USA320Pilot said:
The point of this thread was to discuss US Airways and senior management's desire to enter into some form of M&A activity -- with the thought that US Airways and America West may extend their reach as the first business competition to restructure into a truly competitive network airline/LCC hybrid airline. But, whenever United is discussed, certain United employees come out of the woodwork disputing everything I say, regardless of the point.
USA320Pilot concludes: ... why is every US Airways M&A thread hijacked by United employees? The purpose of this thread was to discuss reports that US Airways and America West may integrate and boom -- the United employees hijack the thread with unprofessional comments and language.
That is plain and simply
WRONG, and you know it! It's bad enough when you ignore or misinterpret other posts that attempt to correct your inaccuracies or outright fabrications, but don't you even remember what
YOU wrote to start this thread? Let me refresh your memory with the first paragraph that you wrote:
Since the US Airways - United merger was terminated there has been continued news media speculation that the business partners would once again try to complete a corporate combination. David Bronner has publicly said on four occasions that he was interested in buying United assets if they became available and last month Dow Jones reported that former chief executive officer Dave Siegel rushed to get out of bankruptcy so US Airways could merge with United.
Your first post on this thread that, once again,
YOU STARTED, talked about nothing but United and US Airways
FOR A FULL 16 PARAGRAPHS, complete with hyperlinks to no fewer than four news stories discussing United's current situation. It was only in the last three paragraphs of the mind-numbing 19 paragraphs contained in your initial post that you even mentioned America West and, even then, United still crept into the discussion.
And you still wonder why United employees and others (like myself) who value the truth respond to your posts? Even
you can't be that dense!
Frankly, I find it disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to start a thread that's mainly a discussion about United and US Airways and
THEN later whine about the thread being "hijacked by United employees". IMHO, that's the definition of a "wind-up artist".