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I'm ready to go AMFA


Local moved to Houston from grapevine tx after we booted them.
I am in Dallas in AMFA local 11.
We got the cash.

Are you telling me that once again Anomaly has been proven wrong and a liar?
I tried to reprint the table from the Department of Labor web site, but it did not turn out so well.

You can find out just how little assets this Local has by visiting


Once at this DOL site, find the tab Union Name by Abbreviation and go to the down arrow.

AMFA apparently likes to make it difficult to look up information and often changes the abbreviation. They are now listed as FAAM-AIRCRAFT MECHANICS ASN IND. They are listed near the top. Leave the rest of the sheet blank (no check marks) and click the submit button at the bottom of the page.

The next page will show you a results table and will have all the locals and amfa national. Just find the amfa local and tax year you want to research and click the highlighted link.

Local 18, never had millions. At best they came in with $857,121 BEFORE expenses.

IBT Local 19 moved to Houston from grapevine tx after we booted them.
I am in Dallas in AMFA local 11.
We got the cash.

Union Reporting History​

Suite 285
1420 W. Mockingbird Lane
DALLAS, TX 75247

Below lists all reports filed for this union. Scroll down to see a list of available attachments (including constitution and bylaws filed for that organization.
Select All Date Received Filing Type Fiscal Year Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Receipts Total Disbursements Total Membership May 02, 2012 LM-2 2011 Report $1,173,901 $1,938 $419,990 $345,445 906 Mar 10, 2011 LM-2 2010 Report $1,106,130 $8,323 $353,095 $400,156 933 Mar 19, 2010 LM-2 2009 Report $1,129,376 $621 $417,730 $288,745 660 Mar 31, 2009 LM-2 2008 Report $943,788 $0 $363,214 $236,119 677 Mar 24, 2008 LM-2 2007 Report $811,982 $0 $345,865 $155,257 672 Mar 13, 2007 LM-2 2006 Report $623,570 $0 $319,664 $169,765 687 Mar 30, 2006 LM-2 2005 Report $474,205 $0 $291,453 $108,094 713 Mar 22, 2005 LM-2 2004 Report $292,373 $0 $271,528 $122,691 675 Mar 15, 2004 LM-2 2003 Report $146,502 $0 $210,466 $75,921 689

IBT Local 19 moved to Houston from grapevine tx after we booted them.
I am in Dallas in AMFA local 11.
We got the cash.
Union Reporting History​

Suite 285
1420 W. Mockingbird Lane
DALLAS, TX 75247

Below lists all reports filed for this union. Scroll down to see a list of available attachments (including constitution and bylaws filed for that organization.
Select All Filing Type Total Assets Total Receipts Total Membership May 02, 2012 LM-2 2010 Report $1,106,130 $8,323 $353,095 $400,156 933 Mar 19, 2010 LM-2 2008 Report $943,788 $0 $363,214 $236,119 677 Mar 24, 2008 LM-2 2006 Report $623,570 $0 $319,664 $169,765 687 Mar 30, 2006 LM-2 2004 Report $292,373 $0 $271,528 $122,691 675 Mar 15, 2004 LM-2 2003 Report $146,502 $0 $210,466 $75,921 689

OK. (The DOL web site is much easier to grasp).

Above is Local 11. After bills, I still don't see the "millions" you describe. Keep in mind that this is just the basic earnings table. To find out exactly where Local is financially, you have to see the complete LM2's. This will tell you how much money is left after all expenses and cash disbursements. It will also tell you how much money Local 11 lost this year playing the real estate market (In all honesty, Local 11 seems to be trying to pull out of this traditional amfa practice)

One thing I did notice, all your officers are PAID employees of Southwest. They are on the active payroll and do not receive their pay and benefits directly from the union. To me, and many others, this is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. How do you fight a company BOSS who is paying your salary?
Your report shows we had over a million 2 years ago.
I don't know if all investments and assets are required in this reporting.
We have more money today and it is only going up.

How about showing IBT local 19 in the 1990s.?
We have plenty in long and short term investments and the books are open to all members at every meeting or anytime a member wants to see them.
Try that at the IBT.
I don't even think you know if these filings show our unions total assets.
But I can't make them out.
Since I an not our local treasurer I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but at all union meetings the numbers are shown and gone over for all to see.
Your numbers do not represent how we are doing financially.
I will let SWAMT post exact numbers if he wants, but don't think it is for non members to know exact numbers.

SWAMT, do you recall when we went over our first million in local assets?
ThirdSeatHero, on 14 September 2012 - 12:00 PM, said:

The quotes are from the Arbitration Case that was held on the matter. The fact that among the places its listed is IAM changes nothing of the subject matter

Nice spin

Spin? No, TRUTH.

Its not really suprising its something you fail to recognize.
I didn't know every word said here had to be fact checked.
I am not going to prove to you our locals total worth.
Because of that, I would like to change my original statement to say " our local has over a million dollars"

I will let other AMFA members discuss our exact finances if they want.
We have plenty in long and short term investments and the books are open to all members at every meeting or anytime a member wants to see them.
Try that at the IBT.

Psssst..... the books are open because federal law requires it. You can see everything you want ton the IBT or any other union on the same web site. Simply follow the same instructions and all the information is available.

Again, however, amfa tries to hide this by mixing up their abbreviations. They are now listed as FAAM under the DOL. Fraternal Aircraft Mechanics Association??

I didn't know every word said here had to be fact checked.
I am not going to prove to you our locals total worth.
Because of that, I would like to change my original statement to say " our local has over a million dollars"

I will let other AMFA members discuss our exact finances if they want.

Sorry about fact checking every word, but your side has been doing the same thing to me.

I will not argue your amended position, but still ask the question; With all your officers serving as paid employees of Southwest Air, and subject to airline policy and discipline, do you see a conflict of interest?

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