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LUS/AA Below wing issues

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700UW said:
Glass will have his hand it, he will be an outside consultant.
If McMullen is still there he will be in negotiations, not sure who else from management.
Did the association hire an outside cosultant  or do the unions have professional negotiators on payroll? Im sure the negotiators are bright folks but I would feel better if someone with a degree sat in, after all what am I paying dues for?
Do you want someone who knows your CBA or someone who knows nothing about it?
I would think an outside firm would that specializes in negotations would study the CBA kinda like a lawyer studying a clients case. The lawyer knows his way around the court room, the consultant knows his way around negotiations
It's all about intent, at US we won' the airbus outsourcing arbitration because it was actual mechanics turned reps were at the table

I have been on two negotiating committees and trust me we used lawyers and acturaies for additional resources when needed and had inside IAM experts also
It sure seems to me that lawyers would be absolutely be needed when it comes to analyzing the CBA for completeness and interpretation.  You as a union official may know the CBA inside and out but how it can be interpreted by the company at a later date is what may be crucial.  I am sure there are will be many different interpretations of wording in a labor contract and the goal should be to minimize these as much as possible. 
bob@las-AA said:
It only took you 4 min to respond, I'm impressed. 
Thank you for the compliment, I have considered it.
You would make a great member of the management staff. They don't even need to put you through the brainwashing program since it appears you already completed the course.

Just remember that in every downturn in my (20) year career, it's always been the former clerks who are the first ones to be cut when management needs to shrink.

If you don't believe me, you really had better start asking around. I can give you a nice list of names off the top of my head. Multiple stations BTW.
WeAAsles said:
You would make a great member of the management staff. They don't even need to put you through the brainwashing program since it appears you already completed the course.

Just remember that in every downturn in my (20) year career, it's always been the former clerks who are the first ones to be cut when management needs to shrink.

If you don't believe me, you really had better start asking around. I can give you a nice list of names off the top of my head. Multiple stations BTW.
That's funny....................you said   "brainwashing"
The so-called "brainwashing" started with the TWU from day one.
before coming to DFW, I never missed a union meeting, because I couldn't see all that pizza and wings go to waste, besides I had to recoup my dues money somehow.
bob@las-AA said:
That's funny....................you said   "brainwashing"
The so-called "brainwashing" started with the TWU from day one.
before coming to DFW, I never missed a union meeting, because I couldn't see all that pizza and wings go to waste, besides I had to recoup my dues money somehow.
You are truly anti-union, and anti-coworker, just remember a guy with eight years hits the streets before a guy with 20!
bob@las-AA said:
That's funny....................you said   "brainwashing"
The so-called "brainwashing" started with the TWU from day one.
before coming to DFW, I never missed a union meeting, because I couldn't see all that pizza and wings go to waste, besides I had to recoup my dues money somehow.
Well then go over to management. What are you waiting for? Just do it. Put your money where your mouth is. Or are you just too frightened to leave the comfort and security of having a contract and a process that can help you keep your job if you screw up?

Take the leap tough guy. You know they'll give you about a 12% raise right? I know you like money.

Again what are you waiting for?
WeAAsles said:
Well then go over to management. What are you waiting for? Just do it. Put your money where your mouth is. Or are you just too frightened to leave the comfort and security of having a contract and a process that can help you keep your job if you screw up?

Take the leap tough guy. You know they'll give you about a 12% raise right? I know you like money.

Again what are you waiting for?
You and 700 are cut from the same bolt of cloth. Union loyalist. 
bob@las-AA said:
You and 700 are cut from the same bolt of cloth. Union loyalist. 
Nope,Trade Unionists, unlike you, I bet you would be one of the first to cross a picket line and I bet your one of Walmart's best customers.
You are anti-worker.
bob@las-AA said:
You and 700 are cut from the same bolt of cloth. Union loyalist.

LMAO. This is your response? What's the matter? Can't admit that you're afraid to jump on board managements deck?

All you cowards are the same. You'll bash your Union but heaven forbid you need it for something.

C'mon put in that application for managment. Hell you get a pay raise and you don't have to pay dues anymore also. Make the leap Bob. I'll even put in a recommendation to my station manager here in MIA for you.

So? What are you waiting for?
Some of us have to work, and because I have complete focus, I'm all business when at work. But by all means, continue your rant, I find it very entertaining.
bob  just one question if I may    you really sound like a bitter person bec of what the TWU did to you   my question is if you had some union like the Teamsters and if they did similar would you be so bitter?
I could be a bitter person bec of what happened to me in the mid 2000s but I chose not to be bitter and I exercised my recall rights   Heck I should be bitter bec my grievance is still awaiting arb since 2009 yet I choose not to be bitter figuring on working long hrs and almost everyday if not everyday   
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