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LUS/AA Below wing issues

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700 Ive talked to a few of the higher ups of the IAM and he was one of the ones  
Bob  Im not going to reveal the city Im in but I can guarantee you one thing  should in the future if my city closes I may come to your city just to bump you....   😀   The city Im  in is currently a fairly large station for us and its even bigger now when AA metal is added in.     but the bottom line is  we have a contract which contains scope  and Im going to make dam sure our scope is not violated as long as Im there and I have a very watchful eye out and mgmt. does not like it one bit  but I really don't give a rats arse about it bec our scope is our scope and Im going to defend it
robbedagain said:
700 Ive talked to a few of the higher ups of the IAM and he was one of the ones  
Bob  Im not going to reveal the city Im in but I can guarantee you one thing  should in the future if my city closes I may come to your city just to bump you....   😀   The city Im  in is currently a fairly large station for us and its even bigger now when AA metal is added in.     but the bottom line is  we have a contract which contains scope  and Im going to make dam sure our scope is not violated as long as Im there and I have a very watchful eye out and mgmt. does not like it one bit  but I really don't give a rats arse about it bec our scope is our scope and Im going to defend it
Even if it means further givebacks? Or no pay increase at all?
metal  given that this company is making money over money these days  there is no reason why we should have to give anything up   Granted I am aware that some things will definitely change...catering...agent vs clerks,,,,clp...crew chief  vs leads   but the bottom line is  we should be getting more money  and grandfathering in all the cities that are mainline for the long term future        
robbedagain said:
metal  given that this company is making money over money these days  there is no reason why we should have to give anything up   Granted I am aware that some things will definitely change...catering...agent vs clerks,,,,clp...crew chief  vs leads   but the bottom line is  we should be getting more money  and grandfathering in all the cities that are mainline for the long term future        
I agree absolutely. I'm just trying to gauge how different people feel regarding what they are willing to concede for a raise. 
in my station  most of the peeps I work with feel the same way I do  but like me  they know that something is gonna give  and some go as far as saying that catering will be gone  bec PMAA uses LSG   we have our own.  
robbedagain said:
in my station  most of the peeps I work with feel the same way I do  but like me  they know that something is gonna give  and some go as far as saying that catering will be gone  bec PMAA uses LSG   we have our own.  
The key word is "something" is gonna give. But what is that something?
MetalMover said:
I agree absolutely. I'm just trying to gauge how different people feel regarding what they are willing to concede for a raise.

Kind of a hard question to answer unless something is put in front of me to have to make that decision? Small station people have different needs than Hub station people and a Senior member is also going to want things that a more junior member may not be as concerned with?

I'm going to wait and see what my negotiators come up with personally. I've gotten to know a few of them and think they've got the right frame of mind to come up with a good JCBA that the members will be able to get behind when it's time to vote for it?

We'll see?
WeAAsles said:
Kind of a hard question to answer unless something is put in front of me to have to make that decision? Small station people have different needs than Hub station people and a Senior member is also going to want things that a more junior member may not be as concerned with?

I'm going to wait and see what my negotiators come up with personally. I've gotten to know a few of them and think they've got the right frame of mind to come up with a good JCBA that the members will be able to get behind when it's time to vote for it?

We'll see?
That's why I asked. I just hope no one is naive to think that we will just get a pay increase without giving or losing something in return. My guess is work rule changes. As it is our current CBA allows for things already.
I'd like to think that most people have their eyes wide open (maybe that's naive?). At the same time, I think we need to collectively disabuse ourselves of the idea of give-to-get.

Carriers are seeing record profits that were inconceivable just a few short years ago. We are the ones generating that revenue at our respective carriers. It's not unreasonable to expect to keep sharing in that going forward.
Kev3188 said:
I'd like to think that most people have their eyes wide open (maybe that's naive?). At the same time, I think we need to collectively disabuse ourselves of the idea of give-to-get.

Carriers are seeing record profits that were inconceivable just a few short years ago. We are the ones generating that revenue at our respective carriers. It's not unreasonable to expect to keep sharing in that going forward.
Easier said than done. Go back and view the JFK town hall meeting where Chuck Schalk asked DP about this very topic. DP concluded  his answer by saying don't expect  there NOT to be changes.
I agree that we should not be even considering ANY giveback in ANY way shape or form. So are we willing to prolong negotiations ALA United/Continental for over 5 years to stand firm?
Oh, I definitely agree that it's easier said than done; I just think now is the best time to do it. Labor in America has played by rules they never agreed to for long enough- aviation is no exception. I just think we need to change that narrative...
Metal  I do not think it will be 5 yrs  like UA   If you look back at how quick the pilots and f/as got their deal  I think  just my own opin that may be by end of next yr we may have a deal   which should kick in a 4.1% raise if ratified    I know the hubs will always be different than out lying cities such as mine   one thing I sure would love to see in the new JCBA is all language cleaned up   grandfathering in all current mainline cities for long term  wage hikes  etc   Itll all be very interesting to see what happens
robbedagain said:
Metal  I do not think it will be 5 yrs  like UA   If you look back at how quick the pilots and f/as got their deal  I think  just my own opin that may be by end of next yr we may have a deal   which should kick in a 4.1% raise if ratified    I know the hubs will always be different than out lying cities such as mine   one thing I sure would love to see in the new JCBA is all language cleaned up   grandfathering in all current mainline cities for long term  wage hikes  etc   Itll all be very interesting to see what happens
The big difference between the TWU/IAM and the pilots and f/a's is that they did not have to deal with an "association" first. They went with their respective larger unions. I am not saying five years either, but because of two unions disagreeing on what each wants to keep, it has the potential for being prolonged.
Kev3188 said:
Oh, I definitely agree that it's easier said than done; I just think now is the best time to do it. Labor in America has played by rules they never agreed to for long enough- aviation is no exception. I just think we need to change that narrative...
Absolutely now is the best time. But until the association works numerous issues out, we are in limbo,
robbedagain said:
Metal  I do not think it will be 5 yrs  like UA   If you look back at how quick the pilots and f/as got their deal  I think  just my own opin that may be by end of next yr we may have a deal   which should kick in a 4.1% raise if ratified    I know the hubs will always be different than out lying cities such as mine   one thing I sure would love to see in the new JCBA is all language cleaned up   grandfathering in all current mainline cities for long term  wage hikes  etc   Itll all be very interesting to see what happens
I very much doubt it will take too long for Fleet to get an agreement once they get in the room with the Company? Certainly not dragging out till the end of next year.  Maintenance on the other hand "may" have more difficulty?
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