6. Q: Will I still be a member of my Union, or will I become a member of the Association?
A: The Association will have no members, but it will hold certification for the combined work group. Union membership will be based on a person’s location, as outlined in Appendix B to each Association agreement.
7. Q: Will the structure of either Union change at any level?
A: No. TWU and IAM will remain separate and independent, but they will jointly administer the single contract negotiated and ratified by the classification following completion of the merger for their respective members.
Q: What methodology was used to allocate station representation to each Union?
A: The guiding principle was the fair standard of each Union retaining responsibility of representation based on the percentage of membership with which they entered the Alliance. A snapshot of station staffing lists was used to determine system membership numbers, and then the lists were used to show which union had the majority of members working at each station or location.
2. Q: When were the station assignments determined and where did the employee information come from?
A: The best efforts of both unions were used to determine employee numbers at each carrier and at each location when discussions began in February 2013. These numbers were used by both TWU and IAM representatives to determine representation allocation. The Association agreements recognize final and accurate numbers will be supplied by the respective carriers as of the payroll closing date(s) immediately prior to the signing of the agreements. If necessary, adjustments may be made to Appendix B after the final snapshot is received from the carriers.
1. Q: Would my dues remain the same even if responsibility for my location shifts to a different Alliance member?
A: No. Dues will be determined under the Constitution and bylaws of the Union with representation responsibility for the location.
2. Q: Will our dues structure be different at each station depending on which Union is servicing the members there?
A: Yes. The TWU and IAM have different dues structures. The TWU has a 2x the hourly rate dues structure. IAM dues vary and are set by the membership of each Local Lodge.