Maybe i'm missing something here, but I think 320 pilot has a lot of good information. I think maybe people on these threads dont want to hear the truth about a DYING company, and are terrified at the prospect of looking for new employment. Especially those with no transferable skills!!!! There is life after USAirways!!!!!!!!767jetz said:Because I find you amusing. Kinda like I find the clowns at the circus amusing. (Hey, you asked...)
Don't read so much into it, Tokyo Rose.
And by the way, I didn't exactly "pounce" as you put it. Your M&A thread was around for a while. In fact I think I even let it go about 4 pages before I put my 2 cents in. I actually enjoyed reading your fellow employees tear you apart for a while.
P.S. With all due respect, you are so, so wrong.
very cute, FlyFly said:
What truth? The things that USA320Pilot posts have been proven time and time again to be, at best, his opinion, and at worst, out-right fabrication.NeedForSpeedNFS said:Maybe i'm missing something here, but I think 320 pilot has a lot of good information. I think maybe people on these threads dont want to hear the truth about a DYING company, and are terrified at the prospect of looking for new employment. Especially those with no transferable skills!!!! There is life after USAirways!!!!!!!!
I don't think it will happen, either, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that the two mergers are equally likely. HP and US have complementary route structures and very similar fleets (though the A320 engines differ). If US were to fall under HP management, with HP's cost structure, I feel pretty certain the airline would survive against WN. Just look at how HP's doing in PHX and LAS.funguy2 said:I do not believe a merger between America West and US Airways is any more likely than a merger between UAL and US Airways.
exactly but save your breathe they dont want to hear the truth or face reality !NeedForSpeedNFS said:Maybe i'm missing something here, but I think 320 pilot has a lot of good information. I think maybe people on these threads dont want to hear the truth about a DYING company, and are terrified at the prospect of looking for new employment. Especially those with no transferable skills!!!! There is life after USAirways!!!!!!!!
This would be bad for HP. Just look what US did to PSA after they took them over. I give HP 2 years after any merger with US, then bye, bye.USA320Pilot said:I have heard a US Airways - America West corporate combination is being discussed.
I don't believe afa will, not if the number pitbull quoted ($20,000) is close to being true. I can't see cwa either, after all the hits and part-times that this group has had to put up with. I guess time will tell. But I believe you're right about alpa, iam, and the 2nd bk.700UW said:ALPA will reach an agreement, maybe AFA and CWA will, IAM will not and then the company will file BK and blame the IAM.
Watch, wait and see.
Last month Dow Jones Newswires said the reason US Airways emerged from bankruptcy early was to merge with United.
but you made the point that the reason we emerged early was to merge with UAL....clearly you are will disprove you........the media version was the NPC thing.....PERIOD.....USA320Pilot said:Delldude:
I attended four bankruptcy court hearings and I fully understand the NPC issue. My point is Dow Jones reiterated what I said on this website that US Airways was seeking to acquire all or parts of United Airlines, presumably with RSA providing the financing.