Well, you must be LUS with your penchant for trying to prove all LAA employees wrong. No, I did not say that. But, I just don't believe that abuses are happening with the frequency that you are suggesting to justify spending major money on them. I know this will be hard for you to grasp, but LUS was not heaven on earth and perfection in the airline business. And, that information comes from LUS employees who are friends of mine and who worked for US Airways in excess of 20 years. I realize that a number of you are bent about the decision to go with the LAA way of handling non-rev travel--particularly those with over 30 years. Well, I would just quit or retire if I were you. Then they'll be sorry. But, may I remind you that the thread started with a report of abuse committed by an LUS agent. And, if you are going to stay around, I suggest you adapt to the new way of handling non-rev travel (First come, first served). Hanging on to a resentment is like drinking poison and expecting it to kill the other guy.