As a United F/A who I have never met, how would you know what my bride does?
By the way my wife has a degree in psychology, a MBA, and has completed work on her PhD.
For the past 12 year's she has spent her time helping raise our two children after we had two children die in independent car accidents. See we believe children are God's way of continuing the world, which is why we started a second family after we lost the first one. By the way, I could care less about people who insult others or pass on false information like you do. Do you know what it's like to bury two kids who died in car accidents without their parents involved?
In her spare time she has been a charitable contribution chairman for a program that raises over $90,000 per year for our children's school, she has served 6 year's on our Church Council, helps feed the homeless, helps the Victim's of Domestic Violence program become re-located, coordinates a 100-child Christmas gift program for kids of abused mothers, she has been the Director of our church's Vacation Bible School, she is now is the Team Manager for our daughter's competitive gymnastics team, recently volunteered to be the Treasurer for our son's Classic Soccer Team. In addition, she helps me a lot in our personal Commodity trading and Equity/Bond investing program.
By the way, what do you do in your free time?