320 -
Might I remind you that you are the most frequent participant, if not the biggest contributor, by virtue of the number of posts over nearly anyone on this "second-class" message board. But I digress...you have the freedom and the right to choose to post or read or to do neither.
I can't speak for Fly, but she probably wouldn't hurt, well, a fly.
You went way over-the-top and overreacted to her post, dragging all of your personal information back into play, again. That along with intimating and quasi-threatening to investigate anyone that doesn't come forward with their name, rank and serial number, is a bit dramatic.
Life hands all of us strange and curious obstacles and tragedies. You're posting to a large audience of participants that perhaps have suffered through and may be currently experiencing any number of losses, illnesses, pains, debt, abandonment issues, unemployment or the threat may be hovering over them, as well as a lot of other unfortunate life-changing events. If we're blessed to live long enough, we're going to experience a lot of good and not-so-good in the course of our lifetimes. Not everything bad that happens in life happens only to you and yours.
Sorry that you appeared to be having such a bad day, but this is just an internet bulletin board, keep it in perspective, no one is going after anyone elses family tree.
My apologies to Todd B, and everyone here for not remaining on topic.
Peace -