them from their stupid arse selves and their head up their arse Managers.
I never aspired to work for my State DMV, but found out I am under the chitheads from PHX.